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I wish this is how SWTOR Launched.


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Well, I for one think the game, in its current state, should have been the one to launch. Now a few valid points have been made....like the idea that most MMOs need work after launch, and most lose quite a bit of their initial playerbase.


All fair points.


But I would point out that the reversals....too many to list....and QoL changes made a HUGE difference in the appeal of the game to a wide audience recently IMO, and I do believe that many of the original choices made by the first team were simply arrogant and/or narrow minded. They made far too many mistakes...again, too many to list (naturally just my opinion) and the game is MUCH better off today with the current team.


Just my slant.


I think they listen to the wrong people myself. Their were people pushing their own agenda in the Beta. The game must be played this way or fail...blah blah. A bunch of self serving Yutts. There was some really good people in the Beta but there were some as worthless as t%ts on a boar hog.

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Personally I doubt the game would be that much better off even if it had launched in the state it is now.


Because, the fundamental problems that drove people away are still there.


1 - Far too linear a leveling path. Sure the stories are all great (imo I've played each one at least twice all the way to 55) but that doesn't matter much when 95%+ of what you're doing are the same old side-quests which you NEED to do in order to stay an adequate level to continue on. They seriously need more than one planet (for each side) at a given level range. For a game that wants you to be an altoholic it has one of the more limited leveling paths of any MMO out there.


2 - Far too slow at updates. NiM and HM's don't count...Nor does new re-textures on the CM.


3 - Too much half-doing the things they do release. Why in our strongholds weren't things like chairs et al designed to be right-clicked and SAT on?? people have been wanting them to update that kind of stuff already..so they release strongholds..but guess what..still can't sit on those chairs or couches. That's just an example.


4 - Rushing. Bugs. Etc. Why are we still getting CM armors with texture issues? Why does that dress that has always showed up on my toons bare-legged, have slacks/tights on their legs in cutscenes? Ironically once they release another re-texture of the same miniskirt mesh that has leggings on it....bugged. Again, just ONE example.


5 - QoL things still missing. Things like cross-server (like it or not yourself, more like it) group finder? Games like WoW, EQ2, etc have side-things to do (like them or hate them) that keep a LOT of players because it gives more to do then kill/kill/kill grind/grind/grind...things like pet-battles, farming, fishing, heritage quests, collections, etc. It's insane that we don't have side things to do in SWTOR like swoop racing, sabaac, etc.


that's good to make my point. But there's plenty more.


Yes I'm relatively happy with the place SWTOR is now..though I'm not a fan of the CM or F2P model. And I'm subbed and playing, yet again, a few classes from beginning even though I've seen all story content already 1-55 (minus raid stuff) But that doesn't change the fact that there's still too much corner cutting and too much missing for this game...even if it HAD launched in the state it's in now....to have kept most of those that left in droves from leaving. Still way too much

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I got the game I wanted at launch.


Shame so many other people didn't I guess.


Minus a few things that were mysteriously removed like {[Heroic 4] Ravaged Reconstruction} on Taris before live {just to name one}, I got the game I wanted at launch also. I still think a lot more was done before live {at least voiced} and held back until 2.0. I am still here because it takes me a long time to let go {a personal flaw}...but I pretty much hate everything in the game post 2.0 except Makeb {which I have not been to since bolster was added to it [coincidence]}


If the game launched as it is I would never have bothered to test it for 3 months, let alone bought it. I never liked the the cartel market, F2P, lame bolster in 55 PvP, dumbed down tactical FPs, lol bolster in OPs, bolster on Makeb {this one is particularly pathetic imo}. And "raid" designs stolen from other games to appease the WoW derps incapable of doing anything different {which were not the original vision for operations btw for this game, but changed due to all the "elitist" whining}.


I suppose my biggest complaint about 2.0 was the lack of retroactive achievements. While I never cared about them previously to be honest, it does sort of suck that I had my legacy lvl capped before 1.1 {when the actual window was added} had all my possible char. slots filled....probably killed a trillion mobs by that point...but none of it ever counted...and of course many like me could not be bothered to go through it all again...so will likely never see something they would have if the game lauched as is.


In fact, recently I was on Tython where I finally got an achievement for something I know I did multiple times in the first few months of the live game lol. I am that player in the game that when you look at their achievements it will literally make no sense to you lol. Several timestamps for 04/09/2013 {earliest possible timestamp for anything}...with dates well after that for components that were required to get the 04/09/2013 timestamp.


This affected a lot of players...and were I a serious accolade hunter {thankfully I am not} this might have potentially killed the game for me....as it was more than possible to have done all your class stories etc well before 2.0 {meaning you would have to do them all again for certain things which was stupid/broken imo}. All in all no biggy...just annoying on a certain level.


Strongholds are okay, but I was happy without it....small QoL improvement/Central crafting location {would have been nice from launch I admit, but got used to what I was gratefully given}. As to playing interior decorator for something no one would ever see or playing dress my dolly..I will pass. I have had zero incentive to PvE for ages now...so need nothing from any old content I burned out on years ago.


