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Can We Have GSF Training Ground Please?


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Personally, I would prefer group instances, not open instances. You just know some jerk would go in there just to start messing with the newbies.


Hell, I could teach someone quite a bit with VIOP (they could type questions even...) and the initial tutorial if I could hop into it as a group and set me up as an "enemy".


I'm not saying I don't love the idea of taking a current TDM, removing the power ups for turrets or drones (including mines, preferably), and letting people in there in pairs or 4s or whatever, but I'm not on board with the idea of it being totally open to the public so anyone can wander in. There are enough griefers out there who would ruin some of the benefit of having the instance, and there's a lot to be said having the instance be behind closed doors.


I know you're thinking large scale, and so someone can just hop in and start learning solo, but you can already largely do a lot of that with the current tut, as bad as it is. I don't believe there's a timer, there's a turret to shoot at, some space to play in, you don't take damage, etc (Although please, for the love of god, let me get rid of all the stupid control pop-ups that stop interaction every 2 seconds...). But the best learning environment I can imagine is one where there's an actual teacher. Get a teacher and a student(s), and let them go into a controlled environment. It's not like that's not the Jedi/Sith way or anything... Well... Maybe the Sith don't care about the control part... But it's still a Master : Apprentice relationship.


Like I said, what i'm asking for is an afternoon worth of work; what you're asking is significantly more. You have build all the who can enter logic and tools, if you limit it to group types sooner or later someone is going to need to be able to flip a toggle and make themselves or someone else in the group unfriendly. This adds a layer of complexity that would make it from a small thing for the community to an actual time investment of several days if not more.


Currently I do what you're talking about in live matches and it works out fairly well. I cannot however help them learn beyond the very basic things unless I swap sides and ignore the actual game.

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Either the devs have a very strong philosophical attachment to the, "Throw 'em into the meatgrinder and see if any survive," approach to training (which I kinda doubt) or they simply were not budgeted the resources needed to create a halfway decent training environment for GSF.


I'm not so sure about that. There's no training session for ground pvp. A level 10 gets pitted against level 10-29 players, who may have markedly different levels of ability, and Bolster only evens the playing field in stats and output of abilities.

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I'm not so sure about that. There's no training session for ground pvp. A level 10 gets pitted against level 10-29 players, who may have markedly different levels of ability, and Bolster only evens the playing field in stats and output of abilities.


But those players just spent 10 levels learning the basics of shooting at stuff. I'd wager around four hours. Not two minutes in a tutorial that is at best an afterthought.


I do think the budget and the design where two very different things. The addition of new companions but no story and nothing beyond the very quick intro just screams content on the cutting room floor to me.

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I would strongly support some sort of training ground. I would suggest some specific small scenarios.


1. Defend a captured satellite. A player would be assigned to defend an already captured satellite, would start earlier to make sure he got there before attackers. One or more attackers would try to capture it. There would be 3 levels, with one, two, or three attackers.


2. Fox and hounds. One player would be assigned to be chased, he would not have any offensive weapons but would have all defensive and mobility abilities. One or more players would be assigned to shoot him down, the defender would try to stay alive as long as possible. Again, 3 levels, with one, two, or three attackers. This way each player can concentrate on either defensive or offensive skills.


Stats for these scenarios would not be counted for kills, deaths, wins or losses for these training scenarios.


It would probably be even better if a pve version of the training scenarios could be implemented, but that might be asking for too much.

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I'd like training ground and/or a lobby. Never ending Map where you have an option to spawn in while in queue. Maybe some race track gimmick in there. Even hazzle flee free flight with no timer in any of the maps could be cool for new pilots, RP guilds,screenies.



While we are touching the topic of atmospherics..

- Option to launch to battle from Fleet; you'd actually see your star fighter take off from Capital Ship deck.

- Return to fleet after done. Return in flames&burning ship if defeated. Rreturn to rain of underwear and stuffs if victorious. Of course, these would have to be cut scenes because it apparently causes physical pain to devs to add any kind of Non-player character animations to anything in this game ever for any reason.

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