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Quick Question About Armor


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So I'm levelling pretty fast right now with my Sith Juggernaut, I'm over halfway to max level at lvl 29 (almost 30.)


So my question to the more experienced members is this: Since I'm a Sith Juggernaut is Strength really the only quality that matters in items to me?


For example, say I pick up an item that has +9 strength in changes, but in every other category it loses out to what I'm wearing already.


I.e. -5 fortitude, -8 willpower, -9 Endurance but it would have +4 strength. Should I still switch it out just because of that +4 strength?


Sorry the wording is a little awkward, hope I got my point across though. Just trying to figure out how to be the best juggernaut possible lol. :p

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Like the poster above said cunning willpower aim ect is useless to a with warrior In your gear. For getting new gear it's all up to you, does the small damage boost you get warrant the life drop you will receive or vice versa, will you get a lot more armor but lose damage? It all doesn't really matter while leveling, for me I usually liked to take the high HP items and low stat ones because the damage difference was always so small and at low lvls you're always so squishy more hp is usually good, but that's my own personal opinion
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Paraphrasing what Dulfy website and people on Fleet chat generally say, Juggs should focus on Strength, Defense Rating, Shield Rating, and Absorb Rating. Which of the ones you want to focus on after Strength is up to you, but those are generally the stats people recommend.


That being said, I was assuming a Tank Juggernaught.


Dps Juggernaughts focus on Strength, Power, Alcaricy, Surge, if I remember right


General rule of thumb: regardless of class, focus the non-endurance one, and then decide defense/offense/heals and work to improve the stats for that choice.


And I'm in the camp that screams to ignore Critical, but that's me.

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