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So for those "claiming" their small 10-20 person guild cant compete with big guilds


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That's a lot of crafting materials for one person.


But hey, this is of course another "I can do it, therefore so can anybody else because I am the lowest common denominator" threads.


Honestly, the reality is that very few guilds that I've seen actually get over 10 million at all so far and these guilds are pretty big. I am sure if you play 6 hours a day or more and do nothing else but conquest stuff, you can go far....but just because something is technically possible, doesn't mean it is something that a lot of people will do.


And no matter the reason why, if most people end up feeling this contest isn't worth the trouble, it won't be considered content by most people anymore either.


Housing....much more fun. But hey, that's just my opinion.


This "no-lifer" argument is so old, washed up, and inaccurate it's pathetic, actually.


Last week I put up enough points on my own (for my guild) that it would have earned just my account a top 10 finish on any planet. In addition to that, I: worked 45 over hours and drove over 10 round trip to work, practiced my guitar for over 14 hours, spent an entire day playing on-stage with a group I sometimes play with, fixed my ailing sump pump, washed dishes, cooked dinner, watched TV, hung out with my wife, played with my pets, etc.


You don't have to be a "no-lifer" to play the game effectively. You may, however, need to be able to research, think ahead, and plan. These are things that adults with lives and goals and ambitions, and who succeed, do.


What concerns me most is the following: how much FUN has the OP, or anyone else for that matter, grinding like a monkey for ranking their guild in the top ranks?


Tis a game after all and well...


Some of us like a variety of things to do in the game. This makes the broadly scoped conquests interesting.


Some of us don't mind putting in a bit of effort at what might not seem like fun to get the fun. This is true of conquest, but it's also true of other worthwhile endeavours. What football players enjoy wind sprints? What guitarists enjoy scale drills? Yet they do those things so they can win football games or play the guitar like a mother f'n riot as the song goes.


Me, I had a lot of fun watching my personal and guild point totals jump every time I logged in my crafters. It made the wind sprints worth it.


You want to win, you want to play well, you gotta try. If you just want to goof around - run about the field while carrying the pigskin or be relegated to playing nothing but power chords for the rest of your life because that's "fun" and doesn't require "work", knock yourself out. Every event, every planet has 9 participation trophies for you to "win".

Edited by DarthTHC
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Doubt all you want, your flat out wrong

Many people have been putting these numbers up in many guilds

your 250 over 10 character is the unusual amount (IE: Extremely low)

From what you say above you are one of those players who hit the weekly mark and stop


Satisfied with what you did knowing if others carry the guild you will get your 10 guild rewards with out actually stepping up


Thats fine for you but its nothing to brag about imo.


Its easy to go over cap every week on multiple characters

So when you say you hit the cap you are actually telling us allot more then you intended.

You dont get the million because you dont want the million.


I'm sorry, but you miss a ton of my point. I should have been much clearer.


I got about 25k each, mostly by crafting. So I used my playtime to keep each of them gaining points for my guilds. If I had focused on 1 character only, I would have gained far fewer points in total. My 250k was helping my guilds more than 1 character getting 100k would.


Further, every character I get the minimum on gets me an encryption piece to donate to the guild. I'm sure they enjoyed getting multiple pieces from one actual person.


And yes, every time I killed a commander for the guild or joined their ops I got no points for that. Hardly "selfish" behavior. Not every guilds main purpose is to accumulate conquest points. If you are between 2 and 10 and solidly so, there's no reason to focus on conquest.


Then my main point, was in 20 hours doing the activity that most contributed to points this week I still only got a quarter of the numbers you are suggesting. Other than buying mats from the GTN, there was nothing more I could do to contribute points.

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This past week was extremely easy for those who knew what was upcoming, and had a large stockpile of mats (myself included). I think I hit the personal score on 8 of my toons, and rack up quite a high score on a few. The other weeks I hit the score on two toons each week. Not enough time dedicated to conquest points, where with crafting I just queued up and left. Typically I spend most of time in game crafting and gathering stuff, so this event was catered towards someone like me. However, if I may add on to that football analogy. Those large guys, some of them you don't want to bother when they are blackout. Some people you can catch with their pants down. Other's even if you knock them down, they get right back up and crush you.


This week, and there maybe similar weeks to this in other events, helped even the playing field in a sense. But claiming one way or the other this soon is pointless. Once every single event has played through, then we can make a statement on how competitive a small guild will be against a large guild. Until then, it's all just wasted typing.


I did find it amusing that someone decided that posting what they did during the week and that they were able to score points easily somehow helps build a case that it's about being smart. It is true that week was more beneficial to smart players, but it was so easy you could spend less and an hour a day in game. Those points rolled in. Telling everyone details and events and how many hours spent working, driving, "practicing" guitar makes someone like a pretentious clown. Being the elitist I am towards guitar playing, unless you are striving and working towards what these guys can play, have fun being mediocre.



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I find this an interesting discussion, and I can see both sides to an extent. It is true that a small but dedicated guild can punch well above its weight class, but there is still a point of diminishing returns at which it simply isn't possible to match a much larger guild, even if on an individual basis you outdo the larger guild's individual members. Perhaps that is as it should be. Perhaps not.


