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Space PVP Shout-Outs


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So MaximillianPower (Zuckerkorn in GSF) mentioned the other day that maybe we should start up a space PVP shout-out thread for JC. I looked, and was kind of surprised that there wasn't one already, so figured I'd start this one up. I'm not looking at this like an "Aces" thread, so much as a place to give shout outs to either compatriots who you love flying with, or opponents who make your palms sweat in matches.



  1. Please try to keep it to people who are active.
  2. Not necessary, but would love a quote about the person you want added.
  3. Please don't add yourself.
  4. Keep it civil.


Pub pilots -



  • "You can fly a strike with me any day. Holla!" - Zuckerkorn
  • "Part of the I'sys, Battledress, Udezak terror from the opening months of GSF, and while a lot of that group seems to have retired, he's still out there going strong." - Graendahl
  • "One of the best bomber pilots I've seen.." - Vehementt
  • "Going back to the 1st days of GSF I always hated seeing Battledress and Udezak... It usually meant a loss as imp side we were pretty terrible back then, but it also made me better." - Blud'oh
  • +1 Sal'vor




  • "I'sys has been around since the beginning, and is quite solid on just about any ship, but seems to shine with a GS. He's swapped mid-match and vaporized me from distance more times than I care to think about, and yet... I always know it's him when it happens before I even see the emote." - Graendahl
  • "Awesome GSer...gotta work hard to find him" - Vehementt




  • "Great gunship, and even better wingman." - Hawkë




  • "Perhaps my arch-nemesis on JC. He's killed me more times with that stupid feedback shield than I care to think about. Honestly, who uses that?!" - Graendahl
  • "High damage, high kills." - Varoca




  • "GM extraordinaire" - Zuckerkorn




  • "Fanteen, Fantean... I've noticed a pattern with all of the variations. Let's just say I tend to keep an eye out if I see him in the match on the opposite side." - Graendahl
  • +1 Sal'vor




  • "one of the few flashfires that can actually hunt down and murder me when I'm in a GS" - Buggles




  • "mobile and deadly" - Buggles
  • "Damn good Gunship pilot....always finds the threat fast" - Vehementt
  • +1 Sal'vor




  • "seem to work in tandem gs/flashfire style, remind me of the Sedins in hockey" - Buggles




  • "only a novadive and flashfire on his bar, but clearly that's all he needs." - Zuckerkorn
  • "I was in a small group, and we were flying our joke ships against out-manned competition, when this pilot named Scrabs showed up on the pub side. People kept switching to better ships, and Scrabs continued to kill them. More people started joining our group just so they could take shots at him and watch him fly." - Marttell




  • "If he’s not being swarmed, I’ll try to get in a dogfight with him because they can be so fun. He always forces me to pay attention and up my game." - Marttell
  • +1 Sal'vor




  • "flies both sides. He is another pilot that flies everything well and is always someone I note when facing." - Marttell




  • +1 Sal'vor




  • +1 Sal'vor




  • +1 Sal'vor




  • +1 Sal'vor




  • "I have noticed you plodding towards satellites in your bomber. When I see you, I will focus you. Meaning, I will give you my undivided attention. Because I don't want you actually making it to that sat... once you do, you will become very difficult to remove." - Zuckerkorn



Imp pilots -



  • "One of the few pilots out there that can swing even a lopsided match in his favor. At least, if he stops messing around in non-gunships. :p" - Graendahl
  • "Awesome all around pilot" - Vehementt
  • +1 Sal'vor




  • "Ultimate team player. He's actually a lot better than his stats (which are usually quite good) would often lead you to believe. He's acutely aware of the field and what his team needs most to win." - Graendahl
  • "Awesome support class...fun to run with" - Vehementt
  • "another good pilot, very good in a gunship. And really a great guy to hang out with." - Marttell
  • "'Zuckerkorn recieves damage overcharge!'
    Me: oh crap
    Zuckerkorn 1 shots 5 players before the match is 30 seconds old." - Sal'vor




  • "Here's a quote for Tylenol, especially when flying his bomber....'Son of ***** is dug in like an Alabama tick.'" - WedgeFan (Special shoutout to Jesse Ventura in Predator!)
  • "Admitted he doesn't even know what a scout it... le sigh." - Graendahl
  • "Great at finding out the enemy and destroying fast" - Vehementt
  • +1 Sal'vor




