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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Recycling areas and Space Missions


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Pretty sub par coming from Bioware.

I'm level 35 now and I've come to notice that a lot of the Caves/Heroics/Space Missions involve recycled content from a previous mission.


For example.

The higher you level the more space missions you get.

You get the same exact track, pathway, enemies, with added shields and maybe one or two different units.


Some saves and heroics have the same exact layout, whats the point of doing a flashpoint when they all look alike?


Caves especially on Tatooine look all identical, and its annoying. You go into an area and your like.. wait? Didn't I see this somewhere before? Then I'll be able to trace where everything is because its just like the last one!


Anyways, Rant over.

I will still play SWTOR and I still love it.

No hating.


Just seems Bioware got a bit lazy.

Edited by PunisherAS
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I'm not saying this to be contrary, but the geological structure of Azeroth tends towards producing caves with a variety of virtually identical lava chambers. I would also note that virtually every mine in the World of Warcraft was constructed by the same company.


Many of them feature spiders.

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yeah i also noticed a lot of copy/paste and had a ton of "ouh, i know this place already" experience and im only 20 in 9 days of playtime.


first i saw that with every cave entrance looks exacly like every other cave entrance.


nevertheless, i dont have issues with the game itself, its great and i also have lots of fun with SWTOR.

reflecting the fact, that is is a new game, ill grant them some room to expande their toolbox.

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