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Looking for feedback/interest level.


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So I think at this point, it's pretty clear that we won't be getting any kind of real training sim for GSF. And while I don't post on the forums really at all anymore, I will still occasionally lurk, and I've noticed a pretty recurring theme. People asking for help, people asking if there's a training mode coming, people asking how things are happening, etc.


There are plenty of guides out there, some of them quite good, but all of them take a good bit of time and effort on the part of the reader (especially new) to go through and parse, figure out what's being talked about, etc., and I kind of get the feeling that most people aren't going to go through the trouble... The new players get crushed in their first couple of games, and get frustrated, and many of them probably never come back for anything other than to grind out the weekly/daily quests.


So I've had a thought. Rather than start my own guide which would undoubtedly be worse than Stasie's, I've been thinking about starting a new toon into GSF, and doing in flight tutorials, and posting them on YouTube, and linking to them here. It would allow the viewer to actually "see" what it is I'm doing, when I'm hitting abilities, how I'm aiming, etc.


I'd start with a stock ship, which is what I assume any newb would be doing, go over the ships (probably focus on a scout, and maybe a SF, since I don't think I'm really qualified to do these with a GS), and then get into some battles, and then explain why I'm upgrading the way I am, etc.


If I were to spend my time to do this, would there be interest in it?


And also, what kinds of things would people most want to see or have me go over?


It's just starting to seem like video tuts would end up helping out the newer players more than another guide. The biggest downside is it wouldn't really be interactive, since I'm not going to stream them, as it would introduce massive lag issues for me.

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Your target audience won't respond to this thread, but if you have some well spoken youtubes I imagine they'll be linked in new player guides for a long damned time. Especially if you show the button mapping and explain all of that stuff. A fan-made youtube instructional set would definitely help the game.
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Your target audience won't respond to this thread, but if you have some well spoken youtubes I imagine they'll be linked in new player guides for a long damned time. Especially if you show the button mapping and explain all of that stuff. A fan-made youtube instructional set would definitely help the game.


I have a full sound studio in my apartment, along with Final Cut & video capture programs. I think I could make a pretty epic series if someone wanted to design a cool logo (cuz if it's gonna be done, we're gonna brand the heck outta it!). Hell, even with the game capture footage I could commentate on it if someone wanted to put out a video but didn't want the world to know that they have an accent, or a speech impediment, or a missing tooth that produced a "whooooosh" whistling sound whenever you pronounced "th".


Assuming you could get a group of 8 (or a guild w/ at least 16 peoples) you could coordinate / script movements to convey specific strategies in specific sequence especially if everyone is running vid capture so you can adjust perspectives and clue people in as to where they should be moving (an old soccer coach said that "Running and playing without the ball is just as important as having it") in addition to high end tactical maneuvers which will be expanded upon using thesweet and sexy baritone voice of the commentary. Interesting idea

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Assuming you could get a group of 8 (or a guild w/ at least 16 peoples) you could coordinate / script movements to convey specific strategies in specific sequence especially if everyone is running vid capture so you can adjust perspectives and clue people in as to where they should be moving (an old soccer coach said that "Running and playing without the ball is just as important as having it") in addition to high end tactical maneuvers which will be expanded upon using thesweet and sexy baritone voice of the commentary. Interesting idea


Well, I wasn't so much thinking higher level, group strategy, so much as something that people could watch so that they wouldn't get into a match and fly right into the tower on the pub capital ship or something. So while what you're talking about would be pretty righteous, I think that's a bit beyond what I had in mind.


I'll try to give it a shot this weekend, and post a link here for feedback, I guess.

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We're sorta saying the same thing.




I don't want to manage everything, i'm thinking crowd sourcing everything to the community. One thread crapper totally destroyed the momentum, I've got the web service done for the mentoring functionality, I could take a step back and add one for articles as well very easy if you and say, statise want a place to call your own.


I was thinking of adding visual ship builds that could be created by the community at a later date.


I was going to do the user experience stuff this weekend and beta late next week/end


If aimbot wants a video section, I'll host it as well.

Edited by zaskar
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We're sorta saying the same thing.




I don't want to manage everything, i'm thinking crowd sourcing everything to the community. One thread crapper totally destroyed the momentum, I've got the web service done for the mentoring functionality, I could take a step back and add one for articles as well very easy if you and say, statise want a place to call your own.


I was thinking of adding visual ship builds that could be created by the community at a later date.


I was going to do the user experience stuff this weekend and beta late next week/end


If aimbot wants a video section, I'll host it as well.


Again, this is getting a bit beyond where I'm planning on going right now. I'd be happy to contribute to what would effectively be a GSF site, and I'd be happy to mentor, but for this specifically, let me see how things go with a video or 2 first. I've got a couple of ideas already, and have the first video or 2 largely outlined, so it will be just setting up my rig to capture the screen and audio, playing with things to get the best settings, and pounding it out.

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