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Carnage Preferred Stats/Armor


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I've been doing this class for awhile now, but took a break. I've noticed the stats have changed, but curious of what is preferred. I've been getting armor/weapons with Strength and Endurance mostly.


But I'm curious on what stats I should really look for or the best rotations in combat?

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Well, strength and endurance are a given with this class. Any piece of gear you get will have those stats. The secondary stat you should be looking for is power. Attempting to minimize crit/alacrity while maximizing power and surge rating will result in an increase in DPS. I don't know if you are referring to PVE or PVP specifically but for PVE you will want a little accuracy rating in your gear whereas for PVP it is not necessary. As far as rotation, I'm sure you know that everything revolves around the gore window. You should only be using ravage, execute procced force scream and vicious throw in the gore window. If those are all on cooldown, use dual saber throw and massacre in the window. Outside of the gore window you should be focusing on building up rage in anticipation of the next gore window. Your filler abilities at this point should consist of assault, battering assault, massacre, rupture, and dual saber throw. Also, attempt to use berserk for a gore window so you can fit an extra ability in there.
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Thanks :)


I just got Gore last night. My Sith Marauder is only lvl 38 right now. So I was just looking for some tips on making him better is all.


So any good tips or advice is always welcome.


Since I read these posts, I've gotten better armor that includes Power stats, same with the mods for my armor and weapons.

Edited by IrishSniper
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