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Should Bind on Pickup be removed (or changed)?


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The hardest content of the game will always likely have problems with making groups.


If they doubled the rewards and added small amounts of CCs folks could earn by running that content I would expect the groups would pop much more often.


The reward does not equal the difficulty IMO.

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I queue for ops every day, in all the time I've been queued for months and years now, ops GF has popped exactly once.

That's why I view the return of 16m Group Finder (GF) Ops as a priority for BW. While it was working, my wife and I queued as tank+heal and had good runs. But 8M is harder, you need a higher percentage of people who know the op, so the few times we tried the 8m GF Ops it failed very quickly. 16m is easier and has better rewards, the sooner it gets back to GF the better.


For now, my wife and I have been queuing as tank+heal for HM 55 FP. We have four combinations of that on Imp side, and one we could use Pub side. Instant pops and smooth runs are the rule when we do, it's fun. :)

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Here`s my reasoning to your question: I earned my gear; be it with only the time I took to earn the commendations, or with the effort in downing ops bosses and getting lucky on greed rolls. I am not circumventing anything, not written rule and not any "but but but you gotta" rule, as, for all accounts and purposes, I was there and actively earning my stuff.


So, if I have 300 ultimate comms, I EARNED 300 ultimate comms, as they don`t grow in trees and neither they drop from the sky. I SHOULD be able to gear ANY toon I choose within my own legacy with them, since the time and effort was already spent. I don`t like working extra or spending more money simply because it is another character. This applies, but not limited, to gear, gear drops and generally anything any of my characters can own, via any type of "bound".


It would make sense to separate them in a game that doesn`t encourage heavy alting, but that is not the case here.

It's how MMO are trending today, the "casual" way.


Long are gone the time when people had to camp for 24h a mob spawn to be able to tag it for the loot.

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Here`s my reasoning to your question: I earned my gear; be it with only the time I took to earn the commendations, or with the effort in downing ops bosses and getting lucky on greed rolls. I am not circumventing anything, not written rule and not any "but but but you gotta" rule, as, for all accounts and purposes, I was there and actively earning my stuff.


So, if I have 300 ultimate comms, I EARNED 300 ultimate comms, as they don`t grow in trees and neither they drop from the sky. I SHOULD be able to gear ANY toon I choose within my own legacy with them, since the time and effort was already spent. I don`t like working extra or spending more money simply because it is another character. This applies, but not limited, to gear, gear drops and generally anything any of my characters can own, via any type of "bound".


It would make sense to separate them in a game that doesn`t encourage heavy alting, but that is not the case here.


This is pretty much where I stand, if I, the person behind the toons, earned it, what difference does it make which toon I am currently controlling?


Make all BoP items BoL, *possibly* with a BoE behind it, like the mounts awarded at the casino if they REALLY feel the need for some restriction to prevent "earn it once use it everywhere"

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Like this = MMOs, and some regular RPGs.


I'm not saying it should have a stock market or Treasury Department, but if there were no sinks everyone would have hundreds of millions of credits and Tulak Horde's Boots would have been selling for 1.5 billion credits.


Ah, but people would HAVE 1.5bil to be buying it.

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Ah, but people would HAVE 1.5bil to be buying it.

Some people would have 1.5 billion

But there are new entrants into the game and its economy all the time, if inflation goes out of control then someone creating a new character for the first time will be priced out of everything in the player economy.


If those of us who have been playing for years had gone that whole time without credit sinks then the economy will reflect that, and it will be a huge obstacle for new players to become participants in.

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