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Returning Sub looking for an active Republic Guild


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I have just returned to the game after about a 8 month hiatus (been back for around a month) and am looking for an active guild that plays around 8pm-12am server time. I currently have a 55 Commando healer (156/162 gear) and a 55 Jedi Guardian (148/156 gear).


All of the guilds advertise that they are active, friendly, helpful and run FP's/Ops. But in all the cases I have seen they usually deliver on one of them or in extreme cases...maybe two. I would like to run Ops but I have only run a few of the classic ones to date. Probably the biggest thing I am looking for is that the guild is pretty organized. They don't need to be on the cutting edge of progression but they do need to be friendly and helpful. I use TS3, Mumble, Ventrilo or Raidcall for VOIP services (if that matters)


If you thik your guild fits the bill or know of a guild that might, please drop me an ingame message/mail or just respond here. For those of you that take the time to read and reply, thank you....I really appreciate it



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Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


Hi Eventiine, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. You mentioned you are interested in end-game, our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday 7:30PM-10PM Central (sounds like it falls into your available range) but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are currently working on 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Operations and dipping in on Nightmare on occasion. If people still need to gear up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights and if not we have been doing various achievement runs! :rak_03: Also, we have a Guild Flagship and are hard at work running Conquest events with guildies!


If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

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