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The correct order of storylines


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Well, what is it? I don't want to spoil anything by playing out of order. My lineup and reasoning behind it:


Bounty Hunter(Smuggler)>Smuggler(Bounty Hunter)>Trooper>[Agent]>Sith Warrior>Sith Inquisitor>Jedi Consular>Jedi Knight>[Agent]


It all begins with mostly neutral classes. Them being: Smuggler and BountyHunter. You could play them in any order really. It just so happened that I levelled BH first. Trooper marks the first of true factional stories. I'd like to play Agent next seeing how its story should be a counterpart to Trooper's. Sith Warrior opens the true meat n taters of SW-the Force users. It is followed by the story of Inq which directly ties into Consular's(for me and only for me). It should end with Jedi Knight's story seeing how it pretty much is Kotor 3. And because of various rumours I heard about who your enemies are in this story. But, judging from rumours, the game could also end with Agent's story seeing how spoiler rich it is(I assume). The following flowchart should be the overall formula for playing the game in the correct order:


Neutral class 1>Neutral class 2>Trooper>Sith Inquisitor>Jedi Consular>Sith Warrior>Jedi Knight>Agent


EDIT: Please, no spoilers! Thank you!

Edited by Cuiwe
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There is almost no order, becouse all of the stories happen, more or less, in the same time. Still


Warrior is best played before knight and trooper - to avoid knowing about Emperor more then you need, and with trooper - to know what happened to the Bastion.

Smuggler goes better before warrior - to avoid spoilers from Vette about Nok Drayen.

Consular is best played before knight, becouse othervise you will spoil the idea of Children.

Agent is best to play after every other class is finished. It has bunch of nice connections with other stories you will miss othervise.

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There is almost no order, becouse all of the stories happen, more or less, in the same time. Still


Warrior is best played before knight and trooper - to avoid knowing about Emperor more then you need, and with trooper - to know what happened to the Bastion.

Smuggler goes better before warrior - to avoid spoilers from Vette about Nok Drayen.

Consular is best played before knight, becouse othervise you will spoil the idea of Children.

Agent is best to play after every other class is finished. It has bunch of nice connections with other stories you will miss othervise.




Neutral classes>Warrior>Trooper>Inquisitor>Consular>Knight>Agent?


I'll need more input on this, but it seems that the name of chapter 3 achievment for Agent isn't so random anymore(Armageddon). The more you know...

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It's not actual armageddon. Just a pretty name


Is a pretty name to end the game alright!


I still think that the rumours I heard about the JK ending warrant it by themselves his last spot. Just a hunch...

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Yeah, I seem to have trouble deciding in which order to play the Force classes...


Which one happens first: SW or JK ending? This answer will determine my final two classes. Idk if it should be SW>JK or JK>SW.

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The end, or rather the last boss fight of both, probably happen at around the same time, or it doesn't matter which happened first.


Major spoilers for SW and JK:


The problem is that SW spoils that the JK doesn't fight the Emperor's true body. If you play SW then JK, you would realize you're just fighting another Voice. If you play JK then SW, you'll get a nice mind blowing when you realize the Emperor is still alive.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Right, what I need right now is all the references that spoil prior classes. Such as:



When you finish Smuggler story, you are led to that control room on Correlia and an officer says "Chancellor you already know" and the Chancellor being Saresh. Not the old bloke from BH story.



The spoilers directly state that the Smuggler story takes place AFTER BH story. Such a critical piece of info should put stories in the right order. Currently it is:


BH -> Smuggler -> Trooper -> {Inquisitor -> Agent -> Warrior} -> Consular -> Knight


The part of the overall story that I bracketed is the part that confuses me the most. I have NO idea where to put those three(Warrior and Agent especially).


Please use the spoiler function! Thanks!

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Right, what I need right now is all the references that spoil prior classes. Such as:



When you finish Smuggler story, you are led to that control room on Correlia and an officer says "Chancellor you already know" and the Chancellor being Saresh. Not the old bloke from BH story.



The spoilers directly state that the Smuggler story takes place AFTER BH story. Such a critical piece of info should put stories in the right order. Currently it is:


BH -> Smuggler -> Trooper -> {Inquisitor -> Agent -> Warrior} -> Consular -> Knight


The part of the overall story that I bracketed is the part that confuses me the most. I have NO idea where to put those three(Warrior and Agent especially).


Please use the spoiler function! Thanks!


Having played and finished ALL storylines at least twice and some three and four times, it goes more like this...


Bounty Hunter

Sith Warrior

Sith Inquisitor

Imperial Agent

- - - -


Jedi Knight

Jedi Consular




Bounty Hunter, as you pointed out already, either kills, forces Janarus to resign or freezes him in Carbonite.


Sith Warrior and Inquisitor take place at the same time give or take, with the Warrior defeating Baras before the Inquisitor defeats Thanaton. Both take place AFTER the BH one.


