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Might Be Moving a Toon or Two Over Here *Questions*


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Greetings BC!


I currently play on Harbinger, however the one thing that Harbinger doesn't have is RP.


Some questions for you here:


1. How is NiM progression? Currently in a guild who takes care of raiders and we are moving onto Dread Palace.

2. How is ranked pvp? Would be down to do more team ranked, but currently enjoy solo when it isn't full of trolls.

3. Which faction usually wins in regs?

4. How is server population? I am on Harbinger which is usually quite heavy, but I don't think I've ever seen BC go below standard. I am PST like the server.

5. How serious is RP on this server? I remember doing a little on SWG, but oh the years have passed.


Thank you and I look forward to your responses!



Edited by JourrnoRush
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Hello jour! My name is mevarek and I play on begeren colony as well as the harbinger and I will try to answer some of your questions


1. NM prog is mainly limited to post NMP DF with little to no guilds even attempting to do dread palace with NMP. To my knowledge, some guilds were able to get 4/5 before the nerf but no one cleared brontes.

2. Solo queue mainly pops at prime time on the pub side and sometimes group ranked on scheduled nights. The pubs generally queue more for ranked, but some people on impside do.

3. In my humble opinion, I feel that during the day the balance in reg warzones is alright, but at server prime time the pubs usually win as they tend to form premades that the imps are unable to combat.

4. The populations of begeren and harbinger are about the same to my knowledge, however, harbinger will always have more pvp pops, pug runs, and people on fleet.


I don't know a whole lot about the role play on begeren, so I would recommend begerencolony.org to look into that. Also, check out the progression threads and ranked threads to get a better idea of the pvp and pve situations on BC. I hope that I could help.

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Hello jour! My name is mevarek and I play on begeren colony as well as the harbinger and I will try to answer some of your questions


1. NM prog is mainly limited to post NMP DF with little to no guilds even attempting to do dread palace with NMP. To my knowledge, some guilds were able to get 4/5 before the nerf but no one cleared brontes.

2. Solo queue mainly pops at prime time on the pub side and sometimes group ranked on scheduled nights. The pubs generally queue more for ranked, but some people on impside do.

3. In my humble opinion, I feel that during the day the balance in reg warzones is alright, but at server prime time the pubs usually win as they tend to form premades that the imps are unable to combat.

4. The populations of begeren and harbinger are about the same to my knowledge, however, harbinger will always have more pvp pops, pug runs, and people on fleet.


I don't know a whole lot about the role play on begeren, so I would recommend begerencolony.org to look into that. Also, check out the progression threads and ranked threads to get a better idea of the pvp and pve situations on BC. I hope that I could help.


1. Lies.


Here you go.


You even commented on it mev :confused:

The rest is sorta true, but here's my story:


Hai, I'm Klehitt & Cletah, GM of Don't Worry Bout It, and are currently progressing on NiM DP (even though we haven't gotten anywhere yet.)


The PvE community is very very very very very small. There are a few guilds progressing on NiM DF, and least a couple groups working on DP. I don't know who specifically, but I know they're out there. Other than that, there are a few SM pugs here and there. HM pugs are risky, and don't think about trying a NiM Pug on this server, unless at least 2/3rds of the group knows what they're doing. The PvE community is not dead, but it's not as populated as other PvE servers are, for sure.


As for PvP & RP, I'll let everyone else do the talking. What Mev says about the PvP community is to my knowledge kinda true.


But since this is a small server, you'll start to learn the big names on this server rather quickly both in PvE and PvP. It's a tight knit group of (mostly) chill players who just like to enjoy themselves. If you want to come to a server and just have a good time, I'd say BC is the place.

Edited by Camelpockets
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Hello jour! My name is mevarek and I play on begeren colony as well as the harbinger and I will try to answer some of your questions


1. NM prog is mainly limited to post NMP DF with little to no guilds even attempting to do dread palace with NMP. To my knowledge, some guilds were able to get 4/5 before the nerf but no one cleared brontes.

2. Solo queue mainly pops at prime time on the pub side and sometimes group ranked on scheduled nights. The pubs generally queue more for ranked, but some people on impside do.

3. In my humble opinion, I feel that during the day the balance in reg warzones is alright, but at server prime time the pubs usually win as they tend to form premades that the imps are unable to combat.

