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Give SWTOR a Chance - Any Feedback Welcome


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what kind of DRASTIC improvements are you looking for. you should give so examples of what you are wanting because how are they supposed to give these improvements that you want with out knowing what they are. also try and give them more then 30 days because it takes a lot of work to get things done for a game like this


I find the serverqueues and the performance issues to be one of those problems that should have been corrected before launch or shortly after.

Edited by Snuller
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And I reported you, you've been condescending with almost all of your posts.


Yup, I to tend to discount people whose statements are utterly adulterated by bias.

Now, here is a normal human response to recognizing flaws in this game.


I'm loving the game as well but it has a lot of shortcomings like those you mentioned' but I trust they will be rectified!


Yes wow had full addons on launch, complete ui packages was ready from start I didn't have crash issues with wow but I don't have them with swtor either!


Ui modification is a must for a mmo to be successful In the long run today, imo.


This is a completely respectable form of criticism :)

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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I always try to give a game a chance before I love it or hate it. My goal is to give the game 6 months. It's hard to fully judge a game at launch unless it is totally unplayable like AO or seriously lacking in even basic content like AoC was.


At 6 months you can usually tell how serious the company is in fostering retention for the majority of its customers since by then there is a substantial population of max level players. By that I mean everything from bug fixes to a nice variety of end game content to new Operations to social activities or even new solo content.


So unless SWTOR totally drops the ball early on I will give it its chance, and indications are that it won't.


And so far I really love the game.

Edited by Deneok
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The point im trying to make in this post is that not every game is perfect when it is launched give it time, wait for patches and wait till people hit end game content before you go complaining about no one being in citys, you ruined it for yourself hitting 50 not even a week into launch what do u think is going to happen? oo yeah you come on the forums and complain that there is nothing to do, the only person to blame for that is yourselfs ( the lvl 50 part is for people that already have hit 50 )
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