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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Open PvP


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Well, what about PVE players who don't have 180 gear yet? Should we bolster open world for them as well?


The problem is that you get operations-level gear in operations, where you need it for the next level of operations and nowhere else. Yet that gear can be used everywhere, so BW adds in Expertise and Bolster so that gear won't matter anywhere but in the operations, where it's supposed to matter.


Which is why I suggest capping open world gear and giving op-level gear bonuses that only work in ops (or other instanced PVE which makes sense to have "gear checks").

That's some idea as well. But then again better gear is not a problem when fighting mobs, it's the pvp combat that becmes very uneven. So maybe this cap should apply oinly to pvp combat.

Actually gear collecting is kind of weird when it comes to PvP as this promotes spending lots of time hammering WZs over being actually skilled :p Maybe its that PvPrs are scared of being owned by new players who catch on quicker :p I mean, why make the game harder for new people, if they don't know how to play in the first place? They don't have the practice, even with equal gear they should be loosing anyway.


Yes you're "crying" there will never ever be balance in open world PvP. only way to get balance in open world pvp is once fight start's both are strip of all gear except a thong and given a light saber and 1 attack.

I don't know if you're a game designer but I hope you're not as you fail to see it is possible to make a game so that different character types have equal, or at least close chances when fighting. Take a look at Starcraft and its 3 different races for example. Or maybe you like games where you win, not because you're better at it but because the rules say you always win. But that's for lame people, isn't it? :p

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That's some idea as well. But then again better gear is not a problem when fighting mobs, it's the pvp combat that becmes very uneven. So maybe this cap should apply oinly to pvp combat.

Actually gear collecting is kind of weird when it comes to PvP as this promotes spending lots of time hammering WZs over being actually skilled :p Maybe its that PvPrs are scared of being owned by new players who catch on quicker :p I mean, why make the game harder for new people, if they don't know how to play in the first place? They don't have the practice, even with equal gear they should be loosing anyway.



I don't know if you're a game designer but I hope you're not as you fail to see it is possible to make a game so that different character types have equal, or at least close chances when fighting. Take a look at Starcraft and its 3 different races for example. Or maybe you like games where you win, not because you're better at it but because the rules say you always win. But that's for lame people, isn't it? :p



Honestly I don't PvP much getting old and I just don't have those twitch reflexes when I was young. Now if this came out in 1974 when I was in high school maybe I would fair a lot better. Name me one PvE based MMO that has good balance on the PvP side open world combat .

Edited by Curbhunter
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That's some idea as well. But then again better gear is not a problem when fighting mobs, it's the pvp combat that becmes very uneven. So maybe this cap should apply oinly to pvp combat.

Actually gear collecting is kind of weird when it comes to PvP as this promotes spending lots of time hammering WZs over being actually skilled :p Maybe its that PvPrs are scared of being owned by new players who catch on quicker :p I mean, why make the game harder for new people, if they don't know how to play in the first place? They don't have the practice, even with equal gear they should be loosing anyway.


My point was to reduce the complexity of the system instead of adding to it. Level 53P (IR 156 gear) is enough to handle current open world leveling content, and it's equally available to everybody. You can get better gear without ops, but PVE gear (available with Basic, Elite, and Ultimate Comms) and PVP gear (available with WZ comms) is different, and that's where the Expertise starts coming into play for current gear tiers, which is why I suggest capping at IR 156 [this is in theory -- if the devs actually implemented my suggestion, the open world level would probably be a lot higher, since people would whine if they "lost" power, so it would best be done with a new level cap and new gear tiers]. But it's easier to explain my suggestion using the current level cap and gear tiers.


BTW, levels 1-50 (now 1-55) are where you are supposed to "learn how to play in the first place". Expertise and operations gear are for endgame*. A level 35 PVEr should (in the open world) be on equal footing with a level 35 PVP player gear wise. If you are getting beaten regularly by lowbies, you need to practice, not look for better gear.


* Yeah, a very small amount of Expertise was available to lowbies, not sure if it still is, but I never heard of it being a significant factor.

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Done and done, expect friendly GSI satellites with a PvP bolster in an orbital station near you next.


I think BW is going to make it so that Legend status with KDY will allow you to access Makeb if you haven't reached level 47 in 2.10.


Seriously, as much as I think the GSI Bolster satellite buff is lame, I don't think it has anything to do with the current discussion (PVE v. PVP). When BW ditched Class Stories for Faction Stories, they forfeited a lot of guaranteed replayability. Making challenging faction-story missions that scaled up for groups, dividing Makeb into multiple small, unconnected regions, and then overpopulating those regions with stealth-detecting mobs with large aggro radii did not make running now identical missions across all of your same-faction alts more enticing.


Basically, people didn't see much/any reason to redo Makeb, especially since most alts will outgear it anyway, so I think they think making it Grad School (jr high?) for KDY grads will do something for it. IMO, it's both too much and too little, and much too late.

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If you are in a questing area you've already got some PvE gear.


Bingo but yu will never convince bad pvp player of this truth


To them Expertise is what gives them advantages (in and out or warzones)


Talk to really skilled PVPers and they could care less about expertise crap


its a stat put in to bolster bad pvpers into thinking they great pvpers


As for OP post, sounds like you need to leave the pvp server .


What it sounds like your looking for is consentual pvp some of the time and rest to be allowed to pve in peace


you will not find that on a pvp server

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