4. The populations of begeren and harbinger are about the same to my knowledge, however, harbinger will always have more pvp pops, pug runs, and people on fleet.


I don't know a whole lot about the role play on begeren, so I would recommend begerencolony.org to look into that. Also, check out the progression threads and ranked threads to get a better idea of the pvp and pve situations on BC. I hope that I could help.



For someone who doesn't play here you sure post a lot. You ***** we don't do any nim raiding, but you had to transfer off and get carried through to get ur title


So yea

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1) The PvE Scene on Begeren Colony really doesn't even begin to compare to Harbinger or even Pot5, there are about a handful of PvE Guilds that're able to clear NiM Content pre-nerf.


2) As Mevarek said, Ranked PvP is active but mostly in the form of Solo Queues, and it's mostly done by Pubs. The problem with the Imps is that whenever this happens, the non-professional Imps tend to queue in mass, which ruins it for the Imp faction. Seeing as Impside is more populated, it's only more natural for noobs to be in bigger number.


3) In Regs, mostly Imps. However you'll have several pub premades during prime time, but normally if an Imp premade queues it's more often you'll see the Imperial wins, well, that's the case for me.


4) The populations of begeren and harbinger are about the same to my knowledge, however, harbinger will always have more pvp pops, pug runs, and people on fleet.


5) As for RP, in the Republic side it's more Guild-based, but one great Guild I'll have to suggest is THE JEDI ORDER if you're planning on sending a pub, true they do have mirror-based imperial Guilds, but as far as I can see it's not as up-to-date as the Republic ones. As for the Empire, there are RP-based Guilds, just as much as the Republic side. But you'll also see a lot of non-Guild RP progression, mostly taking place in the Cantina. It's interesting to watch and it occurs daily, plus there are more wh*ore Guilds on the Imperial faction, so that's a +1 there :).


(( If you want anymore information on the RP of this server, click HERE. ))

Edited by Haivon
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Wtb 16m NiM content clearing Imperial guild from PvE servers. Offering ERP.


Will threesome for 2 16 man NiM content clearing Imperial guilds. Bukkakes accepted but not preferred.




4: The population on Harbinger is much higher than BC, as BC is undoubtedly the second lowest population size out of the game's servers, only being higher than Jung Ma. The problem is that not many people understand the difference between "population size" and "population density".


Overall, we have barely 2 instances of Fleet active during prime time, often only having one and dropping as low as 40 people during off hours. BC is a very small community, and I wouldn't recommend coming here unless you are good at finding your way into really tight groups, or have an entire team of players ready to fill the void of a couple of HM/NiM level PvE teams that struggle to fill out a full team of 8 let alone 16.

Edited by ZooMzy
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Oh. Then yes. But we did get to about 3% with NiM power. We don't suck that badly :cool:


When currently only one guild that only runs an 8 man group is the only one left on the server to clear 4/5 NIM DF before NMP was removed, then yes we kinda of do suck badly.

AFAIK only one guild has cleared NIM Bestia right now which is kinda sad since the content has been out for over a month. Even if you make the argument that some players are capable of doing NIM content on BC, with Ascension and DOA being on a temporary/indefinite hiatus the talent pool for NIM raiding is currently very shallow. Basically if you wanted to do NIM raiding on BC then chances are you'd be stuck progressing through maybe NIM DF at best, which on other servers can be PUGed 4/5 quite easily.

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When currently only one guild that only runs an 8 man group is the only one left on the server to clear 4/5 NIM DF before NMP was removed, then yes we kinda of do suck badly.

AFAIK only one guild has cleared NIM Bestia right now which is kinda sad since the content has been out for over a month. Even if you make the argument that some players are capable of doing NIM content on BC, with Ascension and DOA being on a temporary/indefinite hiatus the talent pool for NIM raiding is currently very shallow. Basically if you wanted to do NIM raiding on BC then chances are you'd be stuck progressing through maybe NIM DF at best, which on other servers can be PUGed 4/5 quite easily.


That's always been the problem with BC though: players capable of running it, but barely any guilds or teams to run it.


Overall, our issue is that some people have the capability to clear the content but these areas often hurt us:


1) Not enough players in the right roles to make an ops team.

2) Faction imbalance of talented players.

