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Discharge not working in first room of Guarded Research


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Class: Assassin

Spec: Darkness

Stance: Dark Charge

Location: Makeb

Mission: {[HEROIC 2+] Guarded Research}

Stage: First Room with Captain and 2 Guard Turrets

Problem: Discharge does not work on turrets


I don't know how others do this mission, but my tactic is to lure the captain back into the first corridor so I can LOS the turrets and force Talos to target the captain instead of being pigheaded and going for the turrets by himself. And every time when I've taken down the captain and continue on to the turrets, Discharge just refuses to work in that room while it was working just before during the fight with the captain in the corridor.


This is not a problem in the next room with the two droids. Here Discharge works fine again, it is only in the first room with the turrets where it fails to do anything. It just doesn't trigger.


I don't know if this is because I'm taking down the captain outside of the room, but as I don't have abilities to stun turrets and combined it's a risky attempt at best and fail at worst.

Edited by LeJarC
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The turret on the right hand side of the room appears to have some issues with line of sight. I think their is a terrain issue in that particular room. However, since you are an Assassin, it is possible to use the door panel and then re-stealth and CC the captain that enters before the turrets pop.


Doesn't really solve your issue per say, but thats how I do the fight as an Operative.

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The turret on the right hand side of the room appears to have some issues with line of sight. I think their is a terrain issue in that particular room. However, since you are an Assassin, it is possible to use the door panel and then re-stealth and CC the captain that enters before the turrets pop.


Doesn't really solve your issue per say, but thats how I do the fight as an Operative.

Today i got a chance to try out your method. Force cloaked after activating the panel and Mind Trapped the captain when he entered the room.


Didn't make any difference, every ability worked on the turrets except Discharge so it isn't a LOS issue. Funny thing is that as soon as the turrets were out, and I focused on the captain, Discharge worked again. It is only the turrets where it doesn't trigger...just does nothing, weird thing is that the global cooldown does trigger, so it does notice me using the ability

Edited by LeJarC
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  • 5 weeks later...
There must be something wrong with that first room. I soloed it on my sniper and both turrets say "cannot see target" if I'm in cover. I've run the quest three times in the past week and had the same issue every time. The only way I can see them from cover is if I shoot from the hallway.
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