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Make Legacy Linked Conquest Task Give Points To All Toons


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With the current system, any conquest task that are 1 time will complete it for your entire legacy but only the toon that actually completed the task will get points while placed the lockout for all of your other toons on your legacy. Seeing as BW has decided to make almost half of the task linked to Legacy with today's patch, I suggest we change the way the legacy lockout works. There are really only two ways of changing it. First way is when you complete a legacy wide conquest task, those points go to every toon in your legacy. The other is to remove the legacy lockout. All of the 1 time conquest task will only complete on the toon you completed it on and not lock out all your toons. There are no reasons why my Jugg should lock out my Sniper when my Jugg completes the task "Crafting: Invasion Force".
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There are really only two ways of changing it. First way is when you complete a legacy wide conquest task, those points go to every toon in your legacy.

This proposal I disagree with. I shouldn't get a total of 40,860 points (9 Imp toons, with 78% Stronghold bonus) for just doing HM BT once including the Bonus Boss. Just doing 5 HM50 FPs shouldn't get all of my toons 60% of the way to their 35K goal.

The other is to remove the legacy lockout. All of the 1 time conquest task will only complete on the toon you completed it on and not lock out all your toons.

This proposal I agree with. That said, I see no evidence that a Conquest-specific per-toon lockout mechanism has been coded into the Conquest stuff. The per-toon lockouts they do have in Conquest are just piggybacked on pre-existing daily and weekly lockouts.


I guess they could just add some new Weekly missions (For example, "Complete BT (any difficulty) [WEEKLY]", "Defeat BT Bonus Boss in HM [WEEKLY]" and so on) with trivial rewards, purely to impose a once-per-toon lockout on Conquest objectives. That seems pretty easy and wouldn't require much new coding. Tait, please pass that idea along, would you??

Edited by BuriDogshin
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