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Ranked Rewards S2 Are Good Stop Whining *BW You Did Good*


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What Rank War Zone!? it never pops on the Shadowlands server. Ppl wait for hrs and never pops. Anyways, after 2 1/2 yrs of absentee I'm back in World of Warcraft. In terms of pvp, nothing has change, but was impress by all the new content they had added. My biggest disappointment on this game was when they nerf the Marauder to total uselessness. And by the way: strongholds, guild flagships, and flashpoints are not a game extension, but more of a patch upgrade. This game as become a total monotony and grievance. Why paid for that? anyways, maybe in near future I'll be back. In the meantime Subscription Cancel.
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Hey all,


I wanted to step in and give some answers to a few questions I've been seeing. Hopefully this helps clarify where we were coming from with the Season 2 rewards. The overwhelming feedback of Season 1 rewards was that “reskinned” items are not desirable. In Season 2, we wanted to give reward models that couldn't be found in any other content channel, such as Deathmark’s Helmet which is a 100% unique model. I’ve seen some questions about why we did not choose a 100% unique mount or full armor sets for the Season 2 rewards. Musco went into detail about this in an earlier post here. The TL;DR version is that because Season Rewards are one off items, it is unlikely you will see a 100% unique mount or armor set. That is not to say you will not see mounts in the future, we definitely want to make some really awesome looking mounts for you, but it will be more in the vein of Giradda’s Rancor mount in that it is a special skinned version rather than a completely new model.


We are going to take your feedback from this thread and others, chew on it, and make a better plan for Season 3 onward. Your feedback is truly important to us and the Suggestion Thread has already come up with some awesome ideas we are excited to put into the game.


lol can't infringe on the Cartel Market's primacy...


To the frothing nerds about to reply with their intro. to business course knowledge on how businesses work, don't bother I know more about it than you do.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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