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Forbes Magazine Rank MMOs by Profit


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Haters will give the same response that they gave the first time that SuperData article was linked; that SuperData's numbers are useless and made up.

Even though it's apparently good enough for Forbes and a ton of other websites. :p

Still, we can be happy about it and let the trolls be trolls.

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What caught my attention was Rift. People kept going on an on about Rift but it's the last one on the list!! LOL :D


Keep in mind that people are always going on about how great RIFT's free to play system is...

Which basically translates into "Yay! We can play this game without needing to spend a dime, so we won't give anything back to the developers and can order that extra large pizza instead!"

I have no doubt Rift's a good and popular game, but it once again goes to show what happens with developers that are very lenient with their F2P restrictions.

Then look at Swtor's F2P which is easily amongs the most hated out there in terms of restrictions. :p

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Keep in mind that people are always going on about how great RIFT's free to play system is...

Which basically translates into "Yay! We can play this game without needing to spend a dime, so we won't give anything back to the developers and can order that extra large pizza instead!"

I have no doubt Rift's a good and popular game, but it once again goes to show what happens with developers that are very lenient with their F2P restrictions.

Then look at Swtor's F2P which is easily amongs the most hated out there in terms of restrictions. :p


This is very true

I went back to Rift when their latest expansion came out (as a subscriber, I refuse to play a MMO under the F2P rule set of any game. If the game good enough for me to play, its good enough for me to support with a sub) and got to see the F2P system in place.


It really does allow for the whole game and all aspects to be played for free

and because of that, people play it for free.


Rifts servers are actually fairly busy (least when I played) but problem is most of those players will not spend a cent on the game EVER.


Frankly I think SW:TOR system is also to forgiving and passive for F2P players and there should be more rule in place limiting F2P players actions (like no general chat or yells until level 20-25 minimum. Thats more for credit sellers but credit sellers are a bigger issue now BECAUSE of F2P rule sets.)

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I know there was a nice, shiny chart in the middle of the article and the astute (on an MMO forum no less!) recognize the difference between revenue and profit. (IE, Amazon still has yet to turn a profit)


That said, it stated in the text of the article that SWTOR was profitable and they had covered the cost of development. Which is very good news for the longevity of this game, at least in the short term.


With the strongholds/conquest content coming soon, it will represent a significant change in the game. I am well aware at least a few vocal commentors are not looking forward to these changes but I think, over all, it will be well recieved. Having personally spent time on the PTS, in my biased opinion, the strongholds at least are epic.


So we shall see but it is clear that this game is not ending any time 'soon' and for that, I'm glad.

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