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PLEASE, have some patience


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Yes, SWToR has problems.

Yes, it may take time to fix those problems.

Yes, some of those problems may not be fixed ever.


All I can say is have patience. The developers know what we want. If you don't believe me, go watch the Stephen Reid interview TotalHalibut (aka CynicalBrit or TotalBiscuit) did. He pointed out specific things we've been requesting, proving they at least know what we want. They've also confirmed they're putting entire teams on specific features so we don't have to wait long.


Please, have some patience. This game is the largest MMO launch in history, and they're under a lot of pressure. As Stephen Reid said, they don't even keep track of the days, as they're working so hard they forget what day it is.

Give them time. This game is already amazing, and it has the potential to be even more amazing. If you really don't have patience, come back in a month or two, when we have most of the features we're asking for now.

Have a good day.

Edited by Travisdk
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I don't owe BioWare patience


If they can't make their product worth my money, I'll take my money back to Blizzard


because blizzards game was so much better then this at launch. in fact i havent had a single problem with this game. i think your computer is just bad

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I don't owe BioWare patience


If they can't make their product worth my money, I'll take my money back to Blizzard

If you don't have any patience (a very useful trait), you're very welcome to piss off and go back to paying for WoW. No one is stopping you. Why are you even on this forum? All you do is complain.

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If you don't have any patience (a very useful trait), you're very welcome to piss off and go back to paying for WoW. No one is stopping you. Why are you even on this forum? All you do is complain.


Because some people are deprived of attention IRL, so they come to the internet for it - even if it's negative.

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game is so broken for me, to aviod any more frustration i will check bk in few months wasting my free 30 days and first month sub, nice! merry christmas




As I said, if you're having issues and aren't patient enough to let the dev team fix them, you're more than welcome to leave and come back later.

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As I said, if you're having issues and aren't patient enough to let the dev team fix them, you're more than welcome to leave and come back later.[/QUOT


you make it sound like i got a choice


Yes, you do. Cancel your subscription and go do something else. No one is forcing you to play this game.

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how bout they block my account till it fixed, ye freeze my account,just like my loading screen frozen lol


Why should they block your account? You can leave whenever you want. Cancel your subscription, put the game away, and come back in a month or two. There is no need to freeze your account and no one is forcing you to play.

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well i wnt to play but game broke for me ?? whatvam i missing except oh lets say 60 days im not greedy


So the game is broken. Have you filed a support ticket? If you have, wait a few days. If you don't have the patience to deal with support, come back in a month.


It's very simple.

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Why did you reply to yourself? And no, it isn't a good plan. It is a waste of time for Bioware. There is no need to freeze your account, you can leave whenever you want.


uhh??? It is a waste of time for Bioware explain pls

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