  • "Great wingman and team player. I'm not sure he has a 'best ship', which is funny, because most of the old dogs definitely have one they go to in a close match and they want to win." - Graendahl




  • "do NOT make this guy mad or he'll make your game a living hell" - Zuckerkorn
  • "Keenz is hilarious (and sometimes effective) when he goes on a multi-match-spanning vendettas..." - Buggles
  • "Awesome pilot...can turn the tide quickly" - Vehementt
  • "I played a deathmatch against an Imp team with a bunch of 2 shippers and Keenz, and Keenz got like 34 out of 36 Imp kills, it was ridiculous." - Sal'vor




  • "frequent flyer and reliable contributor" - Zuckerkorn
  • "He complimented me, and that warmed my heart. Then I turned him into space dust. ;)" - Hawkë
  • +1 Sal'vor




  • "I've seen him on both a GS, and in a Sting, and I think he's equally deadly in both. He simply HAS to be neutralized, or we've already lost the match. He's also an elusive SOB, even in a Mangler. Not too many people can keep me at bay in a GS for a minute or more as I chase them." - Hawkë




  • "He's capable of killing me in his Sting even if I know he's there. The list of people who can do that is pretty short." - Graendahl




  • "16 kills in a Bloodmark? Say WHAT?!" - Graendahl
  • "Eichman, reliable contributor on the imp side." - Buggles"
  • "Ideal scout pilot...even deadlier with a GS" - Vehementt
  • "He’s so intimidating, he can AFK at a satellite and hold it just with his fearsome reputation." - Marttell
  • +1 Sal'vor




  • "Sobozi, reliable contributor on the imp side." - Buggles




  • "a guy I can always trust to be in the right place at the right time" - Zuckerkorn
  • "One of the best pilots I've seen all around" - Vehementt
  • +1 Sal'vor




  • "I don't know how many alts this dude has, but I know of at least three, and they're all deadly." - Zuckerkorn




  • "took me to task in pre-match chat for not mentioning him (jokingly)...then proceeded to rack up 23 kills and ended by whispering: 'And THAT'S why.'" - Zuckerkorn
  • "really good pilot in everything. Great pilot in a Gunship. Always fun to play with and against." - Marttell




  • "Great pilot in everything he flies. Really good in strikes, which is rare. Also, he never seems to bail on hard matches and usually will fly about even in K/D even when facing a team full of vets while his team has 7 other guys asking him in chat how to fire their missiles.'" - Marttell




  • +1 Sal'vor




  • +1 Sal'vor




  • +1 Sal'vor




  • "I've been pitted against him here and there, and he almost always seems to keep me on total lockdown, especially in a DOM. Hell of a lethal shot, and is extremely slippery. #Rspkt!" - Graendahl



Unknown Faction - :rak_02:


  • "he's the best gunner i have seen in all of life. <3" - LordCaramun
  • "How the in the hell did I make it in this thread?! I've GSF'd exactly 1 time. Space PvP too hard. Pls Nerf." - Artod


*Note - If you see someone on the list, and want to agree, toss out a quote, and I'll add it to them, as attributed by you.

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Thanks for starting this. As you noted I've been thinking about it.


Good choices there, I agree with them all. You've already mentioned several of the guys I would have called out; that Graendahl dude is pretty good too, lol. And you mentioned Hebel, but what about his evil twin, Dark Hebel? Anyway, some elaboration and a couple of additions:


Marttell - my most frequent off-hour compatriot (because, you know, there just aren't a lot of people GSFing at 11AM during the week), and a guy I can always trust to be in the right place at the right time (like K'orvith)


Battledress/Battlemagus - good to see you out of those bombers, dude. You can fly a strike with me any day. Holla!


Taracron/Daracron - GM extraordinaire; I have the same comment as above re: bombers - I know you're good at those, but it's good to see you in something else


Keeeeeeeenz - do NOT make this guy mad or he'll make your game a living hell. Maybe a bit of an anger management problem, but he makes it work, and manages to elicit, uh, a broad spectrum of positive and negative response. I think that's the most PC way to put it. Would like to see him try something other than the T2 scout or T3 GS - I think he'd be great at anything.


Buggles*** - I feel like this guy has a dozen alts, all starting with Buggles, but maybe they're actually different players - I guess it's possible. Anyway, a frequent flyer and reliable contributor, another guy I see in multiple ship types.


I'll add names regularly, there are certainly a lot more. Don't feel slighted if I left you out, this is just a start.

