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Physical Authenticator


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I don't understand whole getting rid of this. Yes I can download the mobile on my Iphone but as a collector, I prefer Physical versions of things, Boxes, Keys ect. I don't see why I can't even put in a special order of this. I'd gladly pay an extra fee for it.


What was the real reason on why they got rid of it?

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My guess is that they ran out of stock and did not want to/could not renew the contract to produce additional security tokens. I'm still using my security token from the Collector's Edition and hope it will last for another few years, but I can totally understand your frustration that the security tokens are no longer available. :(
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My guess is that they ran out of stock and did not want to/could not renew the contract to produce additional security tokens. I'm still using my security token from the Collector's Edition and hope it will last for another few years, but I can totally understand your frustration that the security tokens are no longer available. :(


Yeah, it sucks. And ever since this game has gone F2P it's doing better now than ever. I mean now would honestly be the perfect time to bring them back to purchase, even if it was through a special order.

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I don't have a smart phone and I don't want one. I could use BlueStacks or something, but that means I can only play on my personal machine or I have to remove the key anytime I plan on going somewhere else to play (or even to log in to the forums, for that matter).


It may have something to do with contracts, or it may be that they don't want f2p buying a security key for 5 bucks and then getting 100 free cartel coins a month. Either way, it stinks.

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