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Conquest system now non functional for casual pve only players


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the currebt conquest stem prevents casual PVE only players like myself from

1) actually attaining the award

2) being able to make any real contribution to the guild conquest


the current system means that you are creating a 3 caste system top caste is the rabid PVP minority, middle caste is the Elitist ( aka PRO) guilds that demand a minimum of playtime, then the poor downtrodden underclass that you just want to rob - the casual player who cannot take part



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And you can't get points why? I don't do Ops, FPs, or pvp, yet I'm able to craft my way to the 35k points easily...


Sure, but you won't be able to do that every week, week after week...


You'll run out of mats sooner or later, or you'll do a lot of dailies to pay for them, which sounds like a monster waste of time. The rewards are worth less than the mats.

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Sure, but you won't be able to do that every week, week after week...


You'll run out of mats sooner or later, or you'll do a lot of dailies to pay for them, which sounds like a monster waste of time. The rewards are worth less than the mats.


Do what i do with the conquest system........nothing.

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I would fix the situation by removing the Legacy-wide lockout from one-time objectives, by allowing one-time objectives to be repeatable ONCE DAILY instead of weekly, and possibly by adding random multipliers to certain objectives (say, every day there is a 1.5x points multiplier to 3 randomly chosen objectives, does not stack with invasion multipliers).


Currently it's only workable for people in very large guilds and people who PvP constantly.

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  • 1 year later...

Since this post is already here, I will just add to it. As a casual pve player, I can't participate because for example the crafting allows me to craft one invasion force and that is it. That is not enough to earn the max points to get the reward. Each week I have gone into see what I can do and the only repeatable content has been Hard mode ops/FP and pvp. I agree this makes it impossible to help the guild in the conquest or make it worth my while.

So my suggestion to fix. Allow repeatable content in crafting, in SM solo Flashpoints. Make sure there is a way for casual player (not into PVP or operations) to be able to reach the conquest goal.

Thank you,

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Some weeks can be better or worse than others, depending on your preferences. But yeah, conquest has been rather rough in its organization / formatting since day one of it being added to the game and they've only made it worse by making more things use that horrible "once per legacy" restriction (kill it, remove all traces of it from the game, it was a horrible mistake that never should have been allowed) and by changing heroics to a weekly limit. I've said it all before in other topics, but what the whole thing has needed since day one is a major revamp so that:


1) Every planet and dailies zone needs a Conquest Mission Terminal. This could likely be converted from the current terminals for heroics and dailies/weeklies. Each terminal would include a list of daily/weekly missions for the planet which could include things like heroics / dailies (including also the weekly that calls for completion of all of those heroics / dailies), rampages (kill target missions broken up by region and/or by enemy type), bounties (named targets like the ones currently listed for some achievements, plus of course the world boss), pvp (kills only count in target areas centered around each faction's conquest commander and each faction's forward outpost), supply runs (deliver specified crafted goods such as war supplies or assembly components to NPCs on the planet), outpost defense (each faction gets a new outpost around the center of the world map, check in there and the game will spawn waves of enemy NPC attackers that you must defeat), recon missions (similar to GSI dailies, could check out enemy forces with macrobinoculars and and disable enemy traps with seeker droid), assault missions (a daily asking for any conquest commander kill and a few faction base guard kills, plus a weekly asking for a named commander kill and several faction base guard kills), and anything else that they can think to add.


Instead of maybe 1-2 out of the week's 3 targets (or 1-3 out of the week's 5 targets) having conquest objectives asking to complete heroics / go on a rampage / kill faction base guards, every conquest week needs to have an objective for every location covered that week which awards points for the completion of any mission on that planet's conquest terminal. (Possibly add a disclaimer that daily missions count once and weekly missions count at least 3 times.) The point value for this master objective would be very very low (like 100 points), but guilds would get a very significant bonus (like x10) for their chosen target's objective to encourage guild activity on the planet that they're supposedly "invading".


2) Where part 1 covers the basic heart of the whole thing and puts the word "conquest" into the conquest system, part 2 is all about the grindy / competitive aspect of conquests. Currently conquests have a grind for competition in the form of the "complete a warzone for 250 points", "win a warzone match for 500 points", and "complete a starfighter match for 500 points" objectives. But where PVE is concerned the relevant objectives fall short of being applicable in a competitive sense because they limit each character to earning the points only once per day for each category in group finder (tactical, hard mode, and operation) while the PVP grinders get to earn their warzone or starfighter points dozens of times (limited only by however long the queues are taking).


I want to see flashpoints and operations on a system that goes by a boss kill counter. One objective shared between them both. And my example suggestion would have it that points are earned for every 3 "kills" and there are disclaimers stating that solo FP bosses count x1, tactical / story FP bosses count x2, HM FP bosses count x3, SM OP bosses (and world bosses?) count x4, and HM/NM OP bosses count x5. Something along those lines makes it so that one single objective awards repeatable grind points for all flashpoints and operations with the payout rate scaling to match the scope and difficulty of the content being played.