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You've already mentioned several of the guys I would have called out; that Graendahl dude is pretty good too, lol.

Yes, well I thought it would be kind of strange to give a shoutout to myself. :eek:


And you mentioned Hebel, but what about his evil twin, Dark Hebel?

Oddly enough, while I know about him, I don't think I've ever flown with the darker alter ego.

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Buggles*** - I feel like this guy has a dozen alts, all starting with Buggles, but maybe they're actually different players - I guess it's possible. Anyway, a frequent flyer and reliable contributor, another guy I see in multiple ship types.


Thanks for the shout-out! As far as I know, all the Buggles are me. My main as far as gsf goes is Bugglesleya, but when I'm levelling alts I'd much rather play gsf on stock ships than kdy until my eyes bleed or, worse, run planetary quests for the zillionth time. I end up getting most of the XP through it. I feel like it also makes me better overall, since it's hard to learn how to really play a blackbolt effectively when I always have my mangler/sting safety blankets to fall back on.. no such comfort on an alt with no req :D.


I'd add Eichman and Sobozi as reliable contributors on the imp side, and double that Keenz is hilarious (and sometimes effective) when he goes on a multi-match-spanning vendettas...


As for people who I hate to play against, [i'm terrible at knowing whose alts are who, so I might be doubling people already on the list] would add: Evnon (one of the few flashfires that can actually hunt down and murder me when I'm in a GS), Q'ishi (usually only seen on gs, but pretty mobile and deadly), and Civla/Micla (who always seem to work in tandem gs/flashfire style, remind me of the Sedins in hockey).

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Wait wait wait......there is a Martell that flys pub side? What madness is this?


Good catch, Marttell is imp. He has at least one pub alt, but not under that name.


My initial nominations were just the folks who happened to be "top of mind" at that moment; nobody should feel slighted if I didn't mention them yet. So, in that spirit, two additions:


Vehementt - earlier today before a TDM, took me to task in pre-match chat for not mentioning him (jokingly)...then proceeded to rack up 23 kills and ended by whispering: "And THAT'S why." Touché, sir, touché.


Fasex - I don't know how many alts this dude has, but I know of at least three, and they're all deadly. Another guy who knows how to be in the right place at the right time.

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I nomnat JMD as SPACEPVP NITMODE WRLDFRST nd neone who disgrez cn go fk der mudders bcuz thay re t-rol cwrds.

I have no idea what you are saying... :rak_02:


How the in the hell did I make it in this thread?! I've GSF'd exactly 1 time. Space PvP too hard. Pls Nerf.

Errr... Again, no idea. Was just going off the nomination. :confused:


Good catch, Marttell is imp. He has at least one pub alt, but not under that name.

Hmmm... Not sure why I was thinking he was pub... I must have just noticed him more when *I* was flying pub...


And now that you mention it, you have me second guessing myself all over now... Fasex is Imp, yeah? And not sure I've run into Vehementt... Which faction?


Also, finally got around to adding in my quotes.



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Pub pilots -


  • One of the best bomber pilots I've seen..


  • Awesome GSer...gotta work hard to find him


  • Damn good Gunship pilot....always finds the threat fast


Imp pilots -


  • Awesome all around pilot


  • *Awesome support class...fun to run with


  • Great at finding out the enemy and destroying fast


  • Awesome pilot...can turn the tide quickly


  • Ideal scout pilot...even deadlier with a GS


  • One of the best pilots I've seen all around



I'm Imperial btw

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Must immediately add "Scrabs" to this list...only a novadive and flashfire on his bar, but clearly that's all he needs.


I'm assuming this is the same guy as the legendary Scrab I've read about in the GSF forum, but if not, he's doing a respectable imitation. Over a half dozen games, I'd say he averaged 19 kills/80k damage...and given that I've never seen him on JC before today, I can only assume these were stock ships, or close to it. He was solo-capping sats, sneaking up on us from behind in TDMs and bursting us down in seconds...overall, a very impressive performance, leading to some amusing rage on our side. Personally, whoever he is, I'm hoping this guy sticks around. Looking forward to more matches against him. They were some of the most entertaining games I've played in a while.

