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Tier 6 Crew Missions


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It didn't bother me before, when there was little reason to get purple tier 6 after 2.0, but after strongholds, the devs MUST balance the tier 6 missions. There are at least 7 Rich Gift, and there are no bountiful or rich metals/fabric. They should eliminate 3-5 (would like only 2 left) gift missions and add two bountiful and one rich of both metal and fabric.


Hell... swapping 4 gift missions for one rich and one bountiful for each of metal and fabric (total 4) would be an even trade and be much more balanced.

Edited by sentawan
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ALL grade 6 materials crew skills do not go over abundant EXCEPT for Rich grade 5 companion gifts. Abundant grade 6 materials missions are the best you will get.


Pre-2.0 this was done as a method to limit materials acquisition. With 2.0 and grade 9 materials the devs altered course. But like in so many other MMOs the SWTOR devs did not go back and "fix" previous stuff - they simply left the old stuff as it was and moved on.

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ALL grade 6 materials crew skills do not go over abundant EXCEPT for Rich grade 5 companion gifts. Abundant grade 6 materials missions are the best you will get.


Pre-2.0 this was done as a method to limit materials acquisition. With 2.0 and grade 9 materials the devs altered course. But like in so many other MMOs the SWTOR devs did not go back and "fix" previous stuff - they simply left the old stuff as it was and moved on.


Why would they fix it if it wasn't broken? There were only 2 levels of gear that needed those grades of mats (unlike the other grades, which support 8-9 character levels), and gear progression past trainer-schematic-crafted gear was to use comm and dropped gear. When 2.0 came out, (a) it was a paid expansion, so it makes sense that the devs made the new (51-55) trainer schematics use new mats only available on the new planets and with the new crew skill levels, and (b) since there were few (if any) new schematics that needed the Grade 6 mats, there would be no reason to change what was already working.

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ALL grade 6 materials crew skills do not go over abundant EXCEPT for Rich grade 5 companion gifts. Abundant grade 6 materials missions are the best you will get.


Pre-2.0 this was done as a method to limit materials acquisition. With 2.0 and grade 9 materials the devs altered course. But like in so many other MMOs the SWTOR devs did not go back and "fix" previous stuff - they simply left the old stuff as it was and moved on.


So true - and previously when people complained about the lack of mission for G6 (pre-strongholds), I didn't really pay it much attention as I didn't see it as an issue.


Though with strongholds it is a bit of a hassle to get G6 materials unless you have a bunch of 340 slicing mission unlocks.


And if nothing else, they could clean up the G6 mission skill mission lists by removing G5 gifts. I never understood why G5 gifts were included in G6 mission anyway - not like they don't already choke up G5 missions.

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