This objective also cannot be cheated. If someone were to try to do what people did for Battle of Ilum and False Emperor when conquests first launched and the objectives for the specific flashpoints were flagged as repeatable, if guilds were to have lone stealthers rushing to the end and inviting others just in time for the last boss / last conversation to get credit for "completing" the flashpoint... Players only get credit for the content that they participate in personally. You do not get any credit for fights that you skip.


I kind of also think that they could rethink the PVP objectives. Set up the heart of the PVP competition to be based on completing the PVP objective (yes, just one objective) once for every 100 points earned (or whatever the best target to shoot for would be) and then instead of it only being based on completing matches it would have disclaimers listing out point values for all of the types of things you can do in a match. Just throwing some numbers out randomly as an example, perhaps you get +5 points just for being there, +10 points for being on the winning team, +1 point per medal earned, +5 points for capturing an objective, +1 point per each minute defending an objective, +1 point per kill or assist, and so on. Being an active player earns you more credit towards the objective so that you can earn those points more often than you would if you just sit in a corner and wait for the participation trophy.


And I think that for crafting the competitive objective also needs some counter like that, and I think that it needs to be pretty wide open on what counts toward that. Say that they aim for something like 50 or 100 or whatever. We can make assembly components, bonded attachments, cell grafts, Ind/Syn prefab kits, fabricator designs/crystals, Universal prefabs, dark projects, and all of the war supplies to get credit towards the objective. And the objective description will have a disclaimer listing out what different tiers of items are worth towards that total. The lower grade the required materials are and the quicker the items are made -> The less that item is worth.


3) The third point is the aspect of conquest that they already do well at for the most part, and that's the way they create themes for each week. Points 1 and 2 create the foundation of the conquest system as a general concept. It's about "conquering" planets and having guilds compete with each other for rankings. But they feature additional objectives on top of those foundations to create extra emphasis on different aspects of the game in different weeks. We have crafting weeks, flashpoint weeks, and operation weeks. They feature additional objectives for each specific crafted item, each specific flashpoint, and each specific operation. And we have weeks that correspond with the in-game events of Bounty Week, Rakghoul Resurgence, and Relics of the Gree. Those last three are not incorporated that well though. They need to add objectives to earn points for bringing in bounties during Bounty Week, for completing Rakghoul dailies during Rakghoul Resurgence, and for completing Gree dailies during Relics of the Gree. Currently the bounty one has nothing that actually ties it to Bounty Week, and the Rakghoul/Gree ones only have (once per legacy) points for their event's operation boss.


Edit: Ha, just noticed that the person before me necro'd an old topic.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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Old or not, its still valid.


I think conquest should be crafting, repeatible quests on that planet, and when it comes to player versus player *winning* based. No conquest points at all for a lost PVP or GSF match.


If a casual did all the heroics on a planet, and met both crafting objectives, they should be able to get one character into points. I find it disappointing the planet quests got turned into weeklies, and that conquest in general, has little to do with actual conquest of the planet.


I lamely get 100K+ per character from doing totally irrelevant PVP or GSF matches nowhere near whatever planet is "conquested".

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Oh, I wasn't dismissing the issue. Just noticed the necro as an afterthought.


and when it comes to player versus player *winning* based. No conquest points at all for a lost PVP or GSF match.


Wow. I wouldn't quite go that far. But you can see the approach that I would suggest in what I wrote in my last post, which would be to lessen the impact of "just being there" and make it based more on actually participating in every way you possibly can.


The numbers I threw around are not meant to be final but using those numbers a player who just hid in a corner waiting for the match to end and contributed in no way to the team's efforts would earn the points for the objective once every 20 matches (or if they lucked out and got in all winning matches despite their leeching, I suppose it would be once every 6-7 matches) all while a player that gets a few medals / kills / captures / etc. might expect to earn their points once every 3-4 matches (slightly better with wins) and a player that really excels at PVP might earn their points once every 1-2 matches (slightly better with wins).


The actual numbers could be chosen to be something that allows the really outstanding PVPers to earn points more often than once per match. Normal players putting in a decent effort should be approaching that "once per 1-2 matches" range. Leechers would of course do far far worse. Not zero, but still bad enough that it wouldn't really be worth the time they're putting into it.


Also, ideally the goal ought to be (though I acknowledge that it's an impossible dream and it can never be done perfectly because of unpredictable and variable queue times) that all grind activity (FP, OP, WZ, GSF, and whatever else) ought to aim for being able to earn at roughly the same rate. Like if Player A spends 2 hours running tactical flashpoints and Player B spends 2 hours running story operations and Player C spends 2 hours in unranked warzones and Player D spends 2 hours in starfighter, they all should have earned roughly the same amount of conquest points as each other in that time.


Crafting is a trickier situation to talk about balancing but I'd hope that with my suggested counter on the objective and its tiered item values for many different types of crafted items... Crafting also ought to follow this principle where points earned and time invested scale together in a certain way. The suggestion I described for crafting would have it so that we would only see guaranteed points on every item crafted when there are additional objectives added for those specific items in a crafting themed week. Otherwise each item is only partial credit towards the grind objective and the number of times you can earn points from the objective for each batch of 30 items (if you queue up, log out, then come back later after it's all been finished) may be something like 0-5 times depending on the type and the grade/mark of items that you make.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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