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Bosses dropping stacks of decorations


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Several bosses in the game drop decorations by stack. So far I've observed it firsthand on the Golden Fury (both SM and HM) and Soa (HM; haven't done SM after GSH was released). There are two annoying things about this:


  1. It feels very unfair that one person gets 4 or 8 decorations and others get nothing. I'd rather run the operation 8 times and get one decoration every time than have a chance of getting 8 on each run (and still have a 1 in 3 chance of getting nothing after 8 runs).
  2. There's no indication in the loot list that there's more than one of that item. If you've never won it and no one has told you, you can't know that there's actually more than one.


The same applies to stacked crafting material drops. I suggest that the items are distributed evenly, starting from the highest roll. If there are less rolls than there are items (because someone passed, or rolled greed when others rolled need), those with the highest rolls get multiple items.

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so put it on master looter and distribute them as you please.


That only works with guild group, really. No PUG is ever going to use master looter. The whole point is that redoing old content is pointless if you can count on getting screwed 7/8 of the time in a PUG. If you can't do it in a PUG, it's not really worth the time to begin with.

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That only works with guild group, really. No PUG is ever going to use master looter. The whole point is that redoing old content is pointless if you can count on getting screwed 7/8 of the time in a PUG. If you can't do it in a PUG, it's not really worth the time to begin with.


I did the other day and no one had an issue with it. On the Red Eclipse that is.


It doesn't hurt if you inform people beforehand as to the "why" you're doing it. If you're both polite and civil, no one usually objects.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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so put it on master looter and distribute them as you please.

Can I put an item up for a normal roll from master looter though? If I can't, it creates a lot of extra work for handling the five other items that drop. I have to call for /rolls in chat and hope that everyone notices it and knows how to /roll.


Also, see my second point: I don't know which bosses drop stacks of items. Should I just use master looter defensively on all bosses then, and waste 10-15 minutes per raid on manual rolls?

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Can I put an item up for a normal roll from master looter though? If I can't, it creates a lot of extra work for handling the five other items that drop. I have to call for /rolls in chat and hope that everyone notices it and knows how to /roll.


Also, see my second point: I don't know which bosses drop stacks of items. Should I just use master looter defensively on all bosses then, and waste 10-15 minutes per raid on manual rolls?


10-15 minutes? What are you smoking? :confused:

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Can I put an item up for a normal roll from master looter though? If I can't, it creates a lot of extra work for handling the five other items that drop. I have to call for /rolls in chat and hope that everyone notices it and knows how to /roll.


Also, see my second point: I don't know which bosses drop stacks of items. Should I just use master looter defensively on all bosses then, and waste 10-15 minutes per raid on manual rolls?


Master looter lets you assign drops 3 ways:


Assign to one person, broken down by class

Take the item yourself

Random Winner


If you don't care who gets it, and want everyone to have an equal shot at it, use Random Winner, it triggers a Need roll from everyone automatically and distributes the item based on that. It's actually FASTER to use master looter assigning to a random winner instead of round robin since the master looter will be the only one needing to push any buttons to distribute loot, and you don't have annoying popups on loot you don't really care if you get or not.


The only time master looter is time consuming is when its stuff that people ACTUALLY want (since then you have to roll, look for the winner, distribute for each item). But then that is exactly when you want it to be master looter...

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Yea.. it's annoying on a lot of angles. Multiple loot items should in theory be divided up into single rewards.


Even using master looter and you give the item to the person they get the whole stack as well.


So you have to TAKE it yourself and then do a quick "Top xx rolls get".. problem is we have Arse clowns that rip off people and magically "Crash" right after grabbing to "hand out" so in general PUG's are not very trusting.

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