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Thanks for starting this Graendahl. The GSF community is so small, it’s good to have a place where we can acknowledge other pilots. And good to hear from you. I don’t think I’ve seen you in a game for months. I was getting worried that you’d disappeared like so many other pilots. Anyway, just wanted to contribute. There are more I should acknowledge. But wanted to fire this off today with some accolades for some unacknowledged pilots, as well as some that are already on the list. Apologies in advance for leaving lots of people out.




Ketch – ran into Ketch a few times a couple of weeks back, so I assume he’s still flying. I think he’s a really good pilot. If he’s not being swarmed, I’ll try to get in a dogfight with him because they can be so fun. He always forces me to pay attention and up my game.


Calkege – flies both sides. He is another pilot that flies everything well and is always someone I note when facing.




Maldarus – Great pilot in everything he flies. Really good in strikes, which is rare. Also, he never seems to bail on hard matches and usually will fly about even in K/D even when facing a team full of vets while his team has 7 other guys asking him in chat how to fire their missiles.


Vehementt – really good pilot in everything. Great pilot in a Gunship. Always fun to play with and against.


Zuck – another good pilot, very good in a gunship. And really a great guy to hang out with.


Eichman – Eich is a great pilot, but like many of the older vets, seems to be taking it a lot easier these days. I rarely find him in his Sting anymore. Sometimes he flies a Rycer and sees how much damage he can take without dying (I think he got to 36K without any deaths once using only Quick Charge Shields and Spanner). Funny story. I was in a group one time with a couple of other pilots. A domination game popped. Eich went to C and captured it solo. I went B. Minimal resistance showed up and we took B. I got a phone call and had to leave after parking under B. I came back and I was dead and B was gone. The rest of the team was all over the place, accomplishing nothing. I went back to B, to try and retake it, but it was like 4 v 1 with turrets. After dying multiple times and losing the game, I asked him what happened. Apparently, he got bored when nobody came to C and took a cat nap on the couch. Since he didn’t hear any lasers, he never got up to see if we needed any help. So there ya go. He’s so intimidating, he can AFK at a satellite and hold it just with his fearsome reputation.



Lastly, wanted to thank Scrabs for stopping by this afternoon. I was in a small group, and we were flying our joke ships against out-manned competition, when this pilot named Scrabs showed up on the pub side. People kept switching to better ships, and Scrabs continued to kill them. More people started joining our group just so they could take shots at him and watch him fly. We probably matched up against him in 4-5 games. And he completely carried his team in all of them. Awesome pilot and lots of fun to fly against. Hope he comes back.



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Must immediately add "Scrabs" to this list...only a novadive and flashfire on his bar, but clearly that's all he needs.


I'm assuming this is the same guy as the legendary Scrab I've read about in the GSF forum, but if not, he's doing a respectable imitation. Over a half dozen games, I'd say he averaged 19 kills/80k damage...and given that I've never seen him on JC before today, I can only assume these were stock ships, or close to it. He was solo-capping sats, sneaking up on us from behind in TDMs and bursting us down in seconds...overall, a very impressive performance, leading to some amusing rage on our side. Personally, whoever he is, I'm hoping this guy sticks around. Looking forward to more matches against him. They were some of the most entertaining games I've played in a while.


He brought his toon from Harbinger over. We played A LOT of games on JC yesterday and lost.... maybe one? In that maybe one though, I'm pretty sure we came back and won the denon match 1000-989 (had to 3 cap). Lots of fun, but varied difficulty of opposition (my own ship is only like t2 with some t3 components.) Butttt Scrab is still a monster :)

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He brought his toon from Harbinger over. We played A LOT of games on JC yesterday and lost.... maybe one? In that maybe one though, I'm pretty sure we came back and won the denon match 1000-989 (had to 3 cap). Lots of fun, but varied difficulty of opposition (my own ship is only like t2 with some t3 components.) Butttt Scrab is still a monster :)


Awesome, welcome to the server. May I ask who you were flying as? Since I ran into Scrab, I'm sure I ran into you too. Though we won most of the games we played against him, so maybe you're referring to different set of matches. All of them were good/close, however.

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Thanks for starting this Graendahl. The GSF community is so small, it’s good to have a place where we can acknowledge other pilots. And good to hear from you. I don’t think I’ve seen you in a game for months. I was getting worried that you’d disappeared like so many other pilots.

I still fly, but rarely do much more than the daily/weekly with Graendahl, although I seem to be flying more with her lately than I did for a while. I kind of took 3-4 months "off" where I barely flew a match/day, and then finally decided to start maxing out all the ships on both sides for the achievements.