3) Specific class and comp specs that gimp a team. IE, an imbalance of mDPS and rDPS.

4) Personal grudges, vendettas, and other drama that prevent people from signing away independence for a team.


Normally, these 4 areas wouldn't be a problem on a server where the pool for talented and dependable players was large enough to satisfy. But given how low our population is, we need more of an influx of raiders and NiM level players. Having one transfer over would just be bad news for them, as finding their way into a developed group or building one from scratch is probably not going to happen.


Offering ERP for server merge.

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Thank you all for the answers.


I would be looking for a NiM ready guild (have a full dread forged healer w/ some dread master pieces) on pub side.

I remember JEDI from swg a very good guild for RP, though I would hope they let outsiders RP with them, unless they do NiM content also.


For ranked pvp, I don't mind if it is one faction heavy just enjoy the pops when they happen.


I will check out that roleplay site because I think that has been the one thing I'm missing from my experience.


So PUG SM on fleet doesn't happen as often? I would think it would figuring its easy content for gear.

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Just read the population disparity. During primetime on Harbinger there might be 3 servers (1 having maybe 40-50 people the other 2 completely full) on fleet, what is primetime like here? I don't care if fleet is busy or not, but as long as there are players in the galaxy to be played with.
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For someone who doesn't play here you sure post a lot. You ***** we don't do any nim raiding, but you had to transfer off and get carried through to get ur title


So yea


First of all, where do you get all your information? Zuhara? You're just as ill informed about what happened as he is. Second of all, I play on my assassin who is on BC more than my sniper on harbinger. Thirdly, I didn't say there wasn't any NM raiding going on, I simply stated that I was unaware of groups who were doing NMP dread palace and I knew that no one killed it with nightmare power. Please read my posts and get your info from the right people before you go starting wars on the forums. You're right, I did move off server because my old guild, shades of the eternal void, essentially collapsed and I wanted to raid in a new environment. Fortunately, serroth was able to get me a tryout for chosen's starting roster for nightmare dread fortress. After the guild shifted interests after weeks of brontes wiping, I applied and tried out for Zorz in NM DP on PTS. I highly doubt that they would have let me in if I had to be carried. Sadly, I have now started the inevitable forum war on a harmless thread.

Edited by Mevarek
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Just read the population disparity. During primetime on Harbinger there might be 3 servers (1 having maybe 40-50 people the other 2 completely full) on fleet, what is primetime like here? I don't care if fleet is busy or not, but as long as there are players in the galaxy to be played with.


There are probably more people who are on fleet at any given time on harbinger , but I'm not sure about the actual populations.

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First of all, where do you get all your information? Zuhara? You're just as ill informed about what happened as he is. Second of all, I play on my assassin who is on BC more than my sniper on harbinger. Thirdly, I didn't say there wasn't any NM raiding going on, I simply stated that I was unaware of groups who were doing NMP dread palace and I knew that no one killed it with nightmare power. Please read my posts and get your info from the right people before you go starting wars on the forums. You're right, I did move off server because my old guild, shades of the eternal void, essentially collapsed and I wanted to raid in a new environment. Fortunately, serroth was able to get me a tryout for chosen's starting roster for nightmare dread fortress. After the guild shifted interests after weeks of brontes wiping, I applied and tried out for Zorz in NM DP on PTS. I highly doubt that they would have let me in if I had to be carried. Sadly, I have now started the inevitable forum war on a harmless thread.


Still ****, Mev. You have yet to beat my Mara lol <3


Like Mev, my Assassin has also remained on BC since I started playing SWtoR. Everything that's been posted so far is spot on. There's people raiding NiM, but faaaarrr fewer than on Harby. Cletah put it perfectly: Small, mostly tight knit server of mostly cool people. Sure there's jerks like every server *coughcough* Zuzu and Cavy :p but everyone usually gets along.

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I would be looking for a NiM ready guild (have a full dread forged healer w/ some dread master pieces) on pub side.

I remember JEDI from swg a very good guild for RP, though I would hope they let outsiders RP with them, unless they do NiM content also.


So PUG SM on fleet doesn't happen as often? I would think it would figuring its easy content for gear.


Your best bet would be to try out for DWBI, but their group is pretty tight knit. Other than that, the only other NiM level guild is (maybe) Dark Hunters, Imperial side. Don't really know how their recruitment process works.


