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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Starfighter packs embargo dates?


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There shouldn't be emargo dates except for the usual life time of cartel packs. As I understand it, when a new line of packs releases the line before the last is phased out.


The Star Cluster packs were different and thus their shelf life much shorter because they are tied to the casino event (BW's "experiments" with unlock price changes also plays a role in this).

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There shouldn't be emargo dates except for the usual life time of cartel packs. As I understand it, when a new line of packs releases the line before the last is phased out.


Usually when they discount hypercratex to 40% off they're about to embargo it. This is the first time they've put all 4 of the previous series on sale at once though.

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40%? Not 50%?


I think so. You might be confusing when we were able to get 50% off cartel coins when they introduced the in-game purchasing. Regardless, one of the crates is 44% off now, so they're obviously mixxing it up a bit.

Edited by ViciousFett
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I noticed this too, and thought it rather peculiar. Crates commonly go on sale for around 50% off (I think it is individual packs that are 40% off?) for the week before they are embargoed.


Having the different Starfighter packs/crates go on sale at the same time for a significant yet slightly smaller discount makes me wonder if they are going to be embargoed soon, or if they are just trying something different with the weekly CM sales. Would be weird to embargo them all at once and so early, though.

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