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its a quest, and immersion. I mean really it would be kind of weird if we fought a plague yet no one got infected despite long term exposure

It wouldn't be so bad, if it happened once, but every time I go there I get it. The cure costs me a quarter of my total money, I am certainly not going to pay that every time I get sick. Annoying much like when WOW did the Zombie invasion.

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It wouldn't be so bad, if it happened once, but every time I go there I get it. The cure costs me a quarter of my total money, I am certainly not going to pay that every time I get sick. Annoying much like when WOW did the Zombie invasion.


having actualy played during zombie invasion - this is not even remotely comparable.


1. you HAVE an option of a cure that lasts 6 hours at a time. quarter of your money? what in a world are you doing to only have 8000 credits?

2. infection is confined to certain areas

3. unless you are supremely unlucky to zone in at the worst possible moment - you have plenty of time to simply move away from people if you don't wish to be infected.

4. other than exploding next to people with tons of advance warning - plagued players have no way of attacking normally friendly targets. so none of the vendors, trainers, quest givers, etc are affected at all.

5. if you are super low level and somehow supremely poor, all you need to do is jump off a nearest cliff (or off one of the numerous unsafe railings), die and voila - you are cleansed. and seeing as repairs at low levels are negligible (nowhere near 2k) - you can continue to play in peace.


during zombie invasion on the other hand - you weren't safe anywhere. all it took was being bitten, and while early on you could cleanse infection off with certain classes (or by talking to an npc) further into event, it has become uncleansable in any way shape or form, infected players could keep attacking everything in their path near indefinitely, turning into a zombie yourself took less time than it took for a loading screen to finish and it was everywhere. the only way to be safe was to literally either do nothing, but hang high above on your flying mount in outlands (back in those days, that was the ONLY place you could fly) , or just not log in at all. the game quite literally have become completely unplayable unless you wanted to be a zombie and run around infecting people. NOTHING. ELSE. WORKED.


so don't even think about comparing the two or calling rak invasion a troll from bioware. you have options. you can avoid the event if you so wish. adopting is actualy possible while continuing to play.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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You can and most likely will still be infected on Dromund Kass. I thought the same so started a new character just to avoid this crap, but as soon as I got to the senate tower on Courscant I got hit.


So now I just stopped playing all together until after its finished.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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having actualy played during zombie invasion - this is not even remotely comparable.


1. you HAVE an option of a cure that lasts 6 hours at a time. quarter of your money? what in a world are you doing to only have 8000 credits?

2. infection is confined to certain areas

3. unless you are supremely unlucky to zone in at the worst possible moment - you have plenty of time to simply move away from people if you don't wish to be infected.

4. other than exploding next to people with tons of advance warning - plagued players have no way of attacking normally friendly targets. so none of the vendors, trainers, quest givers, etc are affected at all.

5. if you are super low level and somehow supremely poor, all you need to do is jump off a nearest cliff (or off one of the numerous unsafe railings), die and voila - you are cleansed. and seeing as repairs at low levels are negligible (nowhere near 2k) - you can continue to play in peace.


during zombie invasion on the other hand - you weren't safe anywhere. all it took was being bitten, and while early on you could cleanse infection off with certain classes (or by talking to an npc) further into event, it has become uncleansable in any way shape or form, infected players could keep attacking everything in their path near indefinitely, turning into a zombie yourself took less time than it took for a loading screen to finish and it was everywhere. the only way to be safe was to literally either do nothing, but hang high above on your flying mount in outlands (back in those days, that was the ONLY place you could fly) , or just not log in at all. the game quite literally have become completely unplayable unless you wanted to be a zombie and run around infecting people. NOTHING. ELSE. WORKED.


so don't even think about comparing the two or calling rak invasion a troll from bioware. you have options. you can avoid the event if you so wish. adopting is actualy possible while continuing to play.


Correct. OP you could also take a short break-a week is nothing. You'll be more energised to play when you return!


And this is nowhere near as horrible as a Trollage of year 2008. I am talking about the release of WoTLK. Now THAT was a real troll event! Back then flying was EXTREMELY expensive, rare and limited. Entire landscapes got infected(NPCs as well!). Remember, in wow you don't have your own personal spaceship to which you can retreat! There was literally NO EXIT. It looked like year 1376(idk-the number sounded alright for the Black Plague outbreak). Death, sickness and misery everywhere. Oh and trolling, scamming and everything crazy. Kinda reminds me of Neverwinter during the Wailing. Hm, Bioware really nailed that one!

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"1. you HAVE an option of a cure that lasts 6 hours at a time. quarter of your money? what in a world are you doing to only have 8000 credits?"


That's amount is very common for players, not sure what you mean by it. It will go on hes level if its a level 10+ that's about right. If he's higher mabe he's just brought items with the rest, I do. Unlocks, items from GTN and so on.

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"1. you HAVE an option of a cure that lasts 6 hours at a time. quarter of your money? what in a world are you doing to only have 8000 credits?"


That's amount is very common for players, not sure what you mean by it. It will go on hes level if its a level 10+ that's about right. If he's higher mabe he's just brought items with the rest, I do. Unlocks, items from GTN and so on.


Ty this. I am level 22, the cure costs 6500 on my server on the AH, I currently have 30k credits.