Again, BC has a high population density. During prime, the Fleet instances max up to filling about 40-70 for the second instance and one instance that is full. BC only has a population larger than one other server, Jung Ma, making it one of the lowest populations yet maintaining a high population density because of the server load max placed for it.


It's like this:


A high "population density/disparity" means you have a max server load. For example, having 4/5 slots in a Mumble channel would be considered a high population density.


In comparison, a Mumble server with say, 7/20 slots filled is a low "population density". In comparison, the 7/20 is still larger in size than the 4/5, but the densities switch.


That's the comparison between Harbinger and BC basically. BC is small, don't expect a large population if you come here. Especially not one of capable NiM level raiders and guilds.

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Your best bet would be to try out for DWBI, but their group is pretty tight knit. Other than that, the only other NiM level guild is (maybe) Dark Hunters, Imperial side. Don't really know how their recruitment process works.


We're pretty open to recruitment, but only have one 8man NiM team running at the moment. We just merged guilds with another guild (Legion of Beasts) so its possible we may start another NiM group soon.

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We're pretty open to recruitment, but only have one 8man NiM team running at the moment. We just merged guilds with another guild (Legion of Beasts) so its possible we may start another NiM group soon.


Yeah, I haven't heard an update on your guys' progression in awhile so I honestly wasn't sure what kind of state you guys were in.


Glad to hear you're still kicking though.

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First of all, where do you get all your information? Zuhara? You're just as ill informed about what happened as he is. Second of all, I play on my assassin who is on BC more than my sniper on harbinger. Thirdly, I didn't say there wasn't any NM raiding going on, I simply stated that I was unaware of groups who were doing NMP dread palace and I knew that no one killed it with nightmare power. Please read my posts and get your info from the right people before you go starting wars on the forums. You're right, I did move off server because my old guild, shades of the eternal void, essentially collapsed and I wanted to raid in a new environment. Fortunately, serroth was able to get me a tryout for chosen's starting roster for nightmare dread fortress. After the guild shifted interests after weeks of brontes wiping, I applied and tried out for Zorz in NM DP on PTS. I highly doubt that they would have let me in if I had to be carried. Sadly, I have now started the inevitable forum war on a harmless thread.


Wouldn't have started **** if you just kept your wannabe elitist mouth shut instead of trying to flaunt your title you had to run away to get.



Edit: don't let this scare you away. BC is a great server, we just have people who run away, get carried or pay for titles and come back to show them off, that's all.

Edited by Ehbuse
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Wouldn't have started **** if you just kept your wannabe elitist mouth shut instead of trying to flaunt your title you had to run away to get.



Edit: don't let this scare you away. BC is a great server, we just have people who run away, get carried or pay for titles and come back to show them off, that's all.


Go bring the butthurt to another thread.


Your best bet would be to try out for DWBI, but their group is pretty tight knit. Other than that, the only other NiM level guild is (maybe) Dark Hunters, Imperial side. Don't really know how their recruitment process works.


DWBI is just selective. If you'd like to "apply" to DWBI, you can send me a mail (either to Klehitt or Cletah). I can explain more about our recruitment process if you decide to transfer over.


P.S. Don't let the drama get to you. Begeren Colony has some pretty chill people. Just don't get involved with it and you'll be fine :cool:

Edited by Camelpockets
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For someone who doesn't play here you sure post a lot. You ***** we don't do any nim raiding, but you had to transfer off and get carried through to get ur title


So yea


I dont know why Mev gets so much **** here. He is a great player who plays for the best guild in the game. If you guys had actually cleared NiM content at gear level , which none of you have, you would know that you couldn't get carried through NiM DF.


Journo, the last time a guild cleared a NiM instance on the server was NiM TFB, and that guild left the server. Since then, there is only one guild left that has proven that they have a shot at clearing NiM content(though they only got brontes post nerf, and that is DWBI-- a great bunch of guys.


I would say if you want to clear NiM content and RP, the Ebon hawk may be a better destination for you. Though, in all honesty, with the brick wall that is Tyrans, it may be hard to find a group. I have seen lots of guilds give up on tyrans because the healing requirement was something that most healers are not accustomed to.

Edited by raidmac
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