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Really nerfing ion missile?


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Most of the datamined changes are things where durations become 0 or something- clearly not a set of real changes (EMP debuff doesn't last 0 seconds, plasma doesn't deal 900 damage instantly and then 900 over <<1 second). Probably an artifact of storing the data elsewhere or something.



But one thing that DID look crazy? The ion missile looks like it will be only 6 seconds of snare, down from 12.




I dislike this nerf... assuming it is real, ofc.1

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Maybe they decided that Ion shouldn't be used as a replacement for Interdiction...


But whatever, in my opinion snares aren't where they should be, so I'm not surprised they change things like this, even though it would be strange that they change only this snare.

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Most of the datamined changes are things where durations become 0 or something- clearly not a set of real changes (EMP debuff doesn't last 0 seconds, plasma doesn't deal 900 damage instantly and then 900 over <<1 second). Probably an artifact of storing the data elsewhere or something.



But one thing that DID look crazy? The ion missile looks like it will be only 6 seconds of snare, down from 12.




I dislike this nerf... assuming it is real, ofc.1


I noticed this too, but wasn't sure how kosher talking about the datamined stuff was. I do agree it's an odd choice.

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I mean, it's in the XML that is distributed to all players, so I don't see how it wouldn't be A Thing To Discuss.


I do think it's early enough, and this is all incomplete enough, that we shouldn't take anything seriously just yet except for clear purposeful adjustments. I bet within the next couple patches we get some more info.

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