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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Fist of the Empire vs the Confederacy


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If we're done talking about the underworld, I'd like to move on to the defection of the Colicoid Creation Nest.


The first thing we have to consider is the connections the Colicoid Creation Nest has. What are the connections it has with Xizor? Well, none, to be honest. There is nothing except a paycheck keeping the Nest with the Confederacy. On the other hand, the Nest has had lucrative relations and close ties with Dooku and the Trade Federation. All that needs be done is for Dooku to exploit those past relations. All Dooku needs to do is get in contact with the Nest and do what he does.


I would argue that he uses the Force to nudge them in the right direction, but that may not work due to the Colicoid’s natural resistance to mind tricks. I could make the argument that since he could invade the minds of Jedi he could do the same with Colicoids, but that’s probably an uphill battle. However, I will instead refer you all to Dooku’s great political skills and charisma, two of the major factors in the formation of the Separatist Alliance.


What we have to remember here is that the Colicoid Creation Nest has had close relations with the Trade Federation and Count Dooku before and during the Clone Wars. These past relations can be exploited thanks to the fact that the CCN has no relations with Black Sun or Xizor and the fact that those mentioned are criminals who will have no real need for droids once the war is over. On the other hand, the Trade Federation and Dooku will use droid armies based on their past histories. The chance for greater profit is with the Fist of the Empire. Dooku can exploit the nature of the Colicoids and their past relations to aid in their defection. He is an expert in manipulating others to his own ends.


I'll argue this strategy, of course, but if it is deemed unlikely to occur, I'll move on to Plan B.

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What do you mean plan B?


I don't care if that plan is allowed or not, you're posting the other thing as well :D


Plan B will go into effect. If the Colicoids reject the Count's gracious offer, they will be victims of Plan B as well.


Think of this as Part 1. There is a plan B for their defection in Part 2 if the Colicoids refuse to join the Fist.

Edited by Aurbere
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You do realise he'd be easily killed in there right?


All he'd want would be a basic layout, I'm not saying he knows of the passage, but the IA will.

Dooku is a powerful Sith Lord, he is not paranoid, and Jabba would have to be insane to attempt to assassinate the leader of the Confederacy "cause reasons." It seems unlikely anyone would no the layout at all.
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If we're done talking about the underworld, I'd like to move on to the defection of the Colicoid Creation Nest.


The first thing we have to consider is the connections the Colicoid Creation Nest has. What are the connections it has with Xizor? Well, none, to be honest. There is nothing except a paycheck keeping the Nest with the Confederacy. On the other hand, the Nest has had lucrative relations and close ties with Dooku and the Trade Federation. All that needs be done is for Dooku to exploit those past relations. All Dooku needs to do is get in contact with the Nest and do what he does.


I would argue that he uses the Force to nudge them in the right direction, but that may not work due to the Colicoid’s natural resistance to mind tricks. I could make the argument that since he could invade the minds of Jedi he could do the same with Colicoids, but that’s probably an uphill battle. However, I will instead refer you all to Dooku’s great political skills and charisma, two of the major factors in the formation of the Separatist Alliance.


What we have to remember here is that the Colicoid Creation Nest has had close relations with the Trade Federation and Count Dooku before and during the Clone Wars. These past relations can be exploited thanks to the fact that the CCN has no relations with Black Sun or Xizor and the fact that those mentioned are criminals who will have no real need for droids once the war is over. On the other hand, the Trade Federation and Dooku will use droid armies based on their past histories. The chance for greater profit is with the Fist of the Empire. Dooku can exploit the nature of the Colicoids and their past relations to aid in their defection. He is an expert in manipulating others to his own ends.


I'll argue this strategy, of course, but if it is deemed unlikely to occur, I'll move on to Plan B.

An interesting strategy, though I might suggest focusing on the ground battle itself as well.
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Dooku is a powerful Sith Lord, he is not paranoid, and Jabba would have to be insane to attempt to assassinate the leader of the Confederacy "cause reasons." It seems unlikely anyone would no the layout at all.


Jabba wouldn't, but do you really think there aren't powerful people who wanted Dooku dead? Anyone could enter Jabba's palace, as long as they had a criminal record.


