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Everyone is talking about pricing for LS and GFS and....


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I have the original versions... on 2 characters (my main Jugg and my old mara) I actually have the ORIGINAL original versions... And you know what? Sucks if the mix is looking better than either one of those. xD


Oh well - as mentioned: Once all the snowflake-want is killed in all players, we can finally all revert to eradicator armor sets.


Or people can just wear what they want and not care what others have! :eek:


Shocking I know.

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I was super-excited about Satele's set, but I now don't know. Female body type 2 looks fat around the waist on Dulfy's. Did Satele really look good in this? Or was her set different somehow?


Reaver/Darth Marr's set looks interesting, except it'd rather have it legacy-bound and adaptive and in Darth's Marr colors and an alternate version without a mask and a hood, but we can't have it all. ;)

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I was super-excited about Satele's set, but I now don't know. Female body type 2 looks fat around the waist on Dulfy's. Did Satele really look good in this? Or was her set different somehow?


Reaver/Darth Marr's set looks interesting, except it'd rather have it legacy-bound and adaptive and in Darth's Marr colors and an alternate version without a mask and a hood, but we can't have it all. ;)


You could just compare the two.

Satele vs Sateles Set

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I was super-excited about Satele's set, but I now don't know. Female body type 2 looks fat around the waist on Dulfy's. Did Satele really look good in this? Or was her set different somehow?


Reaver/Darth Marr's set looks interesting, except it'd rather have it legacy-bound and adaptive and in Darth's Marr colors and an alternate version without a mask and a hood, but we can't have it all. ;)


Black and Red dye kits do wonders.

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Thank you very much! I see the difference now: both look perfect from behind, but Satele's chest/hips ratio looks more "normal", whereas the dulfy's ratio seems to be a bit off - hips too big, chest's sticking strangely. Maybe the preview mode is at fault. I'll be sure to examine it on both of my girls before buying. :)


(And I wonder whether the prices would drop or not. Probably yes, they would: my Temple Guardian chest sold for 1.6mil in the first days after Vertica's launch; yet now it costs ~700k.)

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