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Getting tired of being kicked from Flashpoints...


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Yet, by your own admission, reading between the lines, you pretty much made this whole thread to troll the PVErs.


People are not stupid enough not to check your post history.


Indeed, we both share similar views on ranked PVP and PVE players in ranked, but you coming here, and making a thread to annoy them, is an embarrassment to PVP players.


I made a thread on here to ask a legitimate honest question, Which was do other people get annoyed at being kicked for No reason in fps, Regardless of my actions in a fp, "Which in the real world where not harmful to anyone, Not abusive, Not on the verge of bullying" Yes everyone is entitled to there own opinion, But im sorry i didnt ask for sympathy and i certainly didnt ask for abuse, Yes i pvp, But yes i also PVE i tank HM's 9/10 clears, Im leveling a pve/pvp healer, But again what has this got to do with the original question.... Anyway...Yes i agree with ranked, But thats a different discussion, And at the end of the day, I hope this thread just deleted now, Because all it is, Is people throwing unneeded abuse at me.

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I made a thread on here to ask a legitimate honest question, Which was do other people get annoyed at being kicked for No reason in fps, Regardless of my actions in a fp, "Which in the real world where not harmful to anyone, Not abusive, Not on the verge of bullying" Yes everyone is entitled to there own opinion, But im sorry i didnt ask for sympathy and i certainly didnt ask for abuse, Yes i pvp, But yes i also PVE i tank HM's 9/10 clears, Im leveling a pve/pvp healer, But again what has this got to do with the original question.... Anyway...Yes i agree with ranked, But thats a different discussion, And at the end of the day, I hope this thread just deleted now, Because all it is, Is people throwing unneeded abuse at me.


A tiny part of me want to feel some sympathy for the broken boy we now see in this thread, the vast majority of me wants say suck it up there ball cheese, this is your own doing.

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I agree that healing sub 55 FPs while being well geared can be a bit boring and the solution as has been pointed out already is DPSing inbetween heals or asking the tank to pull more than one group. SM FPs are not the place to go looking for more challenge as a healer and even less so by trying to force some weird playstyle that few players will be comfortable with onto them.


Could they have asked you to stop before kicking you? Sure, that would've been the polite thing to do.

Do I fault them for not enjoying your playstyle in the slightest? Certainly not.

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