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Trouble with Conversation Compilation


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Recently I have been trying to unlock all conversations with Vette, the last one I have done is "Star of Ryloth". For some reason it screwed up at this point because I had about 4000 affection gain with her. Now I have over 7500 and ever since then I have not been able to have any conversations with her, I have been trying to research what affection gain I was supposed to have for the next conversation... nothing is helping, so if someone could help me out I will know what to do.
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Usually when you hit a roadblock like that it means you won't get the next conversation until a certain point in the story triggers it.


For example, off the top of my head I remember that the Jedi Knight companion Kira's final conversation does not pop up until you have finished the main class quest, however much affection you have with her. And I had built up lots of affection with all my Warrior's companions without actually playing the story for a while. I was getting no more little chats. Then I played her for a bit and finished a chapter and bam! There's little triangles all over my ship's mini-map.


It's most likely the same deal. You need to play your story until it unlocks.

Edited by PLynkes
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Usually when you hit a roadblock like that it means you won't get the next conversation until a certain point in the story triggers it..


This. I had the same on my warrior, and bounty hunter - the companion who you raise as high as you can only to realize she's not going to say anything new until you reach the next planet in the story, or the next story interlude.

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