The dude was paranoid and cautious, he created clones of himself to make sure he was never assassinated etc. He never showed up to the Seperatist Parliament, he sat on a fleet in the middle of nowhere until something special arised.

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Jabba wouldn't, but do you really think there aren't powerful people who wanted Dooku dead? Anyone could enter Jabba's palace, as long as they had a criminal record.


The dude was paranoid and cautious, he created clones of himself to make sure he was never assassinated etc. He never showed up to the Seperatist Parliament, he sat on a fleet in the middle of nowhere until something special arised.

Dooku was not paranoid, he merely took reasonable precautions. Taking time to infiltrate Jabba's Palace simply to acquire a floor plan, is not a reasonable precaution. Which honestly he would have no use for, he goes out the way he came in, through the front door that leads right to the audience chamber, cutting down anyone who gets in his way. Heck, Dooku is only ever seen visiting the palace once, and what with? A cadre of magnaguards, no way would any two bit assassin be able to kill him. He is certainly not going to pull out his datapad so he can go cower in the restroom. :rolleyes:
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Speaking of Dooku taking precautions, I made out a short list of possible ways for Dooku to ensure his own safety.


Doppelganger: As was mentioned before, Dooku was able to create a Doppelganger of himself through the Force. The technique involved invading the minds of others and making them see what he wanted them to see. If the CIC sends organic assassins like Urai Fen or Durge, Dooku will be able to make them see a false Dooku, who will be able to hold them off with his impressive dueling skills and Force abilities. I know Durge has impressive mental defenses and Urai likely possesses some as well, however, Dooku was able to use this technique on other Jedi. It is plausible that he will be able to mentally affect them.


Sith protectors: A few Sith Warriors to guard their master is enough to deal with a good sized strike force. Darth Vindicaa may also be around if she isn’t carrying out one of the Count’s many plans.


Imperial Intelligence: This is a big one. Operatives of Imperial Intelligence can place traps, hide in the shadows with stealth belts, and deploy snipers to assassinate any who would try to attack Dooku. The various tools they have are too numerous to count. Gases, explosives, and more can be used. They can also set up ambush points throughout the garrison base and the command center to whittle down enemy forces with hit-and-run strikes, long-range sniping, and various traps and ambushes.


An annihilator: Why, yes, there might be an annihilator in the command center. If the CIC uses hit and run and stealth ops, then there is no reason to send the entire army on the warpath. Dooku will likely keep an annihilator on standby. They are only 3 meters tall so they won’t take up much space.


That’s just a few things I could come up with. And keep in mind that it is likely that most, if not all, of these plans could be put to use at once. If the CIC manages to get past these plans as well as the defense forces around and within the base, they will have to contend with Darth Tyranus himself, one of the greatest Force users of all time.

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No one's going to try to counter my current arguments?


I was waiting for Canino to make the first volley since he would likely state the points to be driven much better than I could.


Though, from how I see the current forces, it looks very much like CIC will be doing raids/ambushes/ using stealth. Whereas the Fist is much better suited for upfront fighting... Its the space battle all over again! :p Except this time, with stealth ships!

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I was waiting for Canino to make the first volley since he would likely state the points to be driven much better than I could.


Though, from how I see the current forces, it looks very much like CIC will be doing raids/ambushes/ using stealth. Whereas the Fist is much better suited for upfront fighting... Its the space battle all over again! :p Except this time, with stealth ships!


I expect the same strategy from the CIC.

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Sorry I've been so long, guys. I haven't been home, and I really hate making big posts like this on my phone. Not to mention I was in a museum looking at cool things, and wasn't focused on this :p


Without further ado, the plans for the CIC:




The defensive tactic that will be used by the CIC will be guerrilla warfare. Noting the map I showed earlier, The Fist will be forced to trek through the Dun Sea to reach the Palace. This alone will hurt the Fist. While the Sith may be able to make the trip, your average troops will not.


In fact, the desert becomes a very hard enemy in itself. Couple it with Sand People, beasts, and ambushes, it will be easy to cripple the Fist's efforts. If Veers is to come into play, nothing changes either. He is renowned for fighting on the front lines with his troops. In the desert, he will not last long. If he decided to stay in the city, he will not last long either.


