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Social Conventions for the server


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Hello all,


I am new to the server and new to the game. (yes I have a level 22 character fear me)

I play on imperial side for now but I had a few questions about the social conventions on the server and in the game in general.


Imperial side mainly but republic would be nice for future reference.


1. I see in the crafting thread that one of the items is 500k plus mats to craft. The question is what is a typical tip for the others that are mats only (I am sure tips are appreciated by all) is 500k typical or is that for a really special item and other items are lower?


2. I have not done many flashpoints but I am not sure of the protocol. I have only done dps.

a. kill order. I come from wow and I usually kill whatever the tank is hitting, but it seems that it goes weak to strongest and the dps is expected to kill the little stuff first and then what the tank is hitting. I dont want to pull aggro by not shooting at the tanks object.

On the flip side I have a tank specced warrior that I am working on. If i tank a fp I usually will gather all the mobs and then attack the one I want them to kill first so I am sure to keep aggro. Just making sure of how people do it so I can adjust.

b. Rolling on items. I saw elsewhere in the forums (new player help) that some places it is ok to roll on the mods in an item. For an example I did a flashpoint and a double bladed light saber dropped (orange one) I did not see it was double sided (oops) and thought it was a single one with better stats so I rolled need.


The mods in it were much better than what i had even though I did could not actually use a double sided lightsaber. Is this permitted or is it you have to be able to use the base weapon and not just the mods?


c. I have specced dps sorcerer but I have a heal button. From the couple of fp I have run it does not seem that I need full healer spec to que as healer. Is it ok to que as healer with a dps spec (I will be the healer) This is for leveling. at top level I would switch and gear appropriately.


3. I am thinking of trying to do a solo guild for the extra space and for me to have a venue to share things with my girlfriend when she starts playing soon.

a. Does it take a group of 4 only to start a guild? (i saw the vendor and such)

b. What is the normal tip to ask people to form it with me then leave. (like 50k a person)

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First, Welcome back to the fold Dark one. Now lets see if we can get you snapped back in right. It is helpful that you've been specific with your questions so Ii will answer them individually for the sake of organization.


1. I see in the crafting thread that one of the items is 500k plus mats to craft. The question is what is a typical tip for the others that are mats only (I am sure tips are appreciated by all) is 500k typical or is that for a really special item and other items are lower?

Generally you will find that when additional funds are required for a crafting build it means that the item has no possibility to proc a duplicate item that the crafter can sell for profit and so therefore they will likely tap you to make their ends. A good customer who wants quick responses to their request from a crafter will be courteous and throw in about 100-200k on top of any top end crafted build that they have commissioned. Credits come quick in SWTOR and it is important to keep these higher end crafters motivated and doing what they do so we can go pew pew.


2. I have not done many flashpoints but I am not sure of the protocol. I have only done dps.

a. kill order. I come from wow and I usually kill whatever the tank is hitting, but it seems that it goes weak to strongest and the dps is expected to kill the little stuff first and then what the tank is hitting. I dont want to pull aggro by not shooting at the tanks object.

This one has some grey area in that people use different markers for kill order sometimes. My groups tend to go with a red, white, and then blue kill order when we need to be organized about it. In flashpoints feel free to get a good feel for the tempo of the group and fall in behind your tank as your WoW instincts suggest. If you see a squishy mob break loose from the pack and you think you can smoke it down without much trouble, go ahead and do so. If you pull agro on a normal mob off the tank it hsould be fine, just make sure allow the tank to organize the fight before you pull. They tend to get grumpy when you as a DPS pull a pack...also healers will whine at you too.


On the flip side I have a tank specced warriorJuggernaut? that I am working on. If i tank a fp I usually will gather all the mobs and then attack the one I want them to kill first so I am sure to keep aggro. Just making sure of how people do it so I can adjust.

You are on point here with one exception....gather them as you can and get as much threat as you can from them. Use your camera controls and group frame to keep an eye on your healer and protect them as you would in WoW. If you are able scoot around and punch the ranged mobs in the face in order to ensure that they aren't causing undue stress on the DPS and healers while they do their evil deeds.


b. Rolling on items. I saw elsewhere in the forums (new player help) that some places it is ok to roll on the mods in an item. For an example I did a flashpoint and a double bladed light saber dropped (orange one) I did not see it was double sided (oops) and thought it was a single one with better stats so I rolled need.

The mods in it were much better than what i had even though I did could not actually use a double sided lightsaber. Is this permitted or is it you have to be able to use the base weapon and not just the mods?

Generally in flashpoints it is appropriate to roll need on an item that you need either the mods or the whole item in. If however you have an assasin who uses double bladed sabers and a Sorcerer who uses the same mods but in a single bladed saber, it would be "MORE" appropriate to simply ask if they mind if you need that item for it's mods. In the end, if there is heartburn over an item, you can simply trade it to them within the time frame allowed before the item binds permanently to you.


c. I have specced dps sorcerer but I have a heal button. From the couple of fp I have run it does not seem that I need full healer spec to que as healer. Is it ok to que as healer with a dps spec (I will be the healer) This is for leveling. at top level I would switch and gear appropriately.

The gear is nearly the same when leveling sorc as healing vs DPS so go buy the "Field Respecialization" ability in your legacy panel and you can respec on the fly depending on what role you pop into fromt he queue. By level 35 ish you WILL NOT be able to heal properly without your specialized skills from the healing tree.


3. I am thinking of trying to do a solo guild for the extra space and for me to have a venue to share things with my girlfriend when she starts playing soon.

a. Does it take a group of 4 only to start a guild? (i saw the vendor and such)

b. What is the normal tip to ask people to form it with me then leave. (like 50k a person)

You are on point with the 50K tip and yes you should have four seperate accounts in a group to start a guild(think if like 20 names for the guild that you can live with as the good ones ar ebecomming rare). I have a personal guild with just myself and my wife as active members in it so I get where you are going here. Its a great idea for being able to stage gear for passing around between toons on both accounts. I also have a couple of friends who have a toon or two in there for the same reason. With Galactic Strongholds coming out and the potential for Legacy Banks I am not sure if the benefit will be as pronounced afterward though. Time will tell for sure what direction this goes. The only negative effect will be that your personal guild will never reach the XP/Social bonus cap with only two active accounts in it.


I hope that helps out, and once again welcome back!

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