At the time the Imperial Agent arrives on Corellia, the SW and Inquisitor stories are already(!) taking place; Also, you intercept a message from Supreme Commander Rans stating that Garza is coming to Corellia, with a reference of sorts to Havoc Squad being made.


- - - -


Trooper story takes place before most Republic classes, since Saresh has just became Chancellor.


Jedi Knight takes place possibly simultaneously with the Trooper, seeing that Republic forces are getting their behinds kicked and Jedi forces on the planet are next to zilch, which is why the Knight is promoted to Supreme Leader of all Jedi forces on the planet by Satele Shan. Also, concerning the latter, General Aves, Cole Cantarus and Senator Bellus' aide can be seen at the end of the JK story. Saresh is nowhere to be seen.


Smuggler story takes place before, at the same time or after the Jedi Consular but definitely AFTER the Trooper, seeing there's this Drahl that mentions someone who was arrested when he or she tried to bribe Garza.


Consular, IMHO, takes place at the time the JK story is wrapping up on Corellia and shortly before the Smuggler one or maybe simultaneously.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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  • 2 years later...

1. Bounty Hunter Hutta (Prelude) (Braden dies, Fa’athra is a major threat to Nem’ro)

2. Imperial Agent Hutta (Prelude) (Fa’athra falls)

3. Jedi Knight Nar Shaddaa (Ch. 1) (First info on CotE)

4. Smuggler Alderaan (Ch. 2) (Bandon’s head is delivered)

5. Bounty Hunter Alderaan (Ch. 2) (Bandon’s head is seen)

6. Jedi Consular Chapter 2 (Qyzen calls Braden, but Mako answers)

7. Jedi Knight post-Hoth (Ch. 2) (Scourge no longer wrath)

8. Sith Warrior Quesh (Ch. 3) (Sith Warrior becomes Wrath)

9. Jedi Consular post-Hoth (Ch. 2) (CotE becomes main conflict)

10. Jedi Consular Belsavis (Ch. 3) (Esh-Kha awaken)

11. Bounty Hunter Belsavis (Ch. 3) (Esh-Kha mentioned as awake)

12. Sith Warrior Voss (Ch. 3) (Emperor freed from Sel-Makor)

13. Jedi Knight Voss (Ch. 3) (Sel-Makor dies)

14. Jedi Knight Corellia (Ch. 3) (Tol Braga dies)

15. Imperial Agent Corellia+ (Ch. 3) (Tol Braga is mentioned as dead, Janarus is Chancellor, Baras and Thanaton are alive, Republic reinforcements have not arrived yet.)

16. Sith Warrior Corellia (Ch. 3) (Baras dies, Darth Thanaton is still alive)

17. Sith Inquisitor Corellia (Ch. 3) (Darth Thanaton dies.)

18. Bounty Hunter Corellia (Ch. 3) (Janarus is in scandal and must resign)

19. Jedi Consular Corellia (Ch. 3) (Republic reinforcements arrive, Janarus is Supreme Chancellor, then it passes to Saresh as recent events)

20. Republic Trooper Corellia (Ch. 3) (Republic reinforcements arrive, Janarus is Supreme Chancellor, then it is passed to Saresh)

21. Smuggler Corellia+ (Ch. 3) (Only Saresh is mentionned)

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1. Bounty Hunter Hutta (Prelude) (Braden dies, Fa’athra is a major threat to Nem’ro)

2. Imperial Agent Hutta (Prelude) (Fa’athra falls)

3. Jedi Knight Nar Shaddaa (Ch. 1) (First info on CotE)

4. Smuggler Alderaan (Ch. 2) (Bandon’s head is delivered)

5. Bounty Hunter Alderaan (Ch. 2) (Bandon’s head is seen)

6. Jedi Consular Chapter 2 (Qyzen calls Braden, but Mako answers)

7. Jedi Knight post-Hoth (Ch. 2) (Scourge no longer wrath)

8. Sith Warrior Quesh (Ch. 3) (Sith Warrior becomes Wrath)

9. Jedi Consular post-Hoth (Ch. 2) (CotE becomes main conflict)

10. Jedi Consular Belsavis (Ch. 3) (Esh-Kha awaken)

11. Bounty Hunter Belsavis (Ch. 3) (Esh-Kha mentioned as awake)

12. Sith Warrior Voss (Ch. 3) (Emperor freed from Sel-Makor)

13. Jedi Knight Voss (Ch. 3) (Sel-Makor dies)

14. Jedi Knight Corellia (Ch. 3) (Tol Braga dies)

15. Imperial Agent Corellia+ (Ch. 3) (Tol Braga is mentioned as dead, Janarus is Chancellor, Baras and Thanaton are alive, Republic reinforcements have not arrived yet.)

