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Where does Jedi Authority end?


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Far as I can tell Jedi are only given authority when needed, though a respected one can easily talk himself in as an advisor almost anywhere. They're like an extra branch of the Republic Government that can be asked to send someone to take charge or give advice. The authority they have is whatever the official who asked them to help has given them.
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They're like an extra branch of the Republic Government that can be asked to send someone to take charge or give advice.


Except that the Republic has no formal say-so over the Jedi Order. This is actually an interesting point raised throughout the Fate of the Jedi series. The Jedi have pledged themselves to protecting the Republic, but formally the Republic has no jurisdiction over them. The Republic can't just say "OK, I need 200 Jedi on Balmorra tomorrow, ship them out.", the Jedi Council still has to approve this. That was the whole point during the Mandalorian Wars. The Republic wanted to have the Jedi intervene in the conflict, but the council refused, and then of course Revan and Malak took charge of the situation.

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Except that the Republic has no formal say-so over the Jedi Order.


Which is why I said ask, not command. The Jedi have volunteered to protect the Republic and probably will agree to meet any reasonable request. Unlike the Sith they can't just turn up and take command of Republic operations, someone usually has to ask them to help.

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This clip from the Avengers will clarify why the Jedi are allowed vital roles at times:



However, their jurisdiction is entirely self-contained within the order.

Edited by Kremsau
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The jedi usually don't have any formal authority over the Republic. They are often given command though because the Republic heavily relies on them as defenders and generals. Likewise the Republic government has no actual control over the Jedi but they still ofteh follow it's command because they vowed to protect the Republic from danger.
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