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[Bug] 2.9.: /chair emote not showing the same animation on all clients


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I've already voiced my concerns over this in the Test forum before, alas, they have been ignored.

As you know, the new /chair emote that has been added in Game Update 2.9 has three different random animations. One reclines, one sits straight and one sits in the thinking position. It is annoying that you need to use the emote multiple times to get the animation you want, but it's even worse as other people won't see the same animation, but often one of the other two!


For example, on my screen I sit there on my Jedi, straight as is appropriate for my character, but the other Jedi sees him recline there like some sort of dirty scoundrel and the third one sees him with one leg over the other and chin on the hand, thinking.


Why can't you just make one /command for each animation instead of a single /chair with random emotes? Or fix it so the animation is synchronized (probably need to do something on an engine level for that). Or, even better, add the click-sit property that chairs in personal starships have to all stronghold chairs.


This is a rather annoying bug and likely a side effect to doing the "lazy" approach of giving the new /chair emote three random animations, as the same problem is present with various dances that also have multiple random animations instead of doing it properly and giving the chairs in strongholds (and otherwise) the click to sit property.

Edited by Glzmo
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