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need help with gunnery please


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I've read all the different guides on this form and several on other sites as well im just not sure what im missing exaclty when it comes to parsing on a dummy.


For stats :


3658 aim

1694-2212 primary damage

100.25% accuracy

27.19% crit chance (206 rating) ( i've tried removing and adding crit and it doesnt seem to make much of a difference)

72.96% crit multiplier


tech :


1688.3 bonus damage

27.57 crit chance

72.96% crit multiplier


also i have a 180 main hand barrel and a 186 armoring in my offhand,and i do have the 4 piece set bonus.


so my problem is that my parses are really low when it comes to how geared i am. here are a couple parses http://www.torparse.com/a/747475/1/0/Damage+Dealt


any help would be much appreciated,thank you.

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The most immediately apparent things are that you're not using plasma grenade or mortar volley. Plasma grenade you'll want to use only with reserve powercell, and mortar volley only when there's nothing higher priority that will come up while it's channeling - higher priority being a grav round if it will proc CoF, demo round, HIB, electro net or reserve powercell + plasma grenade, or if it'll put you into low ammo regen when you don't have a way back out


Without digging into the parse further, which I haven't done, it's hard to say for sure, but it does look like your hammer shots usage is a bit high, which might indicate ammo management issues. Work in hammer shots before you dip into low regen - use it when you can't proc CoF yet, or otherwise right after getting a proc, when nothing else is up. Since the change to make the proc 100%, you don't need to spend CoF right away so you can proc again. Instead you want to get the proc ASAP, but can then use 2 GCDs on HS for regen, or DR/HIB/etc so they come off CD again quicker.

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