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  1. I have just returned to the game after about a 8 month hiatus (been back for around a month) and am looking for an active guild that plays around 8pm-12am server time. I currently have a 55 Commando healer (156/162 gear) and a 55 Jedi Guardian (148/156 gear). All of the guilds advertise that they are active, friendly, helpful and run FP's/Ops. But in all the cases I have seen they usually deliver on one of them or in extreme cases...maybe two. I would like to run Ops but I have only run a few of the classic ones to date. Probably the biggest thing I am looking for is that the guild is pretty organized. They don't need to be on the cutting edge of progression but they do need to be friendly and helpful. I use TS3, Mumble, Ventrilo or Raidcall for VOIP services (if that matters) If you thik your guild fits the bill or know of a guild that might, please drop me an ingame message/mail or just respond here. For those of you that take the time to read and reply, thank you....I really appreciate it Mystine
  2. I am in CST zone and would like to talk to someone a bit more about your guild. Please feel free to hit me up in game. I also went to your site but did not see a "apply or join" button. It also seems like the site has little to no activity so just wanted to make sure you guys are still around with an active player base Thanks, Eventiine (40 Jedi Guardian)
  3. Maybe I should not have had that last Brutus at Applebee's before making that post........... To clarify, I would like to join a casual guild to finish leveling in ( I am not looking to be power leveled) some chit chat however would make the the mind numbing questing go a little faster. Also the ability to pick some folks brains about my class, spec, etc. would be beneficial too. I love to raid and would like to ultimately earn a raid spot ( I obviously have some levels to go still), however I am looking for a more casual schedule with the times starting around 8pm cst. (If there is any chance of me making a team of course) I would like to get into hard modes (not sure what you call em here) so even if you are not at that point but are working towards that goal I would luv to be a part of that as well. Most of my raiding was done in WOW. I was playing since about 2 months after intial release. I tanked pretty much the last 3 expansions but blizzard swings the nerf bat so fast at the raids it really kills the satisfaction of downing a boss. And with most raids pretty much a loot fest (on norms) not too many options in regards to finding a raid spot for hardmodes. (those guilds rarely had openings) So hopefully someone will have a place for me or a suggestion on who to talk to I may not know about. I did try to go thru the guild list but alot of them don't have enough info to even begin to make an informed decision. In the meantime I will continue to level and when I need a break most likely head on back over to Applebee's for a tall, cold Brutus. (that is always a good thing) Thanks again!
  4. Greetings and Salutations! I am currently level 39 and in search of a guild to finish leveling in and perhaps earn a raid spot once geared. I have been playing/raiding since WOW's release. Mists is a joke so I back here. Have played Rift, LOTRO, Aion, Tera as well. In BC I was ranked #2 on Runetotem as a Fury DPS. In lich I moved to tanking and have not looked back. If anyone has a spot or direction for me I would greatly appreciate it. Thnx for taking the time to read this Eventiine
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