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Looking for Empire Brony Guild


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I am still attempting to understand what the draw is for that show that people not just enjoy watching it, but identify themselves by it.


I can understand finding the show enjoyable, I have never watched it, but then again there are still people who have never watched Studio 60, which I enjoyed very much.


However to enjoy a property so much, I would imagine it would have to be very special indeed. By all accounts I have heard that is not the case. My Wife has watched it with her niece who enjoys it very much, she tells me there really is nothing all that profound to it.


I am usually one who makes these judgments for myself and someday my curiosity will get the best of me, I just hope my wife doesn't see it in my queue and file for divorce immediately.

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  • 5 weeks later...

And all I see here is a bunch of Brainwashed sheeple hating on MLP just because this messed up Society says it's wrong for Adults to like a kids show...

Age is just a number brain dead sheep, along with adulthood, adolescence just brands for those in power to better control you...

Carry on Slaves of Society...

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And all I see here is a bunch of Brainwashed sheeple hating on MLP just because this messed up Society says it's wrong for Adults to like a kids show...

Age is just a number brain dead sheep, along with adulthood, adolescence just brands for those in power to better control you...

Carry on Slaves of Society...



Edited by ace_boogie
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It's not that you're a grown man that's into MLP(which no matter how you paint it, it's weird) as much as the fact that you like it to the point where you've affiliated yourself with a whole subculture/group about it. And you've immersed yourself in this subculture so deeply, that you feel the need to join/make a themed guild about it.


I enjoy taking my niece to see whatever latest Pixar/Disney animated movie that's out, and I am often entertained by what these movies, myself. But I'll be goddamned if I'm joining a "Frozen" fan club. This is what separates normal functioning adults from, well... You.


Like seriously who TF joins a group? Bronies... You guys gonna have meetings and discuss the latest episodes between Ops and flashpoints? What's the point? You seriously woke up one morning and decided to become a brony? I mean you HAD to know people were gonna bust your balls over this, right?

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You know how nerds always needed to get revenge for high school or whatever hurt them so much, well welcome to the internet and sometimes the military if they got cut real deep. The anger is real.


You shouldn't have posted this without expecting or ignoring it though, I don't understand the brony thing myself but just not a great move in general.

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