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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Where the heck is everyone?


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5 people on Tat, 6 people on Alderaan?


Why is my "Heavy Population" server so dead?


How are you supposed to get groups for these heroic quests?


Welcome to Star wars the old republic.


Genre: MSO (massive singleplayer online game).


Enjoy your stay.

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5 people on Tat, 6 people on Alderaan?


Why is my "Heavy Population" server so dead?


How are you supposed to get groups for these heroic quests?


Its probably heavy from people making new characters. The instance of Alderaan I was just in had 60+ people.

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5 people on Tat, 6 people on Alderaan?


Why is my "Heavy Population" server so dead?


How are you supposed to get groups for these heroic quests?


Its the holiday mate, its to be expected that most people have family together this time of year and absence for a new MMO is not a good enough excuse to get away from the family gathering and tradition of bringing out the skeleton from the closet of each family member.

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Its probably heavy from people making new characters. The instance of Alderaan I was just in had 60+ people.


No, you do not understand the zoning mechanics used in this game.


The game creates another clone instance as soon as the pop hits 100, you may see a bit of over spill but there will never be more than 200 in one area. If the area is big enough you might only see one or two people even though there are tens of thousands online.


With no global chat you also get a feeling of eerie loneliness in what is mean't to be a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER experience.

Edited by Scan
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No, you do not understand the zoning mechanics used in this game.


The game creates another clone instance as soon as the pop hits 100, you may see a bit of over spill but there will never be more than 200 in one area. If the area is big enough you might only see one or two people even though there are tens of thousands online.


With no global chat you also get a feeling of eerie loneliness in what is mean't to be a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER experience.


so while there may be 100 on one and 6 on the other, um, that kinda sucks if the channels are not linked

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No, you do not understand the zoning mechanics used in this game.


The game creates another clone instance as soon as the pop hits 100, you may see a bit of over spill but there will never be more than 200 in one area. If the area is big enough you might only see one or two people even though there are tens of thousands online.


With no global chat you also get a feeling of eerie loneliness in what is mean't to be a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER experience.

Please don't make me repost the maths around this yet again. Instances have minimal to zero impact in this scenario. One million players, 200 servers, 20 planets, two factions, skew towards starter because amazingly enough lots don't progress that fast, go work the average distribution out. The issue is planets themselves vs total server populations, and I don't think we could really argue that Star Wars shouldn't have planets. Feel free to ask Bioware to increase the totals each server can handle, however.

so while there may be 100 on one and 6 on the other, um, that kinda sucks if the channels are not linked

Yes they are linked. General is for the area, not the instanced area.

Edited by Grammarye
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5 people on Tat, 6 people on Alderaan?


Why is my "Heavy Population" server so dead?


How are you supposed to get groups for these heroic quests?


If that's just on your instance, you might wanna re-log so you can get combined with a higher population instance. If people start playing at a busier time and then play for a long time, their instance might only lose players and not add any so it keeps shrinking in size.

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No, you do not understand the zoning mechanics used in this game.


The game creates another clone instance as soon as the pop hits 100, you may see a bit of over spill but there will never be more than 200 in one area. If the area is big enough you might only see one or two people even though there are tens of thousands online.


With no global chat you also get a feeling of eerie loneliness in what is mean't to be a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER experience.


Umm, you do know that General chat is everybody on the planet you are on, right?


Because I do not think you do.

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If that's just on your instance, you might wanna re-log so you can get combined with a higher population instance. If people start playing at a busier time and then play for a long time, their instance might only lose players and not add any so it keeps shrinking in size.

You do not need to relog. You can change instances at any time with a 30 min cooldown. It's on the map interface.

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There were around 60 people on Alderaan when I logged off. At four in the morning.


My server regularly has multiple high-population shards in any given zone I've been in so far. Players like the OP either rolled onto a low population server, or just as likely rolled onto a server that came out only a few days ago and hasn't had the time to get a higher population in level 25-30 zones.

Edited by mountains
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No, you do not understand the zoning mechanics used in this game.


The game creates another clone instance as soon as the pop hits 100, you may see a bit of over spill but there will never be more than 200 in one area. If the area is big enough you might only see one or two people even though there are tens of thousands online.


With no global chat you also get a feeling of eerie loneliness in what is mean't to be a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER experience.


I like you got all of this out of "the last instance of alderaan i was on had 60+ people". And, no, you're not going to get 6 people on an instance while there' 100 on the other. They split people off, they don't do 'overflow' where one fills up and another opens.


For example, I was on Tatooine and asked for a count of the instances. Instance 1 had 77 people, 2 had 66. And Dromund Kaas or the space station normally gets about 175 people to an instance on my main server.


Also, general chat = global

Edited by Lu_Bei
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Ok I give up, I'll post it again.


1 million players (+)

200 servers (there are actually more but I gave up when I hit that number and since the 1 million above is higher than one million this balances it out)

20 planets

2 factions

Skew towards starter planets

Include variance that not everyone plays for 24h


That's an average before skew of 250 players per planet. Post-skew it's more like 400-600 per starter planet so that's split across 4-5 instances, 30-40 on the higher level planets maximum, all should be in one instance, both sets of figures halved due to republic/empire split & variance coming into play. It's all vague, as most distribution analysis actually is without real access to data, but fact is, on Christmas Eve on a non-FULL server, I'm surprised you're even seeing 5 people on a mid-high level planet.


Edit: The tough part here would be the plus or minus from the average, and that's not easy to figure out. Thus I'm sticking with average until I can think of a way to gauge the error bar.

Edited by Grammarye
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I feel that I should point out here that I think the UI is bugged in this case. Our guild decided to 'purify' tatooine of all the sith players yesterday, and even with 20+ people in our group, my UI player counter told me there was only 5 or 6 at the time. AFAIK - Bugged.
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5 people on Tat, 6 people on Alderaan?


Why is my "Heavy Population" server so dead?


How are you supposed to get groups for these heroic quests?


Not everybody spends the amount of time on the game as you. Give it about a month or six and those planets will be booming. Yes, I said "or six".

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Not everybody spends the amount of time on the game as you. Give it about a month or six and those planets will be booming. Yes, I said "or six".


It is partially his server. I'd say (very conservatively) that there were 200 people on Tatooine earlier today on Dark Reaper. Probably more like 300; there were 150 people in my shard alone, although I didn't bother to check other shards.

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Its the holiday mate, its to be expected that most people have family together this time of year and absence for a new MMO is not a good enough excuse to get away from the family gathering and tradition of bringing out the skeleton from the closet of each family member.


I would take every excuse i have to get away from family.

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