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Please add a "sound in background" option.


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All it takes is for me to click a link on a browser when someone starts talking in swtor and next thing you know i gotta restart the dam convo.


I really have NO CLUE why all games dont allow sound in background with a feature to NOT.


First game I have ever had this issue on.

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I just want to add that this suggestion very likely will break the ability to alt tab and switch the windows default sound output which allows me to switch between speakers and headset.


I would love to have an in game toggle that can do this though.

Edited by LordJestR
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1) This is a BASIC feature

2) It breaks immersion when we are researching for the game

3) you oblige players researching out of the game with punishing them for experimenting with builds etc (increasing cost)

4) It enable to keep an audio awareness when someone whisper us


Sadly though i suspect it's a marketing decision. Enabling persistent sound may increase the average player time session and so the server cost. Is EA-Bioware already way more greedy than Blizzard? If we are lucky we may have a 15$ additional cost to have this feature?


Sad EA-Bioware TOOK THE DECISION TO REMOVE this basic feature probably for "maximizing profit" reasons to the detriment of players experience.

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I have been looking for a solution to this all over the web since release. This sound issue is at the least extremely annoying. I don't understand why BW has not officially replied to this issue anywhere that I can find. There are tons of posts about this subject.


This is my first post about this only because I assumed there would be a quick fix in the first patch... clearly that is not the case.



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Its been something that's been annoying me too! Finally got sick of it 2day and decided to google it, hoping it was just a setting I'd missed. That search led me here ;( Hopefully they fix this real soon, as it drives me crazy. Especially seeing as how for the first time ever in an MMO i've been listening to/reading all the quest convos for immersion reasons. Loving it, but not so much that I can't tab over to my 2nd monitor and still here the convo ;(


Please flick this switch Bioware, will love this game just that little bit more ;)



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I'm betting people who got to play beta didn't bother to provide any useful feedback, instead just entertained themselves or got a head start on getting as much content as possible for their websites and ebooks.


This is something I would've told Bioware within the first day if I played beta. But sadly, I didn't.

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I'm betting people who got to play beta didn't bother to provide any useful feedback, instead just entertained themselves or got a head start on getting as much content as possible for their websites and ebooks.


This is something I would've told Bioware within the first day if I played beta. But sadly, I didn't.


Think you missed the point. This feature being requested was IN beta. It worked great. It has been removed or disabled. What feedback did you think we'd provide? Mention every single little good thing in hopes that they wouldn't remove it?


Please turn it back on! It was so wonderful and now switching monitors is soooo jarring. I need to mute vent when I start a conversation so I can hear your lovely voice-over!

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