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Dear angry Healer,


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i don't know jewel. sometimes you get those people that have to stop between every pull to run to walmart and get a donut, or stop a take a dump. if they can't join the rest of the group to clear the content they pugged for at a reasonable pace, i think they hold some responsibility. perhaps practice the lower level content a bit more so they're more comfortable with their class? or get the walmart trips out of the way before they join the group?

What if, in their respective different parts of the world, all the group members happen to decide to go to Wal Mart at exactly the same time, and plan to return at exactly the same time?

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Dear angry Healer,


Why do you get so upset with me when I tank for you? Yes, I move faster than the average tank. But never do I pull at inopportune times. You and I have full health, you also have full resource. No, I don't give a rat's *** about the dps.


I never lose aggro, even on the large pulls.


You threaten me with statements like, "if you don't slow down, I'm going to stop healing you!"

You queued for the healing role, why does it bother you that you have to fulfill that role just a teeny bit more? It's the role you signed up for. Is it because you have no control over the pacing? Is it because you are lazy and don't wish to finish the fp quickly?


I've healed for the better part of 8 years In MMO's. Your excuse of "healing is stressful, you wouldn't understand." Is very assuming.


So please, mr. Healer. Why do you get so Angry with me?


What kind of tank do you play?

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How about we make an agreement. I won't get mad at you for rushing ahead like a pro tank ... if you don't get mad at me when you die horribly. ;)


this should go without saying. surely the OP knows if his healer can't get to him in time to heal, there's going to be some repair bills to pay. doesn't mean the healer should be taking a nap instead of healing though.


also, if the healer has to stop to collect some bioanalysis material, well, keep that in mind with the quoted understanding above. i've seen quite a few groups not wipe while i stopped to salvage. no reason to get upset for any of us.

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If you intend to do salvage or any other type of gathering while in an FP or OP you should inform your group that you intend to do so that way they know not to just go running off. If they still do it after you have told them that then they get what they deserve for ignoring you. :D


This is the beauty of being a healer. I literally hold your life in my hands if you piss me off by doing something stupid it is my right to let you die at least once to teach you a lesson :D:p

Edited by Anaesha
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Now, I am just coming back form HM FP where the completely opposite situation has happened.

Our healer was rushing thru the content so fast that he aggored mobs few times and we had to run like hell to catch and help him.


He/she was EXCELLENT healer, but in terms of group awareness, there's still room for improvement.

I was Vanq tank, he was scoundrel, probably with all kinds of "speed" buffs you can have.

i did not have any.


When i mentioned that we could actually avoid many of those pulls and aggros, he said we do not have all night, plus, why do I try to take all the damage in the world.


Well, I tried NOT to, and I would not, but if you see your healer aggroing strong mobs + Elite you at least TRY to re-aggro to yourself. (as the tank should)


It ended up well, we made it, (I died once) but still, rushing thu stuff is not the best idea.



aha, me, being kinda "fresh" tank had some 162-ish gear on vanq, he on Scoundrel had more than 40000 HP.

Either misplaced armorings or covered in all 180 plus set bonuses and augs.


Still, it does not justify the rush.

Edited by Przemo_No
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Last time I was tanking and a healer demanded I slow down. It was because the healer spent more time dpsing than actually healing and expected everyone to heal themselves once the fights had ended.


The end of that story involves my modem resetting a few times, the healer pulling and wiping the group and getting kicked for it. But it had a happy ending, somewhere..






Ooh I hate people that stand around and form a committee before they decide they should pull. If my healer's resource bar is at full, then pull! If you have to ask then you're not pulling fast enough. :D


on my healer I do NOT heal between group. it leaves me starting off the next group down energy and it is your responsibility to top yourself off.

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Now, I am just coming back form HM FP where the completely opposite situation has happened.

Our healer was rushing thru the content so fast that he aggored mobs few times and we had to run like hell to catch and help him.


He/she was EXCELLENT healer, but in terms of group awareness, there's still room for improvement.

I was Vanq tank, he was scoundrel, probably with all kinds of "speed" buffs you can have.

i did not have any.


When i mentioned that we could actually avoid many of those pulls and aggros, he said we do not have all night, plus, why do I try to take all the damage in the world.


Well, I tried NOT to, and I would not, but if you see your healer aggroing strong mobs + Elite you at least TRY to re-aggro to yourself. (as the tank should)


It ended up well, we made it, (I died once) but still, rushing thu stuff is not the best idea.



aha, me, being kinda "fresh" tank had some 162-ish gear on vanq, he on Scoundrel had more than 40000 HP.

Either misplaced armorings or covered in all 180 plus set bonuses and augs.


Still, it does not justify the rush.


With people like that it's better to just not help them one time if he dies and complains about you not helping you tell him that it was to teach him the consequences of running ahead of the group.

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The thing about large communities of gamers is that most of them aren't pro like the OP. When he understands that he will either only seek out other pros who are as good as he is to run with, or he will show patience toward other players with varying degrees of skill.


or what is most likely, he is most likely not as good as he thinks he is? hold agro? I know a number of dps that could pull agro from him at will. mr perfect isnt telling you the whole story.

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don't worry about the haters. i'll heal for you. i've never asked a tank to slow down. sure, i've opened boss fights with a consumption or two trying to catch up from the last fight, but the game just isn't that hard. if you're not up to the task, pug into lower level content.


when you can solo bestia NIM the you can talk..till then.you arent all that

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on my healer I do NOT heal between group. it leaves me starting off the next group down energy and it is your responsibility to top yourself off.


To each healer their own. I've never needed to recharge after a pull on any of my healers and I will heal people out of combat. I just don't waste resources on dpsing.

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