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Which planet will you get your stronghold on?


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1. Which planet will you all be getting your center piece player housing on?


2. Also why will you be choosing that planet?


3. Will you be unlocking all rooms on go live day?


For Me:

1. Undecided between Tatoooine and Coruscant.


2. Like the busyness of Coruscant but like the size of Tatooine.


3. I will be unlocking all rooms on the one I choose from day 1.

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I'd like to have my stronghold on Tatooine, but it wont happen, because I am not ready to dump so much money in a decoration center. I will stick to the free Nar Shada thingy.


Same here pretty much. :cool:


Plus, I'm fairly sure I'll spend the initial couple of weeks crafting lots and lots of decorations and going back and forth between the DK and Coruscant Strongholds.

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I've been taking a bit of a TOR break to play Civ 5. So it'll be a bit before I can buy the Tatooine stronghold. The other three are no problem. My main problem is who is going to live where. My Mirialan trooper and Chiss agent are both less than happy about the idea of setting up shop on a desert world being from ice planets.
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It would be cool to grab Tatooine right away, as it has a nice layout and some cool arrangement opportunities, but I think I'll start on Dromund Kaas because it is also very cool, but far less credit-intensive. Then maybe after a couple months of fooling around with this new feature I'll open up one on Tatooine. :)


Edit: I looked at the free Nar Shadda stronghold (with 3 free room unlocks!) and wasn't really feeling it. That one will be empty for a while. :)

Edited by Eitetsu
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