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"1. you HAVE an option of a cure that lasts 6 hours at a time. quarter of your money? what in a world are you doing to only have 8000 credits?"


That's amount is very common for players, not sure what you mean by it. It will go on hes level if its a level 10+ that's about right. If he's higher mabe he's just brought items with the rest, I do. Unlocks, items from GTN and so on.


if you literally just started playing the game and its your first character - maybe. but even then. so you cannot afford a cure. die, respawn - walk away from people that are green, glowy and moaning. don't just stand next to them waiting for them to infect you.


people who are trying to get their daily done, the one where you infect others? they wait in very specific places, generally where concentration of people is highest. GTN, mail box, where you first appear after using emergency fleet pass - places like that. trying to hunt people down while they are out in a world, questing is inefficient and less likely to succeed. plus they are not only extremely easy to notice and I reiterate - can NOT attack you directly - debuff also needs time to run out before they explode. total length of infection from stage one to explody stage if I remember correctly is 25 minutes.


so as long as you don't afk in these places, you will be fine even without vaccine, and maybe if you need to walk from your computer for a while... you could log out?

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No I didnt know that. So thanks. Where is he located?


any medical droid. literally, any medical droid. on fleet there's one by the bank, inner ring. there's usually a droid on planets next to every travel point.


it is sad that people are trolling the unaware by selling vaccines on GTN for profit. but the cure for that is asking questions. and checking vendors first, before heading for GTN.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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if you literally just started playing the game and its your first character - maybe. but even then. so you cannot afford a cure. die, respawn - walk away from people that are green, glowy and moaning. don't just stand next to them waiting for them to infect you.


people who are trying to get their daily done, the one where you infect others? they wait in very specific places, generally where concentration of people is highest. GTN, mail box, where you first appear after using emergency fleet pass - places like that. trying to hunt people down while they are out in a world, questing is inefficient and less likely to succeed. plus they are not only extremely easy to notice and I reiterate - can NOT attack you directly - debuff also needs time to run out before they explode. total length of infection from stage one to explody stage if I remember correctly is 25 minutes.


so as long as you don't afk in these places, you will be fine even without vaccine, and maybe if you need to walk from your computer for a while... you could log out?


You know you got me thinking. Why has no one ever got infected and landed on one of the starting worlds to give new players a big warm welcoming hug...:rak_04:

Edited by LordRichardEW
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its a quest, and immersion. I mean really it would be kind of weird if we fought a plague yet no one got infected despite long term exposure


I don't mind the event at all, but to say that it is "immersion" is ridiculous at best. "Immersion" would be an infected player entering a public space and being killed on sight by the local authorities in an effort to keep the plague down.

Edited by TheBBP
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Buy the cure from any stim vendor for 2k. Or just suicide like the man suggested.

And please note that there is NO repair cost incurred when you jump to your death. I do it quite often when running dailies to quickly get to the nearest med-droid (e.g. Makeb, end of Heroics in Section X and Black Hole).


There is also no repair cost to dieing in lava, a convenient way to travel back to base on Oricon.


You do lose any stims that do not last through defeat tho, if you use those. And you need to rebuff of course.

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I don't mind the event at all, but to say that it is "immersion" is ridiculous at best. "Immersion" would be an infected player entering a public space and being killed on sight by the local authorities in an effort to keep the plague down.


yeah thats one part I miss about the original rakghoul event from 2012. In the original one, whenever you entered your ship hanger while infected npc's would leap out and attack you, now those were the days

Edited by Sangrar
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If you can not cough up 20k from a couple of dailies to buy the relic that makes you immune for like, 6 hours that can be reused over and over again, then you just better stop playing the game. 'Cause this game will have new and old events like this at any given time. I have 10 toons and i got all 10 the immune relic from one hour of dailies, all 10.


So stop crying and get the cash, then the relic and stop getting infected and go any where you want.

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If you can not cough up 20k from a couple of dailies to buy the relic that makes you immune for like, 6 hours that can be reused over and over again, then you just better stop playing the game. 'Cause this game will have new and old events like this at any given time. I have 10 toons and i got all 10 the immune relic from one hour of dailies, all 10.


So stop crying and get the cash, then the relic and stop getting infected and go any where you want.


its 5k for the lowest level version, however.. dailies assumes that that person is at least lvl 47. lower level dailies (like planetary heroics, or even scaled down rak event) award much fewer credits.


it also requires enough participation in the event to have newcomer status (on a single character it should take about 5 days, give or take), and even then it doesn't work on character under lvl 25, as lvl 25 is a minimum level for using one of those.


what I at least was trying to do is explain what other options players may have, as well as demonstrate that this event isn't nearly as intrusive as prelude to Wrath of the lich king in WoW was.

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Just a note to the OP: level 22 is perfectly fine for doing Tatooine rakghoul dailies&grinding rep for a newcomer. You still have today before and after server reset. Yes, you need one vaccine, but I haven't died once - the dailies are quite simple. I even tried healing for a heroic(though that was a total facepalm, as monsters were level 26++; they should've kicked me, but my group mates were nice and didn't). I'm not sure if the bolster for Eyeless SM would work for level 22, but why the heck not?
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