I probably fly more Pub as Hawke than I do on Imp side right now, just because the faction imbalance seems to be leaning Imp side, so it's often more of a challenge to go after the Imps than the Pubs, especially flying solo. It's getting to be a bit more challenging lately, since Zuck, Ko'rvith, Buggles, Jaheesh, Eich and them all know my alt now, so running into a game with them often ends up with me being a focus. I still figure it's a win, because demanding the attention will often open things up a bit for my allies.


Finally started talking to I'sys yesterday, and am starting to think it might be time to start making friends over on Pub side, rather than just going in and trying to blow up the world solo. So who knows, you may start seeing me out there in premades with Hebel, I'sys, Battledress and others sometime soon! :D


Also, updated as of 9/25.


And thanks to all who stop by and read or contributed! :)


And as an aside, I'm actually glad to see SammyG and Scrabs rolling over here, especially pub side. Pub side generally needs more good pilots right now, and it would be nice to have real games when I'm on imp, rather than just letting everyone else fight it out while I dither around not doing much.

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I watched you play as Hawke for the first time last night....and put Zuck on lockdown. It was some of the best piloting I've seen in a while. Kudos.


All the names here are ones I pay particular attention to anytime I see them on the other side. To do otherwise is to invite death. I'm no hotshot either....I just try to make you all move. Every second Zuck or Jaheesh is dodging or running from me, is another second they aren't lining me up for a rail shot (although it still happens more than I like).

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I watched you play as Hawke for the first time last night....and put Zuck on lockdown. It was some of the best piloting I've seen in a while. Kudos.


All the names here are ones I pay particular attention to anytime I see them on the other side. To do otherwise is to invite death. I'm no hotshot either....I just try to make you all move. Every second Zuck or Jaheesh is dodging or running from me, is another second they aren't lining me up for a rail shot (although it still happens more than I like).


Bolded for emphasis. I've rarely been hammered as badly as I was in that game.


That said, what you may not have seen was the game immediately preceding the one you described. It was also a TDM, and Hawke and I went at one another there as well. In that first match, I think he'd agree, I got the better of him...not a stomping per se, but I definitely popped him a few times, and the 50th death was me blowing him up.


In the second match, I was the 50th death, killed by Hawke. Which followed 7 or so similar deaths. There may have been some rage involved.


As he succinctly stated in post-match general chat (maybe you noticed this): "poetic, in a sense."


A couple of great/fun games, for sure.

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I probably fly more Pub as Hawke than I do on Imp side right now, just because the faction imbalance seems to be leaning Imp side, so it's often more of a challenge to go after the Imps than the Pubs, especially flying solo. It's getting to be a bit more challenging lately, since Zuck, Ko'rvith, Buggles, Jaheesh, Eich and them all know my alt now, so running into a game with them often ends up with me being a focus. I still figure it's a win, because demanding the attention will often open things up a bit for my allies.


Just want to clear this up, because it's a bit of a peeve of mine: I can't speak for those other guys, but I don't focus anyone. I hear this a lot. You are not the first person to assume I'm focusing you, but honestly I don't. Don't get me wrong, I'm most certainly aware of you - but I only focus ship types, not pilots. Mostly I simply shoot stuff, prioritizing bombers and gunships, and then the least evasive/readily available targets in range. Meaning, if you're in a T2 scout but next to a strike, I'll shoot at the strike; you may get some ion love, but you weren't my primary target. If you're alone and in my sights, then you will get my undivided attention.


This includes even last night's shenanigans; when I popped you in that first game, it was more because you were in the wrong (right?) place at the wrong time. Def not focusing. Trying to focus a T2 scout on a GS is just dumb. If anything, I should avoid you, but in practice I ultimately move around a lot and only shoot the better FF pilots when I've caught them unaware (or at least when I think I have).


Confusing matters may be the way I target...you may see I've targeted you, and that I'm charging the rail, but I'm probably not actually aiming at you. In fact, if you see you're my current target, you're almost certainly safe from me.

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Bolded for emphasis. I've rarely been hammered as badly as I was in that game.


That said, what you may not have seen was the game immediately preceding the one you described. It was also a TDM, and Hawke and I went at one another there as well. In that first match, I think he'd agree, I got the better of him...not a stomping per se, but I definitely popped him a few times, and the 50th death was me blowing him up.


In the second match, I was the 50th death, killed by Hawke. Which followed 7 or so similar deaths. There may have been some rage involved.


