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The randomization program/system, in my opinion, is corrupted or glitched.


I have purchased over 350 Club Vertica's Nightlife Pack, via Cartel Coin and credits, in hopes to get a ST-7 Recon Walker and Marsh Raptor. Now, I understand they are supposed to be difficult to get, BUT seriously. I should have gotten 2 or 3 of each of those after purchasing that many packs.


I would like to see either the randomize code rewritten, or some item that can increase your chances to get those uber rare items.


Also, I'd like to see a change in what to do with all these Reputation items after my reputation is maxed out. At the very least, let them be able to be sold to a vendor.

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Most people who complain about randomness have a flawed understanding of statistics and probability.


If I roll a five-sided die (easier math) hoping for a 5, there is only a 2-in-3 chance that I see that 5 after 5 rolls. In order to be fairly certain that I see a 5 (95% chance), I have to roll the die 14 times. Even then, if 20 people are sitting in a room rolling die, you'd expect one of them to still not get the roll they were hoping for.


And that is with perfect theoretical randomness.


Lots of people assume that randomness = consistency. They think that if something happens 1% of the time and is decided by perfect randomness that they should be able to try 100 times and see the thing happen. That's absolutely wrong. That's not how probability works. The percentages only play out over large numbers of the expected event occurrence, not over the sample events. That is, at 1% chance of seeing a moose while driving in Canada for an hour, we could estimate that a person who has seen 480 moose, has been driving for 48,000 hours... give or take.


The fact that you have opened 300 packs and not received an item that may only have a drop rate of 1% doesn't prove anything about the randomization routines used by the game. If anything, it supports them, as the chances (at a complete guess) of a 1% event not occurring in 300 samples is still 5%. Considering all the reports of people opening just 10 packs and getting one of those items (with a 1-in-10 chance), it seems to equal out.

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The randomization program/system, in my opinion, is corrupted or glitched.


I have purchased over 350 Club Vertica's Nightlife Pack, via Cartel Coin and credits, in hopes to get a ST-7 Recon Walker and Marsh Raptor. Now, I understand they are supposed to be difficult to get, BUT seriously. I should have gotten 2 or 3 of each of those after purchasing that many packs.


I would like to see either the randomize code rewritten, or some item that can increase your chances to get those uber rare items.


Also, I'd like to see a change in what to do with all these Reputation items after my reputation is maxed out. At the very least, let them be able to be sold to a vendor.


you would like to see the randomize code rewritten so you can increase your changes to get those uber rare items.


Well than that wouldn't really make it random would it.

You could request an increase in their drop rate but then that wouldn't make them super rare either.


I chalk this up to people who expect to RE an item after just 5 tries since obviously 20% chance is 1/5 so 1/5 * 5 = 1 = 100%


put it this way for ever person who never got it after 100 tries or even 300 tries, there is someone that got one first pack, or got 3 out of a few packs.


Random is random

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  • 2 months later...

I beg to differ. I am NOT confused in any way, fashion, or form. I understand what the laws of probability are, and what "random" means. My point is that it is a load of poodoo that multiple hypercrates fail to produce something better than "average" drops. I believe that people who claim that the current system is, in any way, fair or correct, are the people that seem to get lucky enough to actually get said rare items. When you have spent over $200 in actual real money and received squat....then come tell me it's all fair and proper. Until then, those people that stick up for the current system can, for a lack of better term, bite me.


Furthermore, I also made statement about the reputation items. That has, in my opinion, been resolved; as the reputation items can now be sold for a decent amount of credits appropriately matching to the level of reputation that would have been gained. For that, I say "thank you BioWare".

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