At the palace, Xizor will be using the defenses he has at his disposal. Patrol craft will secure the parameter, while the inside is guarded by droids. He also has the rancor and krayt dragon to drop unwelcome guests on to.




The offensive tactic will utilize the underground road to Mos Eisley. Sending small squads of commando droids into the city, they will wreck havoc, capturing key fortifications and locations. This will likely be led by Urai Fen.


At the same time, Xizor will be busy charming the local population to help him. From farmers and shop owners to smugglers and pirates, he will gain a secondary intel group as well as soldiers. Using these key groups, the commando droids will be smuggled to safe zones where they can form small bases of operation.


This all culminates to the attack of the base, although I do not yet know how that would proceed.





In space, the battle was merely lost. The war, however, was not. The fleet will continue to bombard, raid, and assault the Fist's fleet, whittling it down and forcing it to divert forces away from the ground.


At the same time, reinforcements from Hypori will be flooding in. More of all of my forces, supplemented with Annihilator droids. Using some of my own forces, as well as hired smugglers, droids will be smuggled planet side. Pirates are notorious as blockade runners, and using this skill, they will be quite successful in bringing reinforcements to my troops.


As more troops are produced, more droids can be used to fight the space battle, making this a continuous loop.



Black Sun


Not only will they be tasked with keeping the Colicoids with the CIC, they will be used to cripple the Trade Federation. Cato Neimoidia is located in the Colonies, well within Black Sun's fold. Using bribery, sabotage, pirates, and more, they will assault the Trade Federation from the shadows.


Knowing that Neimoidian's are inherently cowardly, greedy, and fearful, this tactic will be extremely successful. It will also draw away more troops from the Fist, as Dooku is forced to protect his asset. If Black Sun is extremely successful, they may even capture droid forces to send planet side. Hell, they could capture high ranking officials and halt production entirety.


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I can't believe I predicted all of your strategies, Canino. You underworld types are too predictable. Expect my counter arguments later.


Well, I mean, that pretty much all I can do with my forces against yours. Although once reinforcements come in, it will become an entirely different battle. I mean, I can't really use complex battle strategies against you.


And I doubt you predicted the safe house part :p That was my personal favorite.

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As for the Colicoid defection, you underestimate the power of Xizor and Black Sun.


While a paycheck may be the most obvious reason for the alliance, it extense far deeper than that. Colla IV is in the Inner Core- right in the middle of Black Sun territory. There are bound to be countless agents there on behalf of Black Sun and Xizor. The Colicoids are practically invincible here. They are being held in the folds of Black Sun, and no one will harm them, back out of a deal with them, or do any damage to them.


As for droids, look at this faction. If it rules the galaxy, so will the Colicoids. They will be the number one droids producer in the galaxy. That's a lot of money, and safety.


Finally, is Xizor. He is perhaps one of the most charismatic, influential people in the galaxy. He has likely already forged a great bond with the Colicoids. And while they have prior dealings with Dooku, Xizor is just as good, if not better, at speaking as him.


They are safe, and rich. Not much more could be asked for.

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As for the Colicoid defection, you underestimate the power of Xizor and Black Sun.


While a paycheck may be the most obvious reason for the alliance, it extense far deeper than that. Colla IV is in the Inner Core- right in the middle of Black Sun territory. There are bound to be countless agents there on behalf of Black Sun and Xizor. The Colicoids are practically invincible here. They are being held in the folds of Black Sun, and no one will harm them, back out of a deal with them, or do any damage to them.


As for droids, look at this faction. If it rules the galaxy, so will the Colicoids. They will be the number one droids producer in the galaxy. That's a lot of money, and safety.


Finally, is Xizor. He is perhaps one of the most charismatic, influential people in the galaxy. He has likely already forged a great bond with the Colicoids. And while they have prior dealings with Dooku, Xizor is just as good, if not better, at speaking as him.


They are safe, and rich. Not much more could be asked for.