As he succinctly stated in post-match general chat (maybe you noticed this): "poetic, in a sense."


A couple of great/fun games, for sure.


To be fair, you had Jaheesh, Buggles, and Fauxx in there with you for the first, and Jaheesh at least admitted that he was targeting me all match. I remember mentioning something about the people I saw before the match started, went about circling a bit, kind of looking for Jaheesh, and out of nowhere, got blasted by you. I saw the emote, and when I was waiting to respawn typed in, "Jesus! Zuck's in here too?!" And of course, by the end, you were all on gunships, and I had to make headway largely eating the others on your team. If I went for you, Jaheesh or Buggles would get me, and vice versa. So yes, I was going at you. And Jaheesh. And Fauxx. And Buggles...


It was definitely a lot of fun, and I was indeed death #50. I still disagree with that, though, because when I blew up, I had you LOS'd on my screen, but we were down by 8 or 9, so it probably wouldn't have mattered. Despite the 7 deaths, I still came out on the positive side, although I think I got only ~12 kills.


The next one wasn't so much rage, but I definitely smelled blood in the water. You had no Jaheesh or Buggles in the second game, and even with some of the other gunships around in that one (I think someone said you had 5?), you weren't as organized. And Mesas in TDM is definitely "my map", so to speak. That's one where I love hiding in the weeds, and coming up from under the gunsheeps, and I know pretty much all the escape routes, and know exactly where I am at all times without needing the map. You know how I said I often just go fly around in lopsided TDMs? Yeah... That one's my favorite for that. Boosting through all the tunnels and scaffolding setups in there is SO MUCH FUN!


I must say, I won't ever tab past you again, though. :p We were up by double digits at that point, and you were playing with other people, so I figured I'd let them have you, and not 3 seconds later, I had the explosion and emote. After that, it was definitely no mercy :D. And I was glad I had the chance to get you for #50. When we hit 49 and I didn't see you, I considered telling everyone to back off and run, and let me hunt you. ;)


As I said, it was poetic. You had hit me for #50 in G1, so I definitely felt a sense of poetic justice when I got you for #50.

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Confusing matters may be the way I target...you may see I've targeted you, and that I'm charging the rail, but I'm probably not actually aiming at you. In fact, if you see you're my current target, you're almost certainly safe from me.

Yes, most of the better gunships will end up tabbing through to see who's closest at any given time, and not worry too much about keeping their target actually targeted, because you don't need to with no lead ret.


And I guess when I say it, I'm not thinking like Keenz, where the person who blows him up becomes the only thing that exists in the game.


When I say it, it's more of a slang reference to you knowing who I am, and I guess know that I can be deadly when I'm trying, and am someone to watch out for. I guess it's a bit of a misnomer because the term "focus" implies that something has undivided attention. That's not what I'm thinking. If I were to say I "focused" you in the 2nd match, that doesn't mean that I was looking for you, only you, and ignoring everything else. It means that I was constantly on the lookout for you and a charging rail glow-y thing. I'm saying I become *A* focus. Not that I become *THE* focus. I'm very well aware that your true focus is on winning the match, which means killing as many people as possible.


I certainly don't mean to imply that you all were looking at me, and only me, because we would have won while you wasted all your time trying to get me.


EDIT - Case in point. If you were truly focusing me and only me, I wouldn't have had to go try to break up your gunship line, because you would have been doing that yourself looking for me.

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Also, note how I said what I said, which you highlighted:

so running into a game with them often ends up with me being a focus.

I said "a focus". Not "the focus". The point is you all know exactly who I am when I fly as Hawke. And as we've talked about before, you know I don't plan on pulling many punches when in games with you.



And to head this off at the pass, I mean a similar thing when I say something like this:

and Jaheesh at least admitted that he was targeting me all match.

Again, I don't mean I'm the only target he ever shot at. Just that he was on the lookout for me, and if he saw an opportunity, he would take it.

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Every second Zuck or Jaheesh is dodging or running from me, is another second they aren't lining me up for a rail shot (although it still happens more than I like).

To be frank, it happens a lot more than I'd like as well. They're both capable of popping me at all kinds of what I would have thought would be impossible angles. I honestly can't say which I think is better, but a lot of times, they both make me feel like they're better than I am. And the 2 of them together is pretty much a terror. :eek:


Thanks for the compliment, though! :)

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