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Less than a month from Pax Prime, where is the info for Seattle Cantina Tour?


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All the other cantina tours have had a month or more advance notice. Pax Prime is a major event and hotels are booking up fast. I am going to Seattle just for the Cantina tour. We need details please.


Another note: PLEASE come to Portland Oregon :D

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All the other cantina tours have had a month or more advance notice. Pax Prime is a major event and hotels are booking up fast. I am going to Seattle just for the Cantina tour. We need details please.


Another note: PLEASE come to Portland Oregon :D


Pax Prime is sold out. Looks like you can't even get in at this point.

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Pax Prime is sold out. Looks like you can't even get in at this point.


I'm not going to Pax. I will be going to Seattle just for the Cantina tour. I just don't want to end up staying in Everett or some other place that is not Seattle.

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Yes, please announce these things more than a month in advance to allow for things like time off requests and such.


I attended the Seattle Community Cantina last year. I live in the area and was looking forward to it again this year, but with Pax coming up the chances of me getting the time off to attend are closing fast.


Pax is easily predictable, it should not have been difficult for Bioware to confirm/deny whether there would be a related Cantina event in Seattle this year.

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Yes, please announce these things more than a month in advance to allow for things like time off requests and such.


I attended the Seattle Community Cantina last year. I live in the area and was looking forward to it again this year, but with Pax coming up the chances of me getting the time off to attend are closing fast.


Pax is easily predictable, it should not have been difficult for Bioware to confirm/deny whether there would be a related Cantina event in Seattle this year.


They have confirmed that there will be one, but it only says between August 30th and September 2nd.

Here is the link to that:


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They have confirmed that there will be one, but it only says between August 30th and September 2nd.

Here is the link to that:



Unfortunately "between August 30th and September 2nd" does not provide enough specificity for workers without vacation time (yes American employers are horrible about that) to request time off. And I shouldn't have to request a whole block of vacation time to attend a one-night local event anyway.


About 3 weeks to go and we still don't have a firm date, let alone location. GG EAware.

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