Except the Colicoids are on Hypori, and I guarantee that no member of Black Sun would visit them. Colicoids are extremely violent cannibals. It is canon fact that few, if anyone, actually goes to see Colicoids.


Xizor and his friends are criminals. Colicoids are extremely intelligent and know that working with criminals is not a good idea.


Criminals don't need droid armies, and the Colicoids know that. The Trade Federation and Dooku, on the other hand, have a past history of using very large droid armies. This time there are no mega corporations (except the Trade Federation) to steal the Colicoid's profits.


You are also seriously underestimating Dooku's charisma, influence, and political skill. This is the guy that split the galaxy in two with one speech.


But, you know, if you don't think it's possible, I'll move on to Plan B. Let me tell you, CCNs defection is a good thing for you in comparison.

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The defensive tactic that will be used by the CIC will be guerrilla warfare. Noting the map I showed earlier, The Fist will be forced to trek through the Dun Sea to reach the Palace. This alone will hurt the Fist. While the Sith may be able to make the trip, your average troops will not.


According to the SWTOR Encyclopedia, Sith Soldiers were trained in the harshest and most brutal environments. Tatooine isn't beyond anything they've seen. Besides, Sith Troops fought on Tatooine during the Cold War.


In fact, the desert becomes a very hard enemy in itself. Couple it with Sand People, beasts, and ambushes, it will be easy to cripple the Fist's efforts. If Veers is to come into play, nothing changes either. He is renowned for fighting on the front lines with his troops. In the desert, he will not last long. If he decided to stay in the city, he will not last long either.


Sand People and beasts are just as likely to attack CIC troops as they are Fist troops. You can't call guerrilla warfare, use hostile landscape, and forget that the landscape doesn't pick favorites.


The offensive tactic will utilize the underground road to Mos Eisley. Sending small squads of commando droids into the city, they will wreck havoc, capturing key fortifications and locations. This will likely be led by Urai Fen.


At the same time, Xizor will be busy charming the local population to help him. From farmers and shop owners to smugglers and pirates, he will gain a secondary intel group as well as soldiers. Using these key groups, the commando droids will be smuggled to safe zones where they can form small bases of operation.


This all culminates to the attack of the base, although I do not yet know how that would proceed.


Imperial Intelligence, at the command of Count Dooku, will be watching Mos Eisley very carefully for any dissent. They will see the Commando Droids, they will see Urai Fen, and they will know Xizor is 'charming' the local populace.


We should also consider that the Imperial Garrison Base is a heavily fortified stronghold, and Dooku and Veers will consider infiltration and guerrilla style warfare, considering they know that their opponent is heavily outnumbered (Veers being a veteran of the Galactic Civil War will know how to deal with this)


In space, the battle was merely lost. The war, however, was not. The fleet will continue to bombard, raid, and assault the Fist's fleet, whittling it down and forcing it to divert forces away from the ground.


At the same time, reinforcements from Hypori will be flooding in. More of all of my forces, supplemented with Annihilator droids. Using some of my own forces, as well as hired smugglers, droids will be smuggled planet side. Pirates are notorious as blockade runners, and using this skill, they will be quite successful in bringing reinforcements to my troops.


As more troops are produced, more droids can be used to fight the space battle, making this a continuous loop.


I will respond to the space argument later.


Not only will they be tasked with keeping the Colicoids with the CIC, they will be used to cripple the Trade Federation. Cato Neimoidia is located in the Colonies, well within Black Sun's fold. Using bribery, sabotage, pirates, and more, they will assault the Trade Federation from the shadows.


Knowing that Neimoidian's are inherently cowardly, greedy, and fearful, this tactic will be extremely successful. It will also draw away more troops from the Fist, as Dooku is forced to protect his asset. If Black Sun is extremely successful, they may even capture droid forces to send planet side. Hell, they could capture high ranking officials and halt production entirety.


Cato Neimoidia was a heavily defended world. A few pirates are not going to be sufficient to do anything. Remember that Black Sun can't provide armies of troops and fleets of ships, as Beni said about the Hutt Cartel.You should also consider that Imperial Intelligence will run interference, and Intelligence agents are far beyond pirates.

Edited by Aurbere
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