16. Sith Warrior Corellia (Ch. 3) (Baras dies, Darth Thanaton is still alive)

17. Sith Inquisitor Corellia (Ch. 3) (Darth Thanaton dies.)

18. Bounty Hunter Corellia (Ch. 3) (Janarus is in scandal and must resign)

19. Jedi Consular Corellia (Ch. 3) (Republic reinforcements arrive, Janarus is Supreme Chancellor, then it passes to Saresh as recent events)

20. Republic Trooper Corellia (Ch. 3) (Republic reinforcements arrive, Janarus is Supreme Chancellor, then it is passed to Saresh)

21. Smuggler Corellia+ (Ch. 3) (Only Saresh is mentionned)


This is very good in general. I have done a long post on this and it is shown in this thread.




I do have a couple of places that differ from your order though. Specifically my differences are on Corellia. I think Bounty Hunter finishes Corellia first. He actually helps the Empire take over the planet by capturing/defeating the Chairman of Business, Police Commissioner and Selonian Matriarach. In the Agent story, I wonder where they mention Janarus is chancellor (I may have missed it). They definitely did mention that Consular and Trooper have just landed. We find out about Tol Braga after the Agent has left Corellia, so I believe he/she actually finished Corellia slightly ahead of the Jedi Knight (travel time after leaving as Agent heads to fight Star Cabal). Also Consular and Trooper may be swapped there as Saresh actually announces the war is won with the Consular (I will check this again). Again with travel time back to Coruscant by Trooper and Jedi Consular, Smuggler does appear to turn the tide of the war as he/she gets a call by holo from Saresh, so I agree he/she is last there.

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This is very good in general. I have done a long post on this and it is shown in this thread.




I do have a couple of places that differ from your order though. Specifically my differences are on Corellia. I think Bounty Hunter finishes Corellia first. He actually helps the Empire take over the planet by capturing/defeating the Chairman of Business, Police Commissioner and Selonian Matriarach. In the Agent story, I wonder where they mention Janarus is chancellor (I may have missed it). They definitely did mention that Consular and Trooper have just landed. We find out about Tol Braga after the Agent has left Corellia, so I believe he/she actually finished Corellia slightly ahead of the Jedi Knight (travel time after leaving as Agent heads to fight Star Cabal). Also Consular and Trooper may be swapped there as Saresh actually announces the war is won with the Consular (I will check this again). Again with travel time back to Coruscant by Trooper and Jedi Consular, Smuggler does appear to turn the tide of the war as he/she gets a call by holo from Saresh, so I agree he/she is last there.


I checked out the thread. Man, you did a spectacular work. I've been looking for something like that in a looong time! Is there any chance you squueze in the planet storylines in there?

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I checked out the thread. Man, you did a spectacular work. I've been looking for something like that in a looong time! Is there any chance you squueze in the planet storylines in there?


I have tried. The main thing is I just would recommend to play the planet storylines with the last class arriving on each planet.



Trooper on Coruscant and Warrior on Dromund Kaas

Consular on Taris and Agent on Balmorra

Nar Shadaa - Really don't know yet. I am leaning to Bounty Hunter for Empire story and Knight for Republic story.

Trooper on Tatooine (Really one ending with Czerka Bunker and Device) I might do Inquisitor up to the final stage when you get to the Dune Sea if you want most of empire story.

Consular on Alderaan (Really one ending with King Ulgo) Again Inquisitor up to the castle invasion if you want most of Empire Story



Consular on Balmorra and Warrior on Taris

Warrior and Consular on Quesh (Both really have the biggest accomplishments here imo and Empire and Republic have two stories although they conflict)

Hunter or Agent for Empire story (very close in time together) and Smuggler for Republic story on Hoth I would do Republic last.



Knight and Agent on Belsavis as their are two endings (Do Empire story last)

Warrior (maybe) and Knight for sure on Voss (I think there is really one ending with King Jokull right? or is the empire killing that green guy an ending? Maybe stop there for Empire, my memory is bad)

Inquisitor and Smuggler on Corellia due to the empire thinking they win with Darth Decimus and then the beatdown of Decimus later, etc. Obviously do Republic last.


I mainly tried to make the class stories chronological. I actually sent a letter to Bioware but got no response on this for us the players to verify my accuracy.


I will say I still have a lot of work to do. Nar Shadaa has never been figured out although I am thinking the Bounty Hunter story has a lot to do with it. And I have to figure in the side stories after each chapter. But I will get it done.


About to start my 5th playthrough. Thanks for your kind words.

Edited by Dawgtide
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RXportal. I updated my answer to you about the planet storylines. Starting another playthrough today to add class stories not on planets to the timeline and try again with Nar Shadaa. Have fun everyone.


Wow man really appreciate it. I was planning on playing all the classes again but real life struck a blow to that plan. I'll be following your lead!

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Wow man really appreciate it. I was planning on playing all the classes again but real life struck a blow to that plan. I'll be following your lead!


No big deal. No one may ever use it, but it just gives me another thing to do while completing achievements for my legacy. Thanks for reading.

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No big deal. No one may ever use it, but it just gives me another thing to do while completing achievements for my legacy. Thanks for reading.


I may actually be the one to use it :) I'm planning on releasing a 3 episode SWTOR movie , adding modified gameplay between cutscenes and such. So this is a BIG help for me.

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