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Does anyone have a current guide/ rotatiosn and build for leveling?


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Hello I am recently returned and have dusted off my 23 Sentinel.


I was looking for some builds/ rotations for leveling? Everything I can find is either old or for 55. I am currently spec in to the focus tree for the added aoe and using Kira.


To be honest, I don't always understand which skills to use in which order to maximize my dps and end up mashing keys which I hate. Id prefer to use something which has an easier rotation as i'm older and my reflexes just are not what they used to be, lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

edit, sorry I mostly play PVE, and would be looking to endgame PVE.


Thank you

Edited by Marauder
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If you're looking for an easy rotation, Sentinel is probably not the class for you. Focus is, in my estimation, the easiest of the three trees, but it also seems to have the lowest single-target potential (though it does have the highest AoE potential, which does make it great for leveling). Watchman has the next easiest rotation, as it's mostly about filling spare globals while waiting to apply burn DoTs. There's a bit of a ramp up time before it reaches maximum potential, which is detrimental to leveling, but, at end game, it's the highest potential DPS spec available to Sentinels.


Either way, you're going to rely on quite a few buttons. If you'd prefer something with fewer buttons to manage, I'd recommend Gunnery Commando. You can get by with a main rotation of as few as four buttons if you manage your ammo right, and anything beyond that core is situational or has a (relatively) long CD.

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I'm not that old, (4 buttons) but thanks. Yeah i've tried to manage my keyboard short cuts as best I can using the 1-4 keys, Q, E, R and the ` key and 2 mouse buttons. So I can handle a bit more.


How is the class for end game pve? Is it solid or being strictly melee (as in some games) does it make it a lot harder? I played the Jugg story somewhat and wanted to try the jedi side but not do the guardian as its the same as jug. (Plus double saber throw just looks totally boss, lol)


I think so far at 23 Focus is a pretty good choice for the aoe to drop the trash mobs fast. At what point would you suggest possibly using a different spec? 30's? 40's maybe? Or will focus see me thru 50-55 just fine?


So far I have these skills, and I am not sure if I should juts not be using some or be using all?


Strike (generates focus)



Force Sweep (big aoe)

Rebuke (try to have up always)

Zealous strike ?

Master strike (good damage slow animation)

Crippling throw (runner?)

Zealous Leap (situational?)

Blade storm (decent)

Cauterize ?

Force leap (opener)


Transcendence ?

Zen ?

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Strike (generates focus)

Riposte situational, but not bad for leveling

Slash primary filler as Focus

Force Sweep (big aoe) heaviest hitting ability as Focus; you will still use it ST at higher levels

Rebuke (try to have up always) by far my favorite DCD in the game

Zealous strike ? immediate half-bar of focus; use it wisely, try not to waste any of the gains

Master strike (good damage slow animation) heavy-hitter in every Knight spec; use it often, but don't neglect your more important abilities

Crippling throw (runner?) situational, but I don't even keep it on my bars

Zealous Leap (situational?) primary rotational ability to fuel buffs

Blade storm (decent) free after a leap; good damage as Focus

Cauterize ? great filler; DoT's pretty potent

Force leap (opener) pretty much; great mobility for certain boss fights


Transcendence ? situational; use for group-wide movement, or if there's high mitigable group damage

Zen ? Use it as often as possible; as Focus, generates a ton of focus very quickly, so you want to use it with little/no focus, or be prepared to spam the crap outta Slash


Responses to abilities in bold. Also, apologies if I implied you were too[/] old, but you said you were looking for something rather easy, and Sentinel really isn't. I play what is usually considered the most difficult Sentinel spec (Combat), so pretty much anything else seems easy by comparison. Gunnery, in particular, is achingly dull since the 2.6 changes, but it can be pushed enough to where it doesn't make me fall asleep (and, of course, always have to watch for mechanics).


As to endgame, there is a bias against melee as there is in all MMOs, but it's difficult to punish ranged and melee equally. ToR seems to often get the ranged as good as the melee, though, as far as forcing attention to mechanics - but ranged do still have the advantage, I feel. Sentinels are the only class that brings Introspection (raid-wide +5% damage/healing), so good ones always seem welcome. As far as specs for raiding, Focus is the weaker of the three. It's ST DPS is somewhat lower than Combat's, and neither compare to a good (or, after recent buffs, average) Watchman, but Focus does bring more AoE than either other spec and there are fights where that can be a boon (Draxus, Bestia, Calphayus, Corrupter Zero).


The best point to try either other spec is probably going to be in the late-30s/early-40s, when you have enough points to fill out most of their tricks. You need to be 45+ to really have all the tools that make each spec work right, but 37~43 should have enough of the important bits to get a feel for what it's really like at cap.

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