To take a real world example that I experienced this very week - and because Veritas and the Ebon Hawk have already been mentioned - my guild, the Space Ninjas, came in third on Voss this week where Veritas placed first. We are the smallest of the small guilds, consisting of five real-life friends and the son of one of us. Six people/accounts total. We do have an army of alts in the guild, and we are fairly dedicated crafters and have a decent amount of in-game wealth (we would have to in order to get a guild ship, right? And we did that on both the Republic side and the Imperial side for our mirror guild). We had targeted this week as a week we could crack the leader board. I had a plan and the materials stockpiled to execute that plan. Four of us, utilizing all of our crafting characters, busily worked away to finish in 3rd place (our other friend and his son weren't on this week and didn't really contribute).


Four people scored over 4 million points and took third place. It wasn't easy. It required dedication and some coordination - but it does prove that a small, dedicated team can accomplish a great deal in this system with proper planning. Still, for all that, could we have challenged Veritas? No way. We just wanted to get our tiny guild into the top ten and stay there. We did that, and now I really need to rebuild my crafting mat stockpile . . .:p


Edited to add: Since it's probably relevant, I should also note that all four of us are busy adults with full-time (and stressful) jobs. Just to curtail the no-lifer charge!

Edited by DegenCutter
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Gee, and I thought my 2 person guild was doing all right. I got the personal conquest done for 2 lvl 55 toons, through crafting, and Voss heroics, as well as other dailies. We got a grand total of 66, 675 points. Far from millions, lol. That said, I don't plan on conquering any planets any time soon. :D
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Quote: Originally Posted by Deewe View Post

What concerns me most is the following: how much FUN has the OP, or anyone else for that matter, grinding like a monkey for ranking their guild in the top ranks?


Tis a game after all and well...


For the 5th time


Had great fun because I really didnt do anything out of ordinary beyond planning and charting some crafting queues on characters I wasnt playing


But that took almost no time

Log in on character

set crafting queue for next 8-12 - 15 hours (depending on when I thought Id be able to be on to reset next queue) and then play my normal characters in their normal activities


Hard mode each day for 3 characters

tacticals each day for 5 characters

level 34 flashpoint if I have time for lowbie alt

3 ops a week

Oricon and CZ and other dailies and weeklies

Voss reputation runs


ALL Normal activities for me during a week

Honestly its this upcoming week I will step away from Conquest content


But heres the difference (once again as you all dont seem to grasp this )


If I get 0 points in a week and guild misses top 10

I applaud and congrats those that made the top ten and won the week

Good for them, they deserve it, they earned it


I don't whine and moan and groan that the system unfair and needs to be changed to suit my style of play.


Had great fun playing last week thank you

LOVED LOVED LOVED the 5-6 guild battle for 3-4 spots in top 10

Was fun, interesting, competitive, and pushed you to do better


This week upcoming is PVP and I have no interest in 55 PVP inside warzones.

So ill not get a ton of points this week because IT WOULDN'T BE FUN

But that's my choice and I'll still applaud those guilds that do step up and battle for top 10 ranking

I will not force myself to do content I do not enjoy (Like SW:TOR 55 Warzones)

But I will not blame those players who do enjoy it for doing it and being successful at it.


Sorry Deewe but your concerns are unwarranted

and even if they were warranted

It wouldn't change fact that my original post simply showcased how 1 person could build points.

and how a small group of players could compete with the large guilds for top spot by simply putting forward some effort and desire.

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My own small/middling guild will be taking the #2 spot this week. On average, we have 15-20 active players a day and we got just over 5mil points for the week, beaten out by a Guild with 6.8 mil.


So, it's possible to at least place on the boards as long as your guild is dedicated to it. That, I think, is the deciding factor.


On a side note, we've been steadily hit up by frustrated people from other Guilds that aren't trying as hard. So, there 'is' a shifting of players to Guilds that end up on the boards regularly.


thats not a small guild..more like a medium

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If you can do that, you can win. But you already know that and you're probably working on figuring out tweaks to your strategy for next time.


On the frustrated people leaving their guilds for bigger ones, my advice to the bigger, more winning ones is: be very cautious before you take them. It seems possible they're in losing guilds because they don't contribute and want the win without the effort. Just... be careful.


number 2 is not winning..number 1 is

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number 2 is not winning..number 1 is

If that is your only criteria for conquests, I can see why you're disappointed.


But surely you realize that there are a limited number of top spots. This means that a huge number of guilds on every server will lose in a particular week, no matter what.


Personally, I'm happy to make it on the leaderboard, and perhaps win on the 12-planet week when the competition is more spread out.

Edited by Khevar
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A guild of 5 players beat our guild of 500, all because of crafting.



It can be done, so people need to put up the work if they want to win


A small guild we are, but a guild of 5 players is a bit off, just cause we dont get many more than 5-7 non raid times doesnt mean we dont have different people in the guild. Now of course we dont have the numbers you do, but we do have dedication, we never expected to win any week, just place, but when we saw our chance we took it.


With a good strat and the time we were playing made it possible, your guild while huge loses players later in the night, while ours stayed on to help "keep it close" all week, we could have pulled ahead at any time during the week but keeping you thinking we were not gonna catch up was key, mind you we dont expect it to happen again but it was a good race.

Edited by biggsexxxy
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