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American on The Red Eclipse looking for new Guild


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Hi everyone,


I'm not sure if this is the correct place to put this, but I did not see any 'guild' specific forum. If this is the wrong place, please point me in the right direction and I will move it there.


Long story short, I joined my current guild way before SWTOR ever came out. Since most of the membership lives in Europe we chose a European server. In the server consolidation we ended up on The Red Eclipse.


Sadly, being in America (Central time zone) the times I am able to play is usually when my guild mates are sleeping, except for very early or very late on weekends.


I am looking for a guild that has both Republic and Imperial Guilds and some membership from the Americas or night owl Europeans that might be active around the times I can play the game during the week (6 PM CST to maybe midnight) and much of the days on weekend. The main reason for this request is that I would really like to do more, and actually complete, the end game operations. I have only done a few of them, and any PUGs I luck into always seem to fall apart after the first time a big boss beats the group.


If you think you guild might be of interest to me, please leave me contact information. I'd prefer to stay on The Red Eclipse, but server transfer is not out of the question.


These are the characters I have:



Lyndah 55 Knight (main)

Ba-tor 51 Guardian

Deeki 55 Shadow

Ampris 55 Sage

Longknife 55 Commando

Elphie 55 Gunslinger




Harley-quinn 55 Marauder (main)

Moldevort 52 Juggernaut

Deeka 55 Assassin

Kiss-ya 55 Sorcerer

Darklightsun 55 Mercenary

Lydyah 55 Sniper




Edited by darklightsun
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Harley-quinn 55 Marauder (main)


I believe I've seen that one running around. :D (Unless it was someone with a variant of the name, I didn't really memorize the spelling)

Unfortunately I don't know of any guilds that are active late at night. All the ones I'm in die around 1-2 AM from what I've seen on the days I'm on late.

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