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A Question for ye


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You wont be pugging into hard modes, and there are very few established NIM raiding guilds. There are lots of people tho.


We run HM pugs 3-4 times a week off of a website called http://www.leftoversraiding.org. If you're interested, check it out or contact me in game.


In terms of a server though, there is very little comparison between Harbinger and Begeren Colony.

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In terms of PvE, there are only but a few Guilds around here that are actually able to clear the NiM Content.


In terms of PvP, well, let's just say this. You won't find sorcs with 40k hp running around in WZs, doing nothing but damage and not having a sense of objective, and talking as if he knew what he were doing. Yes, there are terribads on this Server, yes, there are people who only focus on damage rather than even bothering with objectives, yes, there are 40k Sorcs but the only ones that queue for PvP are the ones with 39k :) Just kidding.


In terms of RP, yes, I have seen RP happen on Harbinger, but this Server's RP quality is way better I can only assume.


In terms of activity, you'll normally end up seeing more people on the Fleet for either faction on Harbinger, but bear in mind that this is a RP Server, if there were an actual number of players on the Server's faction that could be displayed without limiting it to just 100 per instance, you'd find the number of people on Begeren Colony far superior.

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Just gonna be blunt and tell you if you're looking for a superior or equal raiding community or a similar level of population/activity, then BC is not the server for you.


That said, if you're looking to start over, then its a cool server to go to because the community tends to be more engaging than what you may find elsewhere, probs due to the smaller population?


So if the criteria in the first sentence are what you're looking for I wouldn't waste money transferring, but if you're just looking for some place to start over new and don't mind taking steps back in those regards then you can make the move


I would've suggested leveling an alt on BC first to get a feel for it, but the prime time to do that is now passed (Dbl Xp week)

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After having been on the Harbinger for some time now, I will give my own opinion.


Ever since I moved to Harbinger, I felt that at the end of the day the pubs dominated PvP and the imps were not very good. However, that being said, I do feel that on BC the balance is much more realistic at primetime and during the day when queueing for regs on BC. Pubs generally solo queue for ranked more than the imps as well, however, group rated between both factions occurs sometimes. Also, even though the pubs may dominate PvP on the harbinger at certain times of day, I feel that there is a larger playerbase of better players on both factions.


In terms of PvE content, as previously stated, there are very few NM guilds raiding and most of them are doing things like NM DF, if that tickles your fancy.

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In terms of PvE, there are only but a few Guilds around here that are actually able to clear the NiM Content.


In terms of PvP, well, let's just say this. You won't find sorcs with 40k hp running around in WZs, doing nothing but damage and not having a sense of objective, and talking as if he knew what he were doing. Yes, there are terribads on this Server, yes, there are people who only focus on damage rather than even bothering with objectives, yes, there are 40k Sorcs but the only ones that queue for PvP are the ones with 39k :) Just kidding.


In terms of RP, yes, I have seen RP happen on Harbinger, but this Server's RP quality is way better I can only assume.


In terms of activity, you'll normally end up seeing more people on the Fleet for either faction on Harbinger, but bear in mind that this is a RP Server, if there were an actual number of players on the Server's faction that could be displayed without limiting it to just 100 per instance, you'd find the number of people on Begeren Colony far superior.


Harbinger has more people on every planet. The population status that Bioware displays has more to do with % of capacity filled. So while BC may stay in the high population state longer, it doesn't take into account that Harbinger's capacity is much higher.


Everything pops faster on Harbs. If you take a look at the number of warzones going on, on Harbs, there are typically at least 6 different groups (for one faction, double it for other faction) in warzones in Harb, whereas on BC (at least before I left) it was like 1 or 2. So you end up not running into the same premade over and over again, especially if you just wait a minute instead of queueing immediately after exiting a warzone.


Also, Imps are catching up to Pubs in terms of quality of play during the prime time hours. It's not anywhere near as lopsided as it was at the start of the year. So it can be an enjoyable experience on either faction.


Cavy, I saw your comment on my vid. Come to Harbs! All you awesome PVPers should come to Harbs :) Despite what your girlfriends have told you, size matters. Bigger is always better, and Harbs is bigger. :p

Edited by gocard
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