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Please let us decorate the stronghold beyond 100% completion!


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This is another thing that's irritating me very much. The number of unused hooks left in my stronghold after I reach 100%. Today, I was merrily decorating the lower level of the Dromund Kaas apartment and to my astonishment, I reached 100% completion while decorating the lower floor. What is more, it turned out that I couldn't place a single decoration in the staircase, the rooms upstairs or the balcony. Admittedly, I put a decoration on every hook downstairs but I don't think the result was overcrowded.


So, please increase the number of static decorations we can display, well beyond 100%. I'd like to continue decorating upstairs. Right now, it's not possible without disassembling everything downstairs.


I knew that the number of NPC decorations was low but now I've realized that the number of static decorations we can display is very low as well. Half-decorated rooms don't look appealing.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Give this a month, and wait for the "loading times on strongholds are too long".


there is a limit for a reason, mainly to due performance and server resources. The more items it has to load (not just for you but the 10,000 other stronghold instances) is a lot of data to keep track of and maintain. Easier to just limit the number initially see how it is live and in the future either expand it or not.

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