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@ All the lvl 40+ Marauders


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I have one question for you guys: Is it worth it? I hear different opinions non-stop and never seem to find a definite answer. Is lvling a marauder fun/easy? Or is it difficult/tedious?


All in all, I have a juggernaut and I really want to make a marauder but idk if it's worth it to lvl another SW if the class is "broken" like lots of people state.


Level 50 Marauder: In my experience, its a very fun class to level, easy at times, at other times it can get very rough. It all depends on how you look at it. Surely i died _alot_ playing mine, but my motto is nothing ventured, nothing gained, and therefor i got a bit too coc*ky many times, and took on alittle bit more than i should have had. If you take the safe road and wait for your cooldowns to be ready every time, go in at max hp etc. You'll have no problems at all from 1-50.

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Don't know what the trouble is you guys are having. Level 40 marauder, I can solo on-level gold elites using Vette, and my gear is questing blues and greens.


Only time I have trouble is when there are at least 3 silvers together.


I have to say though, I can't imagine playing this class effectively without a gamepad or some other sort of way to manage so many hotkeys. You really do have to pay attention to every ability you have. The only one I've found useless to the point of taking it off of my hotbar is retaliation, and even that can be useful if you spec into cloak of annihilation.


[Edit] One of your most important abilities that may be overlooked is disruption. Having a short cooldown interrupt can be a lifesaver against silver and gold mobs, so watch for that nasty nuke cast or self heal!

Edited by CaptainBarbosa
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My Personal, Incomplete and Mostly Obvious Observations

By Kaelthun




Thank you for the time and effort you put into this post. I agree with the general section and can't speak to the pvp section. But mostly I want to know that your observations are appreciated.


I for one am currently lvl21 and levelling as Annihilation with a point or two in Defensive Forms [carnage tree], and in general can solo all of the solo-oriented content. I rarely die to a single elite enemy, can take on 3 strongs and barely survive, and don't worry about groups of 4 minions unless my health is < 50%. All of this is with Vette as I just got Quinn, and I have no interest in Quinn's heals at this point. I make sure that my sabers and Vette's guns are as top notch as I can keep them, and swap between commendations and drops for upgrading both of our gear as much as possible. Disregarding really stupid moments, I tend to die about once every 3 levels. And I love it. I intend to keep at this until I hit 50, and then enjoy an alt until 50, and repeat as long as I can.

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