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SW:TOR's very own great depression?


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I don't belive you but whatever is your statement not mine.


And yes i can craft artifact implants, ear devices and augments too and only in my deepest wet dreams can make that money in such a short of time and right now is pretty worst.


LOL..... I was selling stacks of Mando Iron for 2M. Sold about 4 stacks the day the patch dropped because I cleared out the GTN weeks before the launch and no one had the supply.


Try reading some PTS notes and maybe you can learn how to make money too...

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The only depression going on is from the bitter, angry swg vets and the other haters. Their depression grows each time Swtor release new content, features, or news. They can't comprehend others enjoy a video they have spent over three years trying to tear down.


These bitter swg vets and haters probably should be on a watch list by now their depression is getting that extreme.


Lol. With every post like this you simply destroy your forum reputation more and more.

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my thoughts? Why the heck would people buy them decorations for such ridiculous prices! 2 million for a jukebox? 10 million for a statue of the emperor from the cartel pack even though you can loot identical (but then it costs 1 million on gtn) i nthe flashpoint? Jaysus... how about practical things like aug kits? :/

Yeah, I can get a lot done in the real world as long as my TOR character is fully augged.



Edited by branmakmuffin
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I make a healthy amount every day just by manipulating the GTN. I saw Revan's chestplate at an all-time low 35k. I scored on that and got myself some cool modded gear. A word of advice: take advantage of this stuff. Buy like crazy, then, when the market recovers, sell everything.
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Hey forums, I can't have been the only one to notice the recent shift in the economy. Heck, everything on the gtn is really cheap right now. I just bought armor i never thought I'd be able to afford today. However, nothing is selling for me. The only money i have was made selling on the gtn, and hot items like cartel packs and isotope 5 aren't selling even when priced below the lowest prices. Now, it could just be me, but after reading some other threads I doubt it. it seems that strongholds have caused such a massive credit sink that everyone wants to sell what they have, no matter how cheap, but no one is buying.


What are you guy's thoughts?


Great Depression was about stuff being really cheap. Yup. That's what it was about.


Otherwise, so what? Most things were overpriced anyway. Glad to see the market normalize a little.

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It is a really great time to be buying stuff, especially a lot of the items from the new pack. I had no plans -- no plans, I tell you! -- to buy that new Orobird or the Mira set reskin, yet there they were in my mailbox, with me about 430K poorer. Cheap goodies abound!


The housing stuff, on the other hand, is pretty pricey. I was a bit worried that the decor from the packs would be mostly junk (like the GSF stuff from Starfighter packs), but nope. The rare stuff is fetching millions, and the rest isn't exactly cheap either. Maybe everyone is just too distracted by their new houses and giant potted plants and gree disco balls to pay attention to the banthas and skimpy armor? :p


The walker is still 15 million :(

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I make a healthy amount every day just by manipulating the GTN. I saw Revan's chestplate at an all-time low 35k. I scored on that and got myself some cool modded gear. A word of advice: take advantage of this stuff. Buy like crazy, then, when the market recovers, sell everything.


Sell now I made over 10 million this weekend...that includes my 26 items sold overnight.

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Yeah you are right people in forums typically don't like when someone speaks the truth or brings facts to the table.


I don't think that the challenge you face is speaking the truth or bringing facts to the table tdmaha. That is not to say you do not speak truth from time to time, I am not contesting your honesty...I am questioning your method of presentation.


But naturally you do not need my approval. You can disrespect yourself by presenting your opinion dressed in toxic hyperbole as much as you wish.

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Prices are climbing up on all my lots, but that's probably because competition is

1) busy with conquests;

2) crafting decoration tokens(I've already crafted everything I wanted to sell, now I'm only crafting for myself).

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aug kits 10k down my server, might augs down to 40-50 from 70+


unhappy days


my thoughts? Why the heck would people buy them decorations for such ridiculous prices! 2 million for a jukebox? 10 million for a statue of the emperor from the cartel pack even though you can loot identical (but then it costs 1 million on gtn) i nthe flashpoint? Jaysus... how about practical things like aug kits? :/


no choice but to try and predict and hoard on nice items from current packs to sell later :[


Certainly all good points. I think the answer is all of these decorations are new and exciting and a lot of people are climbing over each other to be the first to get some of these deco's. Prices will come down and it'll go back to business as usual in a few weeks but until then things will be like this. I think the real crazy part is 500K for a Universal Prefab Mk-3.

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