Conquest....lol what a joke. Zero effect on the game world and devoid of "OPvP" = pointless to me. Granted I am not guilded {nor have I ever been} so cannot speak to that portion. But each week on The Shadowlands is predictable. I do appreciate the conquest window though so I can better monitor guild behavior {and like seeing the @<server name> convention was not lost after the super merges to renamed placeholder servers}.


In my opinion Conquest added a few more nails into the PvP coffin since even less people {even the so called "hardcore"} Q up anymore and Q times have gotten silly at times {I admit this may be empirical only...just feels more dead to me of late}. With everyone suddenly PvEing/Crafting for points PvP is slower {at least based on my observations over time and during the same times of day [since this is all I do anymore]].


GSF? Never even tried it once {never even thought to ask for it}. Heck I only ever did the old space on rails once back in closed beta as I was specifically asked to test it.


Aside from my inability to let go {and my academic curiosity to see TOR "evolve" [or devolve lol]}...there are some things I still enjoy...but they are mostly experiments with lvling...or trying a new tree I have not tried {I have personal rules against using respec, so I am restricted to actually lvling that tree if I want to experience it}.


In general most content that has been added has been okay {I did finally get off my *** the other day and actually did the Forged Alliance I-III that I was ignoring forever [they were not too bad for content made over a weekend by one of the Devs kids lol]}. I just feel the game lost is soul...a lingering feeling I have had for a very long time now. I suppose it is true that I wish the game would have failed than become what it has. Maybe 3.0 will be cool, but I would be lying if I claimed I was looking forward to it.

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Fair enough. Certainly there were some folks that loved the game in it's original form, but I think it's fair to say that many did not. Had it remained in it's original form or followed it's original likely design intent I believe the game would have been on life support at this point.


I feel the game has prospered since the original dev team was replaced.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Fair enough. Certainly there were some folks that loved the game in it's original form, but I think it's fair to say that many did not. Had it remained in it's original form or followed it's original likely design intent I believe the game would have been on life support at this point.


I feel the game has prospered since the original dev team was replaced.


I think its fair to say there wasn't enough "other things" to do. I was personally fine with it, but they under estimated what keeps people busy. Re-rolling alts is good for some people but others just don't feel like its a good use of their time.

Its tough to say because I got what I expected from a Broward RPG.


They had a 1.7 million accounts in the first few months but attachment rate in this industry is absurdly low. There are so many locusts that I often wonder if Broward had sold LESS the story would have been better. Note...I don't actually think they should have sold less but as a point of discussion... its an interesting thought.


In the end, they lost players from both sides of the aisle. They lost casual players and content locusts because their product was stuck in the middle. It had just enough content for the semi serious players and the star wars fans.


But that's all past and I actually shouldn't even bring it up. What we have now, honestly, is great.

Edited by Arkerus
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The game that launched had major issues, the game today still has major issues (mostly because it is still weighed down by poor decisions made for the launch game) - though it has also improved in many areas while also falling short.


Where it fell short for me at launch was the lack of end game content, major bugs and ability lag, and way too many ridiculous time sinks (for example - all the areas where speeders didn't work and a day long CD on fleet pass).


Where is still falls short is a lack of, and slow to release, challenging end game content, CM / F2P cash grab stuff, and some persistent issues or features missing that will probably never be resolved or exist because the core game engine is a piece of crap.


What I liked then and still like are the stories, though there are fewer and fewer - and none class specific anymore - which is a major disappointment.


I also like most of the new content added with GSH, could care less about GSF, feel the addition of tacticals is a positive for the game, though they hold little interest and no challenge for myself.

Edited by DawnAskham
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This is why I am actually thankful the old team left. I've played this game since Launch, but it is undeniable the new team is doing a much better job.

Some examples (minor spoilers):


-Makeb was to be a daily area called Varl related to the Dread Masters and Darvannis.

-Rakata Prime was to be another daily area related to the Dread Masters rather than the Revan Reborn story.

-CZ-198, Corporate Labs, and Core meltdown were all to be put into one flashpoint called "Titans of Industry."

-There was supposedly an upcoming flashpoint about Grand Moff Regus gone rogue ("The Imperial Warlord") that seems to have been incorporated into Kuat Driveyards.*

-Oricon, Dread Fortress, and Dread Palace were all to be just ONE operation called "The Dread Masters."

-HK-51's and Treek's origins are roughly the same.

-Galactic Starfighter and Strongholds were never mentioned.


The new team's only "flaw" is the Cartel Market; which really was never such a bad idea!

Thanks for all the hard work, BioWare. You've engineered a miraculous game.


*Just want to comment on this: If the Imperial Warlord did become Kuat Driveyards, I will go buy 5,500 cartel coins and a shipment of cookies for BioWare Austin right now. This is a perfect example of the new team's good work: They turned another story about an Imperial leader gone rogue (this time protesting the use of aliens in the Empire) into a brand-new semi-faction specific type of content. This shows creativity!

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