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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hook Layout Options and Hook Offsets Enhancements


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Long story short, hooks would be a lot more flexible if more items fit into more sizes, if more layouts where available in more places, and if we had a lot more offset then what currently exists.


Playing around in the DK Stronghold, I keep feeling like I am hitting my head against how I would like to place items, and how hook, hook size, and offset limits are actually allowing me to place objects.


Example: In the entry room there is a wall at an angle facing the lift. I thought that would be a good place for a couch, but the hooks against the wall aren't centered, there is no option to change the layout, because medium narrow hooks are considered their own layouts, and the offsets for either medium narrow hook, or the medium hook that is centered that is in front of them don't go far enough to let me get the item both centered and against the wall.


For some furniture items, the size of the items vs the size of the hooks they are allowed in is overly restrictive. I realize this was probably partly to help avoid clipping, but honestly, it doesn't make sense to me why some things that fit in medium hooks don't fit in medium narrow hooks as well. Let the player decide if they don't like how an object clips, even it even would.


Example: Master Exhibit: Dark Datacrons is something I'd like to place against the lower level window overlooking the Dark Temple, but it only goes into Medium (which it is much wider than) and Large Hooks. While it would plainly fit closer up against the window, I can't change that medium narrow hook to a medium hook, and for some reason this long narrow item won't go into a long narrow hook.


I also encounter both of the previously mentioned issues when it comes to the DK garage.


Example 1: I'd like to place the GSF poster over the stairs. It would clearly fit over the stairs, but the only layouts over the stairs are not compatible.


Example 2: I wanted to place the GSF Scout where the medium hook is between the two large hooks, but it only goes into a large hook, the medium hook can't be changed into a large hook, and the offsets are too limited to let me slide it far enough on the only compatible hooks. Additionally, the vehicles you see placed around the edge of the room also have some weird hook limitations, some of them long narrow types only fit in medium hooks, while other will also fit in medium narrow hooks.


Example 3: I really wanted to place the skiff closer to the edge, and the idea on life is to place some kind of computer terminal in the slots closer to the door, but again these layout and what it will fit into are very limiting.


These are the primary rooms I have dealt with, but I'm sure I would find similar issues in other rooms. For the most part, I believe that all of these issues can be addressed by expanding what is allowed into Medium Narrow hooks, giving more hook layout choices in some locations, and greatly expanding the offsets allowed by the hook system.

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Yeah, I have the same frustrations with the hook system and it's seemingly arbitrary limitations on what can go where.


While I was disappointed they implemented a hook system I decided I'd try and use it as best I could, but I regularly find myself frustrated with it's limitations.


If we are to be stuck with being babied by a hook system then there needs to be much more range on the x/y sliders and preferably the implementation of a z-axis slider as well.



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Likewise, with the Coruscant/Dromand Kaas stronghold, i was decorating a room as a bedroom, wanted to put a czerka executive desk in the corner against the wall but the offset didn't allow it to move from the window so I gave up and just went and spammed trophies on the wall.
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I've another problem : on my homestead in Tattooine, i can't find how to place a double sized bed. I've searched all hook combinaisons without find one compatible. Any idea ?


You probably have to change a hook layout. The larger beds only fit on Medium (square blue) and Large (square purple) hooks.


To change layouts click on a hook near where you want the bed, then at the top of the Decoration selection window choose the layout tab, then try out layout until you find one you like, then apply the layout. You can then place your item.

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