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Decorations Wishlist Thread


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While I have a lot of fun collecting and decorating my home with tons of cool stuff there's one thing that I found very disappointing and that is how some pretty neat things have been left out, both in current available decorations and future additions.


For example, we don't get Mandalorian Banners, which I know over 1000 players across all servers want, because Mandalorians are very popular, but we get the banners of House Rist, you know, those one-note villains that only show up on Alderaan and didn't really add much to the story other than being a minor annoyance, they were assassins I think, kind of forgetable?


In future packs we'll also recieve the Banners of the other Alderaanian houses, now let me ask you this, Bioware:


WHO asked for this!? Who seriously went to your doorstep and begged you to put these banners that NO ONE really cares for in the game?


I for one didn't ask for it and I certainly don't care for House Rist or the other bickering upper-class snobs on that dull planet, I get tired when doing the missions there, IT IS BORING. The Rakghoul event at least made it more interesting and the setting is lovely, but the story missions are dull.


And we get the banners of these idiots running it to hang in our homes?!


And I know that there are players who RP as members of some of these houses, I am not telling Bioware to remove them, but please, add Mandalorian Banners, add Sand People Banners, add the Banners used by the Dread Masters! These are banners that the majority of players actually WANT. Why not go the extra mile and add banners for the Chiss Ascendancy and CEDF (Chiss Expansionary Defense Force), because there are just as many players RPing Chiss as there are players RPing Alderaan Nobles.


I think we need more decorations and there are plenty of cool things in the game that I would love to place in my stronghold, so I'll leave a list here. Please make your own suggestions so that Bioware eventually notices this!



Mandalorian Banner

Dread Master Banner

Sand People Banner

CEDF Banner

Chiss Ascendancy Banner

Old Sith Empire Banner



Voss Lamp (the lamps seen in Voss homes and the Temple of Healing)

Small Holocron of Fear Lamp (The ones seen hanging in a chain from the ceiling in Dread Palace, gives green ilumination)

Small Holocron of Dread Lamp (The ones seen hanging in a chain from the ceiling in Dread Palace, gives red ilumination)

Large Holocron of Dread Lamp (Like the one hanging above Darth Ikorals throne in The Red Reaper flashpoint, gives red ilumination)

Large Holocron of Fear Lamp (Same as Holocron of Dread, but green. Gives green ilumination)



Ancient Voss Console (Like the ones seen in the ruins during the Ancient Guardians heroic)

Energy Prison (Like the one seen in the Bounty Hunters player ship)


If anyone has other suggestions, please leave them here!

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There's a couple things I'd like to see:


Solar Panels The models already exist. They only really make sense for the Tattooine stronghold but they'd be perfect for it. You could make the same argument for Vaporators but there's already a couple in the Tattooine stronghold so It's a bit redundant.


Holostatues I'd love to be able to place Holostatues like personnel/pets/companions. Ideally it'd just be the base projector until you click them on but any way of having owned Holostatues as decorations would be great.

Edited by OriginalLadders
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